Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry


Pink stones - the personification of sensual tenderness and femininity. Stones of a gentle pink shade prefer real romance, creative personalities. Decorations with these gentle gems raise the mood not only by their owners, but also others, attract positive emotions.

Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_2

Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_3


Pink stones have a special charm and are not suitable for everyone. They attract attention, differ in shine with sunlight. Minerals emit energy light and purity.

Pink minerals are well studied, each type differs in certain characteristics. All of them are incredibly beautiful, while there are differences in the structure, chemical and physical indicators. Non-profescionals are difficult to distinguish them, it is even impossible to distinguish the precious gem from the diverse.

Experts argue that the diverse stones have less gentle and bright shades.

Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_4

Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_5

Magic and therapeutic properties of pink stones

Many people do not believe that the stones of such shades are able to influence the person and events. It is believed that they have magical and therapeutic properties.

    • Sapphire. It has a charitable effect on people suffering from diseases of the heart and musculoskeletal system. In addition, women dreaming of a child are recommended to wear a pink sapphire with them. It is the opinion that if a day hold the sapphire in water, then it can wipe the sick places for removing painful sensations. Lithotherapists argue that regular wearing sapphires also helps in diseases of visual and respiratory systems, insomnia.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_6

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_7

    • Topaz. It has incredible protective energy, protects against the evil, making incorrect and rampant decisions, contributes to concentration on the problem, helps to find the right decision.

    Among therapeutic properties can be noted rapid healing of wounds and a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_8

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_9

    • Pink quartz. Enerfates, helps with overwork, improves the work of the lymphatic system. Mages argue that Quartz is able to lengthen the life of its owner, contributes to the removal of the crown of celibacy. At the same time, the stone increases self-esteem and is not recommended unnecessarily proud and change.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_10

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_11

    • Spinel . It is the opinion that this mineral is able to fight skin diseases and viruses, improves blood circulation, relieves lower pain, solves problems in the work of the urogenital system in men.

    Magages are advised to wear a spinel to gain good luck in amur affairs.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_12

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_13

    • Rubellit. Promotes to gain confidence in their own forces, it helps overcome fears. He is recommended to wear people who have mental suffering, soothes the nerves.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_14

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_15

    • Agate. Wearing decorations with agate follows people subject to diseases of the respiratory tract and cold. Experts in the field of magic claim that agate strengthens the emotional communications of the mother with the child, contributes to finding and strengthening mutual understanding in their relationship.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_16

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_17

    • Coral . The stone is able to pacify hatred, anger and envy, protects in a long road. At the time of the Middle Ages, the doctors considered the wearing of the decorations of corals with excellent protection against angina and other throat diseases.

    Nowadays, litotherapists argue that wearing products from corals restores the functions of the thyroid gland and stimulates its work.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_18

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_19

    • Kuncit . This stone is credited with the ability to awaken in a person positive character traits, to drive bad thoughts and protect against evil motivations and actions. Kangcite affects the development of creative abilities, nourishes and develops fantasy. It helps people who have problems in the work of the cardiovascular system. Talisman with kongcite is customary to wear a child when they send it to a new environment for easy adaptation, removal of stress.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_20

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_21

    • Morganite. Keeps warmth, peace and peace in the house, contributes to the material well-being in the family, the awakening of positive qualities, relieves pain during problems in terms of gynecology.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_22

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_23


    In nature, there is a wide variety of natural stones of pink shades. Conditionally they are divided into three groups:

    • precious;
    • semi-precious;
    • DIY.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_24



    Sapphires are quite rare, their price, it happens, reaches $ 1,000 per carat. Sapphire is a mixture of aluminum oxide with a slight chromium. A distinctive feature is a high degree of refraction.

    The most rare are the gems of pinkish-orange shades. In India, it is called "pad apartments". The largest instance of about 100 carats is stored in the New York Museum. On average, the size of the standard sapphire is about two carats.

    Jewelers framed it with gold and platinum. They are mainly made by pendants, earrings and rings. Wide demand, such products use young girls.

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_25

    Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_26


    This is a fluorine aluminum silicate with chromium enclosures, which gives it a pink color. The most expensive - transparent topases. Their cost is about 500 dollars. A distinctive feature is a detrimental effect of sunlight on color saturation. They contribute to the transformation of a pleasant pink color into the dirty gray. You have to use heat treatment to save color, but this does not guarantee the desired result.

      Therefore, the topases of this shade are rarely used to create jewelry.

      Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_27


      Spinel is a rarely found mineral with a spiny shine. It has a complex composition of aluminum, magnesium and chromium ions. The greatest value is completely transparent spinel and pinkish-red stones.

      Spinel demanding to processing methods. Only gold and platinum use as a rim. When applied in rings and coulons, a diamond cut is used.

      Some stones acquire a particularly adorable raspberry shade due to the high chromium concentration. The most expensive is the transparent spinel extracted in the soils of Afghanistan. Carat can be purchased at least a thousand dollars.

      Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_28

      Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_29


      Externally, this mineral is similar to Amethyst, but he has another chemical composition. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, Kuncit was considered a variety of amethyst. The cost of one karat of pink kangcite is about 50 dollars.

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_30


        A variety of pink beryl was called Morganite. A gentle shade appeared due to the presence of cesium, lithium and manganese. The disadvantage is that, under the influence of high temperatures and the sun, the Morganite loses its color.

        High strength allows jewelers to give it a diamond cut and use to create rings, pendants and seg. Often it is framed by diamonds.

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_31

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_32


        The stone has a pleasant raspberry shade. His name is translated from Latin - "Reddz." A significant similarity with ruby ​​and a low price made it very popular. It often gives a cone-shaped shape with a stepped cut. Price about $ 20.

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_33



        Corundum is considered a semi-precious nugget. It consists of crystalline aluminum or aluminum oxide with interspersed by manganese (gives a light yellow tint), or titanium (gives purple color).

        Among other minerals, it is in second place in hardness. It is often used in industrial production. It is used for the production of materials for abrasive processing, shockproof glass. More transparent stones are used to create jewelry.

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_34

        Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_35


        Quartz in its composition represents silicon dioxide with aluminum and iron additives. The name "Quartz" includes several types of gems, predominantly yellowish, purple shades. Self-pink transparent quartz stones are greater popularity.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_36


          Agat is characterized by the variety of colors and patterns. It consists of silicon oxide with various impurities. Thanks to them, bizarre patterns are formed on the cut.

          It is widely used in the creation of jewelry. This contributes to low cost.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_37



          Known from ancient times. Thanks to its concentric divorce, bright pink shades on the texture is similar to Malachite. The presence of iron turns a beautiful scarlet color into the brown.

          Its structure does not make it possible to subjected it with cut, but it looks good in the form of a cabochon.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_38


          The popularity of jasper causes a variety of patterns and sample decisions. It consists of silicon oxides, aluminum, calcium and in a minor amount of iron.

          The presence of impurities only increases the cost. A copy with stunning patterns formed due to impurities is standing above cleaner with a small color. The stone is quite capricious, more often used in the form of cabochon.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_39


          It has a pale pink or light shade of ripe cherry.

          The basis of the composition is a complex consumption silicate of calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron. The presence of veins creates unique ornaments on a cut element. Transparent Rhodes are the most valuable.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_40


          The coral is called a stone. The fact is that these are petrified polyps from the seabed. Its foundation is calcium carbonate and various impurities. It is used for the manufacture of souvenirs and beads.

          Pink corals have the greatest value. They are often inhomogeneous coloring or have small splashes of white or gray shades. By its structure, corals are not transparent, glass glitter they acquire after the polishing process. The high level of fragility creates difficulties in the processing of corals.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_41


          The most strong gems are used for the manufacture of expensive jewelry. They are framed by gold, platinum. From the diverse stones create elegant jewelry.

          In jewelry salons and jewelry stores, you can find beads, bracelets, rings, amulets, mascots made of pinkish stones with varying degrees of saturation of shades.

          Stones attract their inimitable beauty, tenderness and uniqueness of shades.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_42

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_43

          Each mineral has some features in the application:

          • The spinel is subjected to diamond cut and be sent to gold, platinum;
          • For Rubellit, it is used mainly stepped cut, for the manufacture of suspension, the stone is processed by the cabochon method;
          • Quartz are limited and framed in gold and silver for the manufacture of bracelets;
          • Agathas go to the creation of inexpensive jewelry and jewelry;
          • Jasper is used for the production of VAZ, ashtran and various jewelry;
          • Rhodolite is used to create decor elements, tiles for cladding and jewelry.

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_44

          Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_45

          Who are suitable?

            The sapphires are ideal for the Aquarius and the Archers, they will contribute to the improvement of their positive qualities.

            It is forbidden to wear products with sapphires Capricorn - the stone is able to strengthen such negative qualities as pride and stubbornness, which can significantly harm them in personal life and move along the career ladder.

            Topaz will give the wisdom of Sagittarius, will help to quickly determine the adoption of the right decisions.

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_46

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_47

            Agat is a wonderful amulet for twins. He will be able to calm the temperamental temper of the representatives of this sign.

            Kangcite improves the positive qualities of Tales and Lviv. He develops their creative sides, relieves from betrayal and lies.

            The spinel patronizes the signs of fiery elements, gives them strength, improves the state of health.

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_48

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_49

            Fishes are suitable decorations from coral. He doubts their temper, helps to get rid of the wrath and rampant welcoming solutions.

            Morganite will bring success to the scales, but it is not categorically suitable for the archers.

            Quartz will help cancer to reconcile with its shortcomings. Under the influence of this stone, they will begin to take themselves, will become less likely to do self-confidence.

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_50

            Pink stones (51 photos): the names of precious, semi-precious and diverse stones of pink color. Their use in the manufacture of jewelry 3186_51

            For a pink quartz, see the next video.

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