Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value


Strololit is a very unusual and expressive stone, which will emphasize your character and will delight you for many years. This nature gift is a combination of two minerals - aluminum and iron ore. A feature of the stavolite can be called the fire of crystals of these two materials into the shape of the cross.

Among the huge variety of legendary versions on the origin of the stone, one, the most famous one can be noted. She says that there is no time near the pure source, several young fairies walked, who met the young man there - Elf. He was very sad and told Fayam a story about the recent crucifixion of Jesus Christ, why the Fairy was crying bitterly. It is believed that their tears fell into a large stone and formed these the most crosses of the minerals. Since then, stavolitis is considered to be a symbol of young fairies and a reflection of their pure sincere tears.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_2

Types and deposits

In physical and chemical characteristics, stavolite is characterized by a special strength due to its crystalline structure. Due to such structure, the stone is perfectly opposed to the melting and not soluble in various types of acids. The surface of the Stavrolite, like its entire structure, can be partially or completely transparent. The combination and diversity of the color of the crystal is so great that Each lover of this stone will be able to choose an instance by its preferences.

Most often, the stone color can resemble the color of iron, but options with all the shades of red tones are not excluded. There are also some varieties of this mineral with the visual effect of glass glitter.

The most rare and expensive view of the Stavrolite is considered an instance painted in bright red color. Such a stone is rare, but it looks unusual and beautiful.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_3

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_4

In the form of structure, this natural mineral is found in three variations:

  • with a slight outflow without any form;
  • with a cross-shaped form of crystal;
  • In the form of a hexagonal star.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_5

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_6

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_7

The most common types of stavolite without a certain form can be found within the countries of the European Union and in Brazil, where there are quite a lot of such minerals. If you are looking for more rare cruciform views, they can be found in the West of Austria or in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The rarest types of stones in the form of cruciform and hexagonal form are found in the United States of America.

The opaque stones of dark shades can be found in Russia, where their deposits are located in the southern part of the Urals.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_8

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_9

Healing and Magic Properties

This natural material has long been considered magic and is used as an overawe of evil forces. Strololit is considered a kind of magnet for all the best. But accidents and failures are that the stone will push off. However, besides the magical abilities of the stone, There is also the possibility of curing with a stavolite from some painful states.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_10

Specialists in the field of lithotherapy believe that Stavrololit helps to relax bronchospasm, thereby facilitating cough. In addition, due to the ability to improve blood circulation and metabolism, such stones help nursing mothers to increase the secretion of milk. Another distinctive feature of the mineral is its ability to succeed effect.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_11

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_12

It is believed that any stone, like every person or subject, has its own, special energy. The energy properties of Strololitis not only create a sense of peace, but also help immunity to cope with diseases.

Knowing people used this stone to save a person from insomnia, and with skin diseases with the help of a mineral soothed itch.

To obtain an effective effect from stone, it was necessary to put next to the sick person.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_13

Meaning and application

From the Stavrolite made crafts and decorations. Such products are original and beautiful, moreover - unique. It can be an amulet wearable with a religious background instead of a cross or accessory for a certain sign of the zodiac. There are unique crystals, in their form resembling a variety of trees leaves, which is used to make decor items. The peculiarity of the manufacture of decorative products is to make them very simple, because Stavrolit itself is already quite beautiful.

It is necessary to make a minimum of effort to separate from solid stone, for example, the desired workpiece for the medallion, and then process it and make the mount for the chain.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_14

To make work more attractive, decorative parts made from various metals - silver, bronze or melchior, and sometimes even from gold, are often added to the decoration. Often stavolite combined with genuine leather - there are many options for crafts, they all depend only on the skill and fantasy of a specialist.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_15

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_16

Stone & Accessories

When choosing any product, an important question is its price. The original small product from the Stavrolite can be purchased at a price no more than 1000 rubles. If the stone shape is rare, for example, in the form of a cross or hexagon, then such an instance can be bought for 7000-8000 rubles. Above the price can only grow due to the use of additional materials and an increase in the size of the product itself.

If you want to order a frame for a stone from a precious metal or purchase a product of more than half a meter in the form of figures, then such things can do and 20,000 rubles.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_17

Who does it fit?

Stavrolit itself is directly associated with Jesus Christ, who gave his knowledge, strength and energy to help other people. It is believed that the stone helps and favors all those who go along the same way. He will become an excellent assistant to medical workers, volunteers, teachers and educators, as well as social workers.

All good and bright people going to the world with good intentions are the owners of the Stavrolite, with which he will harmonize best.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_18

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_19

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_20

If we talk about the horoscope, then for this mineral it does not matter much. Much more important than the energy of that person who decides to wear this mineral. In order to understand how well the stavold is suitable for you, just take it, hold in your hands, think about it. You should not have any doubt that this stone is combined with your energy. Strollit in its structural structure is considered a durable stone and there is nothing surprising that it can be transferred to you to someone as a gift or even inherited.

One day, appearing with you, Stavrolit will become not only a beautiful and unique decoration, but also your guard, who just never collapses, but only in the case when he takes the whole negative impact on himself.

Strololit (21 photos): Magic and other properties of stone, Mineral value 3220_21

An overview of this stone can be viewed in the video below.

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