Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India


Sunny stone is an amazing creature of nature. The very name of this mineral already hints at the fact that he, like heavenly shining, is able to charge people with positive energy and favorably affect the body. But in order for this influence indeed, it is extremely positive, you need to deal with how this mineral is suitable and how to use it.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_2

What it is?

Many are called amber and selenite "sunny" stones. But in the case of them it is just a beautiful description. As for the real solar stone, it is also known as helicit. This name comes from the words "sun" and "stone" connected together.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_3

Mysterious solar stone is most often used in the jewelry industry. This is not surprising, because thanks to the external appeal, it perfectly complements various decorations. Sunny stone is a field spat, that is, a few minerals forming one breed. This is exactly what determines its appearance.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_4

Use the mineral to create amulets began in ancient Greece. There were a penny there, it was customary to be the conductor between the kingdom of the dead and the world of living. Therefore, amulets, supplemented by this magical mineral used during spiritual rituals. Well, since the stone is still associated with the Sun, it was used during the first astronomical experiments.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_5


There are several varieties of this stone. Despite its name, not all of them differ in yellow. Some extracted in the cold regions of the country are decorated with black splashes.

  1. Norwegian Sunny stone has a rich and bright color. It is decorated with small intersions of hematite. The shade varies from dark orange to light brown.
  2. Indian Sunny stone is decorated with red glare, which are clearly visible in the sun.
  3. Mexican Pebbles have a yellow color.
  4. Samples from Oregon Practically transparent. At the same time, they are decorated with colored overflows: and red, and golden, and even green.
  5. Stones are considered the most rare From Tanzania. In their structure there are small gold spots that make a mineral more noble.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_6

Place of Birth

The very first deposits of the solar stone were discovered in South America. It happened in the XVIII century. To date, the production of this stone is conducted worldwide. The most famous places of prey - India, Tanzania, Germany, Italy, and, of course, Russia. The largest today is considered to be Oregon deposits, which were found at the end of the XIX century. Golden stones with a greenish tint immediately became a state symbol.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_7


Sunny stone for many people is not only a decoration, but also a source of powerful energy. For centuries, it is used in medicine, and in magical rituals.

Physical and chemical

Speaking about this mineral, first of all it is worth noting that it has an inhomogeneous structure. Almost everywhere you can find small inclusions of gheetite or hematite. Piece of pebbles decorate small black stripes that make a mineral like a cat's eye.

If we talk about the chemical properties of this mineral, then by 65% ​​it consists of Albita. Due to this, it is both solid, and fragile and easily split into smooth plates.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_8


It is impossible not to mention numerous stories about the healing properties of the stone. Since the material is associated with the Sun, it is believed that it fills the person with light energy and power. Therefore, such amulets used to give people old age before. It was believed that their wearing prolongs life and gives health.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_9

Now stones are used in the following directions:

  • under massage - in this case there is a direct impact of stone on the body;
  • To charge water with stones - it is believed that it gives her healing properties;
  • When creating amulets.

In addition, it is used to treat diseases associated with heart, kidneys or gastric tract. They also say that if you wear an amulet with a sunny stone, it will be possible to notice the improvement in appetite, sleep and even vision.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_10


But a special love stone conquered those who are interested in magic and all that is connected with it. Sunny stone has a very strong energy, and therefore it is able to protect his carrier from numerous troubles.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_11

Mysterious mineral helps strengthen congenital extrasensory abilities, get rid of bad habits and improve their character. Amulet is also able to give confidence in its own forces. Therefore, it can be put on important meetings or just put in his pocket. In the same way, he works in terms of romantic relationships. Of course, the stone is unable to make Casanov's introvert, but add a person confidence in himself and determined may well.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_12

There is another interesting feature. Previously, the sunny stone took with the Vikings with them, going to long-range trips. This, if you believe legend, helped them come back home alive and unharmed. Therefore, now some travelers take with them this mineral for good luck.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_13

Who comes up?

Such a mineral suits many people. True, wearing it recommended targeted and persistent person. After all, the identity of the carrier is very important for the overama. If a person knows what he wants, the stone will help him make all his dreams with reality. But apathetic and lazy people are such a stone "Mustit" for their way of thinking. It is believed that in this case, even the most good charm is able to attract only misfortunes and troubles to a person.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_14

If we talk about astrological compatibility, decorations with sunny stone are most suitable for representatives of the fiery element. Lions and Aries will only become more successful if they give such a charm. He gives confidence, and this already changes the behavior of a person for the better.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_15

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_16

The shoulders decoration with a stone gives success in any business, and devices and Capricorn makes it possible to improve family or romantic relationships and make them more soulful. If these two signs live in a pair, they can give some decoration with a sunny stone so that complete harmony will reign in their house.

Refuse to carry this mineral worth twins and agrears. After all, it does not bear any positive influence on representatives of these signs of the zodiac. Some particularly sensitive individuals can even fall into depression from wearing this mineral.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_17

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_18

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_19

How to distinguish from fake?

Since the mineral is considered semi-precious, then it is practically not formed massively. Decorations with such a mineral are available for almost any buyer, since their price is not too high. However, after the purchase it is worth paying attention to some moments to definitely not disappoint.

  1. By buying a decoration, you must first pay attention to its weight. After all, the real stone is heavier than the fake made of glass or plastic.
  2. This mineral is almost not heated when contacting the human body.
  3. When hitting a stone about any solid surface, a ring sound should be heard.
  4. In addition, to be sure that the stone is real, buy it best in jewelry stores, where 100% guarantee of its authenticity will be given. Buying jewelry from a private person or through an online store is less reliable way.

In addition, many in order to sell a product of more expensive, solar stone is called or toopaz, or amber. And to distinguish the solar stone from them, too, we must be able to. It is useful to know how all these minerals look like, and a little attentiveness.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_20

Compatibility with other gems

To create jewelry, yellow-colored stones are most often used. However, there are other options. Moreover, the latter are not less popular, because the stones of unusual colors only add product to individuality.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_21

They make beads, and bracelets, and rings, and earrings, and even suspension. In addition, you can see even whole kits, where each decoration complements the solar stone of a certain shade. There may be different tones, but usually jewelers choose one color.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_22

Most often it complements silver and gold jewelry. This is not only beautiful, but it is quite logical. After all, this stone and gold has the same energy. By the way, despite the fact that the stone is combined with noble metals, it is not even always lit.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_23

Larger minerals are used to create candlesticks or statuettes or even the caskets. They fit perfectly in any interior. In this case, the solar stone can be combined with coral, carnelian, agate or emerald.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_24

Decorations with a solar mineral completely unpretentious in care. It is most important to protect the stone from direct exposure to sunlight. Therefore, they should be stored in the boxes intended for this. Well, the decorative items should simply put on the shelves or tables in the darker part of the room.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_25

If pebbles as decorations wearing a little darkened or traces of pollution appeared on them, then it is possible to clean them very easily. To do this, it is necessary to make a very weak soapy solution and with the help of microfibra to gently wipe the stones them. After that, they need to be rinsed thoroughly under running water. Observing these simple rules, you can save your decorations in good condition for many years.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_26

Summing up, we can say that Sunny mineral is distinguished not only by its beauty, but by special magic and medical properties . But that this miracle of nature brought to his owner only the benefit and health, it is necessary that the stone is real and suited to him.

Sunny stone (27 photos): What is it? Magic and therapeutic properties of the Oregon mineral, helicitis from India 3366_27

About the sunny stone from the campoint detector encyclopedia later.

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