Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral


At all times, the ladies loved bright and rich accessories. Such spectacular decorations with confidence can be attributed earrings with natural coral.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_2

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_3

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_4

A bit of history

Products with bright coral appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. Then this stone was considered special. He was attributed to magical properties, and in Egypt he was at all a symbol of eternal life and happiness.

In Europe, it was believed that earrings or other decorations with this stone are able to protect their owner from trouble. Time went, and the coral did not lose its popularity. Accessories with this juicy stone remain in demand and desirable to this day.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_5

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_6

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_7

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_8

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_9

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_10

Today, this mineral is used not only in the manufacture of earrings, but also when creating bracelets, necklaces, beads and rings.

Beautiful and rich earrings are especially popular . They began to be produced in the middle of the XIX century. Minerals for jewelry were mined in the Neapolitan bay, after which the jewelers rushed pebbles on a thread and created feminine necklaces or collected brooks from them.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_11

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_12

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_13

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_14

Coral differed in its availability. It was mined in huge quantities, after which the ladies' accessories were created.

Features and advantages

Spectacular pebbles have a strong energy that is capable of influencing a person. She can attract to himself and push. This is also indicated by the fact that during the fitting Many people felt the severity and fatigue until they shot the decorations with coral.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_15

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_16

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_17

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_18

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_19

It is worth highlighting another curious feature of the mineral: he is attributed to therapeutic properties. In the east, with the help of this stone, even treated patients.

Today, this original and attractive stone is at the peak of popularity. It is often chosen by the fashionista of all ages, and he even flashes in various movies and games (such as Black Desert).

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_20

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_21

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_22

Of the advantages of Coral, it is worth noting its color. It is distinguished by its tenderness and harmony. Such a magical mineral looks great in ensembles with other stones, decorative elements and metals.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_23

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_24


Today, shopping shelves die with a variety of decorations with natural stones. The complexity of the choice consists only in the wealth of the range. Consider in more detail the most popular and sought-after models of earrings with coral.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_25

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_26


Never lose its relevance of the product - carnations. They will look perfectly on the owner of the triangular shape of the lyrics. The most popular are decorations in which the stone is made in a round or oval form.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_27

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_28

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_29

Especially stylish and easily looks like miniature cloves equipped with a small mineral. Such copies will look at young girls spectacularly. For older ladies, luxurious earrings are produced with large coral beads. Pick up the perfect model of such accessories is very easy.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_30

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_31

Geometric shape

Attractive and luxurious products of geometric shape look. Round and oval copies are the most common.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_32

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_33

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_34

Equally popular decorations today in which the stone has a shape of a square or diamond. The second option is usually chosen for solemn events or cocktails.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_35

In the form of a flower

Ladies simply adore earrings in which the stone has a flower shape. Such products may have a completely different design and size.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_36

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_37

The most popular and welcome accessories in the form of miniature roses. Mineral in such earrings can have both rich and delicate color.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_38

On a chain

Such decorations enjoy rabid demand among fashionistas, because they are capable of visually making the lady's neck longer and elegant. It is worth noting the fact that the models on the chain are perfectly sitting on the ear of the ear and do not cause sensations of gravity.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_39

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_40

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_41

How to distinguish the original from the fake?

It is no secret that today there are countless fakes on the jewelry market. On the shelves of many stores lie earrings made from cheap and artificial materials issued for natural.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_42

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_43

Genuine coral is a natural mineral. To date, there is a somewhat imitation of this stone: a pressed coral, artificial, made of plastic or govit. The last option is also a natural mineral, but it is much cheaper.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_44

To distinguish the original product from plastic, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • Natural origin is cold. Just attach it to the cheek, and you immediately feel cool. The plastic is quickly heated when contacting with warm skin.
  • It is possible to determine the fake by turning attention to the weight of the earrings. Natural mineral is heavier than its imitation. Especially bright you will feel the difference if you compare the weight of products with large pebbles.
  • Be sure to explore the color of the pebble. The original and natural colors of coral is almost impossible to repeat. According to this performance, it is very easy to determine the plastic stone: it will have smooth red shades, translucent in the light.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_45

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_46

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_47

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_48

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_49

How and with what to wear?

It's not so difficult to choose the perfect decoration. Today there is a chic selection of a variety of products, and each fashionista may choose the most harmonious and suitable model of fashion earring.

  • Jewelry must match the style and age of the lady. Young girls should not buy large and surround options, as they can add to their owner for several years.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_50

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_51

  • Older ladies are recommended to give preference to earrings with large stones. It can be both ordinary cloves and instances on chains with an English clasp.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_52

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_53

  • Geometric accessories will look great on women with a rectangular lyrics. They are able to transform and smooth the coarse features.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_54

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_55

  • Against the background of an elongated face, they will ideally look earlings with a stone in the form of a square or rhombus.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_56

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_57

Beautiful accessories are perfectly combined with many ladies.

  • They will be harmonized with conventional jeans, stylish trousers and other clothes in a fashionable styled Causual. For such outfits, it is worth choosing charming cloves or miniature models with an English clasp.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_58

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_59

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_60

  • For a chic evening ensemble it is worth picking up the decorations that will be harmonized with tone of clothing. For example, a red coral will be harmonized with a black dress. You can add such an image not only with earrings, but also with bracelets and necklaces with coral.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_61

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_62

  • For a sexy cocktail dress, you should choose earrings on chains or products with a stone in the form of a rhombic. It will harmoniously fit both small and larger ornaments.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_63

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_64

  • For summer dresses and air suarfins, it is worth choosing small accessories with chains. In such decorations, the coral may have a bright scarlet color. No less effectively with light ensembles, pretty carnations will also look.

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_65

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_66

Earrings with coral (67 photos): Black Desert earrings from red coral, model with natural coral 3355_67

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