Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake?


Natural stone Tourmaline is valued at all times. Watermelon tourmaline is taken to be one of the most beautiful and rare species of this mineral. This stone amazing beauty has healing and even magical properties. What is the peculiarity of watermelon tourmaline? How to recognize that before you fake? Answers to all questions are already waiting for you in our material.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_2

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_3

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_4

Features and Description

Watermelon Tourmaline is a natural stone, which from the first sight is striking everyone with its unusual beauty. To date, the mineral is more in Brazil and in some African countries. At all times, this type of tourmaline was especially valued, and people believed in his magical properties.

There is one interesting legend that reveals the secret of the appearance of this beautiful stone on Earth. If you believe the ancient Egyptian legend, then a long time ago, this stone fell to the ground right from the sun. When he fell on our planet, he flew through the rainbow, thanks to which the unusual color gained.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_5

This stone has a rather solid structure and is highly resistant to physical influences. In nature, there are two types of this unusual mineral, which externally differ slightly from each other. The first type of watermelon tourmaline really resembles a striped berry, as it has a pink middle and a green framing. But there is a tourmaline that looks different. Such a stone, on the contrary, has a green middle, and the framing is pink.

Nature has created a mineral of such amazing beauty that many jewelers are not solved to break the perfect natural creation. Refusing a traditional cut, many simply cut the mineral plates to preserve the individuality and the unique beauty of the stone.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_6

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_7

This stone is often used to create a variety of decorations. Traditionally, such products are manufactured using silver or gold. This mineral is perfectly combined with each of these metals. In addition, necklaces, beads, bracelets and all kinds of accessories are manufactured from watermelon turmaline.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_8

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_9

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_10

In energy, the stone is great for both women and men.

Determine the fake is very easy. The stone must attract a piece of paper after it is hard for your finger. If this does not happen, then the stone is not real. Also, the color of the stone should be smooth. In addition, scratches remain on the natural mineral. In addition, the real stone is characterized by a high price.

Magic properties

Surprisingly beautiful watermelon tourmaline has a strong energy. This mineral is able to emit infrared rays, block electromagnetic radiation and can even ionize air. This unusual stone is credited with magical properties and many believe that this type of tourmaline is really able to create real wonders.

  • Watermelon Turmalin It helps the owner to reveal all his talents, even those that a person does not suspect. The main feature of this mineral is that it helps a person not only to develop its best qualities, but also get rid of laziness and other vices. Thanks to this, the owner of such a stone can easily achieve the desired, and his dreams will come true.
  • In addition, this mineral helps its owner to become kinder . Thanks to this stone, a person will learn to think not only head, but also a heart. The strong energy of this mineral helps a person easily and courageously oppose life adversities, a negative and teaches to find something good in everything. From a long time, people believed that this mineral is able to give joy and happiness.
  • Many use this mineral, as waging from all sorts of troubles and adversity. It is really able to protect a person from negative impact. Watermelon tourmaline perfectly protects against damage, the evil eye and helps strengthen the biofield of its owner. In the event that the stone is constantly stored in the house, it will reliably protect the dwelling from the thieves and other negative.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_11

Healing qualities

People from a long time attributed to an unusual stone healing properties.

  • Mineral perfectly helps those who have liver diseases. In addition, watermelon tourmaline has a very positive effect on the work of the nervous system, thanks to which a person can get rid of depression, irritability, imaginary fears and a bad mood.
  • Many owners of this amazing stone note that he is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of various skin diseases, helps relieve pain in the joints. But the main feature of the tourmaline is that it improves memory and has a positive effect on the vessels.
  • In addition, tourmaline has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps to strengthen it, thanks to which a person ceases to silently sow seasonal diseases. Many owners of watermelon tourmaline noted that the mineral helps to normalize pressure, improves overall well-being and gives force.
  • In ancient times, men in India have particularly read this mineral and believed that it helps to increase potency and generally positively affects male health. And women believed that the amazing properties of this stone are able to preserve youth and beauty.

It is important to note the fact that decorations with watermelon turmaline are not recommended to wear at high body temperature and thyroid diseases. In addition, pregnant and nursing mothers are also better to abandon such a stone.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_12

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_13

Tips and recommendations

Finally, we offer some more useful tips that will be useful to all those Who is the happy owner of this beautiful and rare stone.

  • Despite the fact that watermelon tourmaline has many positive qualities, it is not recommended to carry it with you . In the event that the stone is constantly with you, its energy will weaken every day. Therefore, it is better to take it in hand or put on a decoration with him on a special day. For example, if on this day you have an important meeting, a business or romantic date. Or in the event that you cannot accept an important decision and you lack self-confidence.
  • Watermelon tourmaline is not suitable for its energy. This stone is perfectly suitable for representatives of creative professions. It helps to find inspiration, clearly and clearly formulate, express his own thoughts and relieves apathy. But this stone can become a real guard and talisman for those who were born under the sign of the twins or the Virgin.

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_14

Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_15

    Representatives of these signs of the zodiac mineral will help reveal their talents and their potential. They will be able to become more open and sociable.

    In addition, the stone will help concentrate on important matters and will not allow them to waste their strength and energy on trifles.

    Also, this mineral is suitable for Lviv. Stone will help calm the hot-tempered temper, will save from stubbornness and help learn to listen to the opinion of other people.

    Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_16

    Scorpions This stone will help reveal their extrasensory abilities and get rid of irritability and stress.

    • If you choose a decoration or accessory with this stone, remember that watermelon tourmaline is better not to combine with other stones. From this, its energy and strength becomes weaker, and he will no longer be able to provide a positive impact on which it is capable of.
    • This stone needs to be cleaned at least twice a year. Make it easily at home. To do this, you will need soft cloth and warm water. The edge of the stone needs to be wiped carefully and neatly. Cannot use cleaning products.

    Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_17

    Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_18

    Watermelon Tourmaline (19 photos): Magic and other properties of stone. How to distinguish natural tourmaline from fake? 3280_19

    For the properties of the stone, see the following video.

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