Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit?


Many believe that amber is an exclusively yellow or honey shade, however, this is not the case, because the amber of blue is also common. Such a stone is also called Dominican, in the country of its main mining. Blue amber truly unique stone, with the beauty of which other minerals like a similar color will be equal. In this article, let us know more detail with the description of this mineral and its history, consider its therapeutic and magical properties, and also learn who it is suitable for most and how to distinguish the fake from the real stone.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_2

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_3

What it is?

Blue amber is extremely rare, so it is very highly appreciated by collectors, hemologists and jewelry masters. Blue amber can be found in its saturated blue radiance and bright overflows. It is almost 90 percent more transparently familiar to all yellow or honey.

There is also information that the Baltic Amber smells with fresh gardens, but Blue amber coniferous forests. Gemologists believe that the age of blue amber is comparatively "small" and is only about 20-30 million years, for some versions a little more. Yellow amber find more than 200 million years.

Blue or Dominican Yantar is a variety of stone that also happens red and green.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_4

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_5

Collections with such stones are presented in many foreign museums. It is difficult to say where the stone from where the stone appeared just such a shade, but many experts agree that it is connected with the initial origin of the stone, because the amber is obtained from the frozen resin. Blue amber occurred from a resin of a special type of trees.

According to one of the legends, this stone was first donated by H. Columbus one of the leaders of Haiti, but the traveler of that time this stone was not interested and did not surprise, so at that time no one could think that one day he would be appreciated so high. It is believed that this unique mineral, which simply does not have no analogues, began to use only in the middle of the 20th century. Many jewelers of that time hunted a rare stone in every way, because his deposits were mainly located in North America.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_6

Where are mined?

The deposits of such amber are mainly located in the Dominican Republic. In general, Dominican is very famous for rare stones, perhaps this is due to its location. In very small quantities, experts discover the mineral in Mexico, the Republic of Nicaragua, on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, as well as in some other countries of North America.

Inclusions are considered the most valuable in the mined amber, that is, the remains of the flora that they got into the wood resin until it froze and began to form in the mineral. Dominican Yantar is considered very rich in such inclises, due to which its price is rising.

It is worth understanding that today there is a huge number of fakes under ancient stones with the presence of an old flora and fauna in them.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_7

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_8

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_9


Blue amber is very solid, so exclusively experienced jewelry masters work with it. Its main power is the power of air, because the yellow stone is the power of the Sun. An exclusively genuine stone can have true therapeutic and magical properties.


It is believed that the owner of this valuable mineral with its help can restore its sincere equilibrium and clarify the mind. In ancient times, this mineral was imposed on the wounds or pain in the body to remove the unpleasant feelings or at least form them as much as possible. It was believed that Blue Amber can accelerate the healing of even the most difficult wounds. Lekari of that time recommended putting this mineral before bedtime under the pillow to get rid of depression, insomnia and nightmares.

This mineral refers to biological stimulants, it is believed that with its help you can improve the work of the kidneys, restore the operation of the digestive organs and establish the functions of the thyroid gland. You can also restore the hormonal background in the body and accelerate the regeneration of cells. Women have long been recommended to wear amber ornaments on the chest. It was believed that they not only improve the state of female health, but also the prevention of the youth of the skin and its beauty. With the help of blue amber, experienced massages often make patient massage and body massage.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_10

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_11

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_12


Many esoterics are confident that with the help of blue amber, you can fill human energy and restore biopol. That is why amulets and rosary are so relevant from this stone. Moreover, with the help of blue amber, you can protect yourself and your soul from evil spirits. According to some sources, this stone was often used in special magical rituals. With this mineral, the spirits contacted the spirits of dead people.

This stone served as a powerful faith, which was not only women, but also men in many countries of the world. This stone as a sponge absorbs the whole negative and bad energy, and he can protect a person from bad people and energy vampires. Of course, the properties of any stone can be treated skeptical, because reliable scientific data on this issue is always not enough or there is not enough. But it is worth understanding that Many minerals do not bring any harm, moreover, they are harmless to human health.

You can not believe in their healing properties, but it can be believed to believe in their genuine beauty.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_13

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_14

Who comes up?

True and genuine blue amber can become an excellent addition to any collection of stones. This mineral is suitable for almost all the signs of the zodiac, but the astrologer always has disputes on this account, so personal consultation with one of them about this stone will most likely not hurt. Perfectly this mineral suits the lions, which he can add a lot of energy. With this stone, representatives of this sign can be protected from evil spirits from other worlds. And he can bring good luck in many endeavors.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_15

Representatives of the sign of Sagittarius can use Blue Amber as their mascot. Moreover, this stone can give soul calm, equilibrium and pacification.

Amber fits and Aries, which he allows you to get rid of the negative. It is undesirable to calves, since astrologers believe that for this sign, the mineral simply does not bear any benefit. Gemini and other signs of the zodiac can also choose a blue amber as an ornament, but it is believed that all his power this stone does not disclose other signs, but it may well be a faith.

Of course, only natural stone can reveal the true properties, and not just a decoration made under amber.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_16

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_17

How to distinguish fake?

In the modern world there is a huge number of ideal imitation of stones, as well as other fakes issued for originals. Not being a professional hemologist or jeweler, it is difficult to distinguish the counterfeit, and the high-quality counterfeit is not possible.

In order not to get caught on the scams, it is recommended that the real stones are recommended to acquire exclusively from proven suppliers or in places that have a license for the sale of this kind of minerals. Besides, The best way to purchase a real stone is to buy it in his homeland. Speaking of Blue Amber, we are talking about North America.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_18

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_19

It is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • The highest-quality fakes are made from the resin of legumes or special amber powder; Visually fakes very much resemble the original stones, they also shine, if they are correctly polished, and the light passes, nonetheless natural minerals are the color more rich and natural;
  • Natural minerals do not smell, only if they are not slightly able to heat or at least hold in the palms;
  • A real stone, shabby about a piece of clothing, can attract her hair and threads;
  • In salty water, a small amber will be on the surface, but in fresh - it drops to the bottom of the tank;
  • It is very important to know that the ultraviolet lamp amber is glowing;
  • If you try to scratch the amber to scratch the needle, then the trace on natural stone will never remain, but the scratch will always be visible on the counterfeit, especially if it is made of powder or young resin;
  • Inside natural stones, it is possible to detect rounded air bubbles, in the fake stones they, as if oblong.

Important! Choose a real stone, despite many tricks, best with a specialist. Since now there are many fakes that can not be discovered by household tests.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_20

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_21


Blue amber is considered rather solid, without a particular need for a stone should not be careful too carefully, it is enough to store it right enough. It is best for this suitable casket, protected from sun rays.

It is very important to protect a stone or decoration with him from falling. Gem can be washed in water with salt, it can be left in a solution for 20 minutes. Soap and other chemical and abrasive drugs are extremely recommended. To dry the stone after salty water follows the napkin or towel, Do not dry with a hairdryer or direct sunlight. In general, care for blue amber is very simple, it is completely unfall.

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_22

Blue amber (23 photos): Properties of the blue Dominican amber. Who does it fit? 3234_23

In the next video you can look at the blue amber closer.

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