Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies?


Agate is a beautiful semi-precious / diverse stone, it may be the most varied coloring. This article will discuss the gray agate, its properties, features and use options.

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_2

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_3

Origin and features

Agate refers to the group of chalcedins. The main chemical compound in agate is silicon oxide. The layered structure of this stone is due to the duration and cyclicality of the education process, and there is still no generally accepted theory of origin of agate-containing rocks. The unprocessed surface of agate matte, the stones are grinding and polished. The degree of transparency of the mineral varies from completely opaque to the smoky (partially translucent).

The mineral has a rather high hardness - 6.5-7 on the MOOS scale, and resistant to the effects of acids, is only a melting acid. Different with durability and viscosity. The stone density is 2.6 g / cm3.

If the stone succeeds to break, then the bomb line will be a sink, uneven.

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_4

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_5

The chalcedone layers in each stone form a unique drawing. Depending on what these pictures are reminded, there are more than one and a half hundred species of agate. The most famous among them are:

  • Bastion - drawings on a slice cause an association with medieval fortresses (bastions) and / or landscapes of the city;
  • Brazilian - distinguished by beautiful concentric patterns, most often contrasting (alternation of black and white sucks, for example);
  • Overall - layers in the center of the stone, as it were, the drawing of the cut reminds the eye (by the way, such copies are often called "the eye of the Creator");
  • dendritic (moss) - named so because of the residences of manganese or iron salts forming the wood pattern;
  • landscape;
  • Irizing - with bright lighting, such an instance begins slightly glowing;
  • star;
  • black;
  • Blue (otherwise called sapphirin);
  • And many others.

Gray agate is one of the most common varieties of this stone. As follows from the name, the main color is gray (gray-blue), it is possible to turn on white, brown, black colors. Very popular as the feedstock for stone carving, especially large-sized stones. Smoky gray agats are very high.

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_6

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_7

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_8

Magic and healing qualities

Mineral of gray is often used as a talisman, especially representatives of the ministers of the law - by judges, investigators, lawyers. It is believed that the wearing of this stone is beneficial in conflict situations, helping to allow misunderstanding and reducing aggression. And also in various sources mentioned the property of gray agate to open the owner of the bad deeds, thoughts and feelings of other people. This mineral is a patron siest of good, honest and fair personalities. In case the owner of the stone is not a worthy individual, the mineral will attract misfortune.

The beneficial effect of stone on indecisive, unsure people, as well as excessively emotional and hot-tempered, is also noted. Wearing Agate Talisman brings peace, calm and confidence. If you take a healing aspect, it is believed that gray agate helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma, and the like), facilitates coughing attacks, especially if we carry it on the chest in the form of brooches or beads.

Wearing seague with agate inserts contributes to getting rid of dizziness and headaches (migrain).

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_9

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_10

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_11

Many advise to carry a ring with agate on his left hand - especially people suffering from heart disease and a circulatory system. If you suffer insomnia, try to wear something from agate jewelry: the mowing of pleasant, calm dreams also refers to the magic properties of this stone. It is believed that gray agate is the embodiment of the elements of air and land. In different sources, there are sometimes conflicting interpretations of how the signs of the zodiac approaches the agate, and to whom - no. Most converge on the fact that gray agate is ideal for people born under the sign of Taurus or twins. There is no categorical ban on wearing this stone by representatives of any other zodiac signs, even if you are a lion, nothing prevents you from choosing a decoration with this beautiful and mysterious mineral.

Just do not forget about the combinations of various minerals with each other - in case you are not intended to be limited to one agate accessory. Astrologers advise to choose any stone dedicated to aquatic or earthly element - Jashem, opal, lazuli, jade, and so on. There is no conflict from agate and with air minerals - sapphire, amethyst, topaz, mountain crystal. The only warning of astrologers belongs to fiery stones (ruby, grenades, coral, diamond and pep) - they are categorically incompatible with agate.

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_12

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_13

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_14


The sphere of using gray agate is quite large.

  • First of all it is, of course, a jewelry. A variety of decorations and crafts (especially figurines) from agate, especially semi-precious varieties, very beautiful and invariably enjoy great demand as among connoisseurs of art and among ordinary people.
  • Thanks to the physico-mechanical properties of the mineral (strength, hardness and viscosity) from the opaque varieties, it is made for accurate devices, for example, pestles and mortar for chemical laboratories, the prisms used for analytical scales, as well as stones for quartz and mechanical clocks, are replete.
  • Gray agate is very popular as a mascot (amulet), a lot of jewelry from the treated diverse mineral can be found on the market.
  • Some designers use stones inserts as original interior details.

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_15

Gray Agat (16 photos): Magic and other properties of the smoky stone. Who does it fit? Where applies? 3202_16

Even if you do not believe in astrology and the magical properties of minerals, wearing a gray agate just like a decoration - even the jewelry of this mineral is very original and beautifully looks, especially on the hands and neck of young girls.

And figurines, press papier, even simple ashtrays, painted from agate and decorated with carvings, will be a highlight of your home interior.

For the properties and application of agate, see the following video.

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