Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up?


The serpent is often confused with jade, but in fact they have many differences. This unusual name mineral received due to its coloring and similarity with reptiles, since some mined specimens have a surface that would be covered with snake skin.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_2


Stone serpentine at one time appreciated the aztecs. Today it is a fairly common mineral and although most often there is a green colors, the stone can also be greenish black, red, brown-red, brownish-yellow, yellow and white. This mineral has been associated with snakes over the course of many centuries. It was actively used and used in black magic.

The noble shade made this precious mineral in demand in jewelry art.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_3

The color of Serpentin (coil) depends on the place of origin of the mineral. This group contains about 20 related minerals with 2 different specific types of education: antigents and chrysotile. The first stone is solid, the second has a fibrous structure.

  • Chrysotile In fact, the type of asbestos, which is a very dangerous mineral causing serious respiratory problems while inhaling his dust. For this reason, this mineral is not used as an ornament or amulet.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_4

  • Antigorite coil - relatively soft stone, which is characterized by a brilliant green surface. This coloring is due to the presence of substances as chromium, cobalt and magnesium silicate. Its painting can vary from translucent to opaque. Mages believe that a translucent stone has a stronger impact on the human psyche, while opaque is on the material world.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_5

The snake always looks different. Its shade can be both very light and saturated. Some copies from the side are very similar to jade. Experienced geologists are easy to recognize which stone, relying on the characteristics inherent in minerals.

Varieties and their physico-chemical properties

Serpentine is not called one mineral, but a large group of stones with a common chemical formula. Among the main varieties that are included in this group, it is worth highlighting the following stones.

  • Bovenit. It is not very bright green and translucent. When mining, sometimes minerals with a yellow or blue tint are encountered. This stone has another name - TanGEVIT. His main distinguishing feature is considered high hardness.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_6

  • Williamsit . It has a beautiful sampling, which, by shade, is a cross between blue and green. Shades are bright and dark, the stone is shifted.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_7

  • RICOL. Very bright mineral on the surface of which is clearly expressed in the band. During production are yellow and gray stone specimens.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_8

  • Vernante . Stone amazing dark green with shiny veins, which are the inclusion of calcite.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_9

  • Nigrestsit . This kind of coil has the darkest color: rare, but sometimes find copies almost black.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_10

  • retinol . The rocks can be found a stone not only green, but also honey, yellow flowers. Mineral features a resinous luster.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_11

Chrysotile, antigorite and lizardite are three main serpentine minerals. The rest of the species are rare.

Serpentine minerals have similar physical properties and are formed by similar processes. They are often found in the form of fine impurities and can be difficult to distinguish in the rock. Geologists commonly called these minerals are serpentine, but not more specific names to facilitate identification.

These minerals are formed at the locations of peridotite and dunite with subsequent hydrothermal metamorphism. Ultramafic rocks rarely appear on the surface of the earth, but are present in abundance on the ocean floor, more precisely, at the boundary between the base of the oceanic crust and upper mantle. Where the oceanic plate sinks into the mantle minerals are exposed to hydrothermal metamorphism.

a liquid source for this process is the sea water drawn into the rocks and sediments oceanic plate.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_12

When the hydrothermal metamorphism olivine and pyroxene in the serpentine turn. Some of the rocks are made almost entirely of serpentine minerals.

Extensive areas of the earth surface littered serpentinite. These areas are found near the current or ancient boundaries of plates. These are places where fragments of oceanic plates are raised above the surface. Such areas are the sources of the following minerals:

  • magnetite;

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_13

  • chromite;

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_14

  • chrysoprase;

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_15

  • nephritis;

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_16

  • serpentine.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_17

The most obvious physical characteristics are its green serpentine noble color, patterned appearance and smoothness. Serpentine also known for its semi-transparent structure, waxy luster, ease of cutting. It can be easily polished.

This stone has a unique thermal capacity: he first takes the heat, and then gives it evenly. It can resist heat transfer, which makes it a valuable insulator.

Fibrous serpentine types, such as chrysotile, are used for the production of asbestos - materials needed in construction and not only.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_18

Basic fields

Serpentine mined in a large number of places worldwide, including Australia, Great Britain, Russia (Urals), Norway, Italy, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Brazil. Serpentin Chrysotil meets mainly in Canada. In the Russian city, Asbest was once located one of the largest serpentine mines.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_19


The serpent is a wide scope of application: it is not only a wonderful charm in magic, but also a great stone to arrange a bath, because he first takes heat, and then gives it. Serpentine has been used as architectural material for thousands of years. It has a wide palette of colors, it is easy to work with it, and after polishing the desired shine is achieved.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_20

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_21

The hardness on the MOOS scale is from 3 to 6, depending on the chemical composition of the mineral. To make, for example, a statuette, have to make less effort than in the case of granite, however, the strength of this stone is better than even in marble. Serpentine was popular in the United States in the first half of the 20th century, today it is used less as in the finishing material. The decline in popularity is partly due to concerns about safety with the possible content of asbestos in stone.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_22

Clear merchants often offer souvenirs from Serpentin under the guise of nephite. However, the healing and magical properties of these stones differ significantly. Rarely, but still can be found in the market Serpentinite marble, actually use such a name is incorrect. Marble and serpentine - different minerals.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_23

Some Serpentine varieties have a fibrous structure, they have good resistance when transmitting heat, do not burn and serve excellent insulators. That is why the stone used to use for the creation of a special construction fiber. It was widely available, since it did it inexpensively, but demonstrated high efficiency as an insulator.

In the middle of the XX century, the material could be found in the design of most buildings and even vehicles. Such a mineral was used for the manufacture of wall and ceiling tiles, flooring, roof tiles, facing material, insulation of pipes, furnaces, paints and many other common building materials.

After it was found that the interaction with this stone leads to problems with light, including cancer, construction companies have ceased to apply the material, and today it is prohibited.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_24

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_25

Attractive serpentine can be cut into pieces of diverse shape. Most often it is cut to the cabochons and beads. Such products do not have a uniform green shade, they are viewed green, yellow and black inclusions.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_26

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_27

Serpentine is used as a diverse stone, it is easy to process, it will not be difficult to polish it. As a result of painstaking work, an amazing product is obtained. Wax brilliance is that first of all attracts in the mineral, after it has been processed.

However, Serpentin has some strength problems. That is why the stone can infrequently meet in rings or bracelets, since one good blow will split it. Most often it is used in earrings, brooches or pendants.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_28

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_29

Different jade from Serpentine is very simple even at first glance, because it distinguishes them just that the most attractive shine. Nephite has a glass, Serpentina wax.

Some varieties of mineral can be used to create stone sculptures. It is preferable to choose a fine-grained translucent material with a uniform texture, without voids and fractures. The stone is relatively soft and easily cut. Sculptures are small and up to several meters in height. Bowls, vases, desktop kits, watches, animal figures, fruits, flowers, deities, busts and statues - all these objects made by artists from the described material.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_30

Separately, I want to say about the use and value of the mineral in magic. Snakes with which he is actively associated is often considered precursors evil in Western culture, but this does not mean that Serpentine is a bad stone. In fact, it is one of the most frequently used stones to detect evil and protection against non-rursing or deliberate negative impact.

Its energy is not aimed at removing the negative inside of the person, it creates a protective shell around it, thanks to which the negative reflects from the aura. This is especially important if you often encounter people who are negatively configured against you. The stone is able to destroy sent curses.

In addition, the coil attracts positive energy, allows you to overcome barriers. This is a wonderful defender and assistant.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_31

He has a stone and healing properties, Lekari from a long time knew about his ability to remove headaches. Wearing a coil on the body contributes to the rapid healing of fractures, reduce blood pressure. Stone advise to give children as a talisman and internal force and energy activator. It helps to concentrate on the main thing. The memory begins to work with the coil.

It is believed that the serpentine is a kind of antidote from certain poisons, it can enhance the impact of certain funds on the human body.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_32

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_33

Who comes up?

The mineral under consideration refers to the elements of the Earth, so it is not suitable for each sign. According to astrologers, he does not manifest himself with one people, while with others can be bright enough.

  • The best snake is combined with the energy of the Virgin. A little shy representatives of this sign stone helps to discover new talents, exacerbates intuition and awakens inspiration.
  • It will not resonate the mineral and with the energy of the Capricorn, which the Amulet will give endurance and dexterity in life.
  • But the fish are better not to wear talismans with a coil, as the stone will lead them to the temptation, before which the representatives of the sign cannot resist. This will destroy the inner world of fish, will lead to degradation.
  • Aries, who are very trusting, must have a snake as an amulet or a decoration, since it will give them an opportunity to recognize false people around. From birth, representatives of the fiery element have a powerful energy, the stone will not suppress it, but makes the character more calm and balanced. This is exactly what is sometimes missing Aries, which constantly suffer from their impulsiveness, rudeness and nervousness.
  • If the Taurus wants to change his life for the better and become more open, Serpentin will be a good helper in it. He will give the clarity of the mind and immediately becomes clear - who is suitable for friendship, and who is better to keep away from herself. Talisman beneficially affects health, restrains the desire to risk.
  • Twins, the mineral will help them to become perfect, to make new friends. There are enough courage to new accomplishments, the old views will go to the background.
  • More confident will make a serpentine and lions, will give them the hardness of character and hardness. Mineral energy helps to concentrate its own energy inherent in representatives of this sign, on a specific task.
  • Success and luck will come to the archers who will buy the decoration with Serpentin, the scales will finally be established in their opinion, will become more stable, the mineral will open the doors to new achievements.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_34

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_35

Astrologers do not recommend wear a stone as part of the decoration on themselves constantly, just once a week, especially if it is a pendant or any other product that comes with the body. Turning to the power of the mineral, you need to know exactly what it is required of it, otherwise its energy can be harmed, and not benefit.

Such a talisman is ideal for all people whose activities are related to medicine. She patronizes the mineral to women with Nadezhda names, love, as well as representatives of the strong half of humanity with the name Alexey, but it cannot be presented as a gift as a gift, since the stone is always tied to the one who acquires and may regard such behavior as a betrayal.

The energetics of the serpentine is so strong that it can negatively affect the former carrier even at a distance. Send the mineral is inherited only. He will give exactly as much as careman gives the owner of the stone. Very good to have a home box made from Serpentina, it will become an excellent storage for other jewelry.

It is worth saying that, like any other mineral, this one has its own character and uniqueness. Its best to wear people open to the soul, which are ready for new accomplishments.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_36

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_37

How to distinguish from fake?

Despite the fact that Serpentin is mined everywhere, therefore is not a rare mineral, unknown merchants of jewelry are trying to save even on it. If you do not want to be disappointed in the purchase and find out that a plastic copy is used in decoration, you need to know how to distinguish a natural stone from the fake.

  • Not the best way to check - Scratch the mineral, because due to its softness on the surface there will be a trace, even if you have a natural stone. It is better to estimate its weight, because plastic is different, which is not sinking and easy.
  • Split, strips - Another distinguishing feature of the coil.
  • You can simply apply the mineral to the skin surface. If it is natural, then it will not immediately become warm, while the plastic product will quickly take the body temperature.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_38


Any decoration, if you care about it correctly, will rejoice in your attractive appearance for a long time. Serpentin quickly scratches, so it should not wear it during operation, since any mechanical impact will lead to the fact that the product will lose its attractiveness. To clean, it is enough to simply wash the mineral under running water without the use of chemicals. If you wanted to rub a stone, then you should take a soft cloth, and it is better to just put it on the towel to dry.

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_39

Stone Zmeevik (40 photos): Magic and healing properties of serpentine, varieties of mineral, value for humans. Who comes up? 3288_40

For the features of the stone, see below.

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