Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit?


Agat Botswana is an amazing stone, beauty and color of which is impossible to describe in a nutshell. Such an unusual agate is mined mainly in the Kalahari desert. Botswana Agat has distinctive features and special energy, thanks to which he is attributed to magical and therapeutic properties. What are the features of the stone?

Features of stone

Botswana agate, which strikes with his extraordinary beauty, is mined not only in Botswana itself. This mineral is mined in Mexico, Holland and Scotland. Mostly agate is gray, pink, white and blue. But in nature, often found and unusual, rare colors. Agat Botswana just belongs to such rare species.

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_2

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_3

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_4

Looking at this mineral, it is impossible to determine its color. This stone contains several shades. As a rule, such a striped agate has one main shade, and other colors harmoniously complement it. Stripes on this stone amazingly capable of creating a unique and unique picture. It is said that it is impossible to find two absolutely identical instances.

People at all times appreciated the stone for his amazing properties. For example, it used to be used as a chap and sacred believed that it was able to securely protect against the negative and the evil. In many countries, for example, in Georgia from such agate, wanings for kids were manufactured to protect them from any uncleanness and evil.

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_5

At all times, agate was valued, which combines more colors. It is believed that the more shades are present on it, the stronger its energy.

Botswana Agat greatly suits people creative professions, businessmen and travelers.

Scope of application

The mineral of such an unusual beauty is very loved by a jewelry masters. Usually they do not even handle the Botswana agate, so as not to disturb its natural beauty. In the event that a small stone falls into the hands of jewelers, the masters even paint them to emphasize the individuality of the natural mineral. As a rule, as a rim for such a stone is used not only silver, but also gold. From this mineral creates a variety of jewelry and accessories.

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_6

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_7

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_8

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_9

This stone is great for creating unusual medallions. Since the texture of the mineral is very pierced, the masters easily work with such agate. On such a stone, you can easily cut a portrait of a man or an animal silhouette. At the same time, each stone allows you to create something unique, since you never know what color the next layer will be.

Since agate is easily cutting, then various souvenir figures and figurines are cut out of its large instances of the wizard. In addition, this mineral is used to create caskets and other products. It is very easy to care for products from this mineral. The main thing is to clean its surface from dust in a timely manner using a wet soft tissue.

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Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_11

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_12

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_13

Decorations should be stored in a special, separate box to prevent damage to the stone.


Each natural mineral has unique properties: magic and medicinal. Agat Botswana is no exception. This stone saves from bad mood, depression, apathy and pigeons. One of the main features of this agate is that its energy this stone is able to help a person to develop intuition. People who are passionate about esoteric and magic are constantly carrying talismans or charming from this amazing stone.

Thanks to Energy of Botsvan Agate helps to relax, get rid of negative thoughts It is often used by those who practice yoga and various meditative techniques. Another feature of this stone is that it is capable of attracting success and financial well-being. Therefore, many who are busy business often choose this mineral as an assistant.

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_14

This agate is suitable and indecisive, shy people. Stone helps to gain self-confidence, helps to become more eloquent and convincing.

In many countries of the world, Botswana Agat use pregnant women as an overchareg. They wear decorations from this stone to strengthen their health, the health of the future child and protect themselves with the baby from the evil eye. Men also actively use this mineral, as its energy helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the healing properties of this agate. Botswana Stone has a positive effect on male potency and helps women during the menstrual cycle. This mineral helps perfectly well with various disorders and diseases of the nervous system, helps strengthen the immunity, protects against injuries, helps to fight skin diseases and improves metabolism.

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Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_16

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_17

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_18

Who will fit?

This stone is ideal for those who were born under the sign of Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn or Scales. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac stone will help to reveal the hidden talents, will help to become more confident in themselves and give them peace of mind, calm. The remaining signs of the zodiac can also pay attention to the Botswana Agat. It is only worth remembering that the stone helps exclusively to those people whose thoughts are clean.

If a person is not distinguished by spiritual kindness, haunting mercenary purposes, then the stone will not help him. Esoterics argue that if a similar stone falls into the hands of a dishonest and evil person, he can bring harm to him. But the honest and good people mineral will support in all matters and endeavors and attract success.

Agat Botswana (19 photos): Magic and other properties of Botswana Stone. Who does it fit? 3198_19

In order to accurately find out whether the stone is suitable for you personally, you should hold it in your hand for a few minutes. If after that it heats up, then you can safely choose it. If he remains cold, then you should choose another option as an overama.

A detailed story about the magical and therapeutic properties of agate in the video below.

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