Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone


Beautiful precious stones were valued at all times. Having learned to make the cut of stones and minerals, the jewelers presented with humanity beautiful decorations, and since the years not only did not spend, but also grinding their skills. One of the stones, especially popular in past centuries - amethyst. Ring with amethyst, marked in noble gold or silver, looks luxurious and rich.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_2

Characteristics and properties

Semi-precious amethyst was discovered in deep antiquity. The mysterious purple stone was instantly enveloped by a variety of legends and legends, and magical properties were attributed to him. The ancient Greeks believed that such pebbles would save from alcoholism, so they drank wine from amethyst glasses and cups.

The Romans believed that Amethyst brings peace of mind, she would read the mind and consciousness. Even today, Indian thinkers use this stone during their meditations - the mineral creates harmony and peace in the soul, helping to donate from peace and urgent problems.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_3

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_4

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_5

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_6

In essence, Amethyst is nothing more than a subspecies of quartz, and it happens different shades - from gently pink to deep purple. Lover of this stone know that under the right sunlight it brightens and changes in color. Therefore, many scientists tend to believe that it is a male, and a female stone.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_7

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_8

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_9

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_10

However, most jewelers and designers of jewelery still believe that rather female - the color changes like a girl's mood.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_11

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_12

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_13

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_14

Features and advantages

Amethyst - Mineral very deep and rich coloring. Even those people who do not really like lilac and purple tones cannot not recognize the magic attraction of the stone.

Rings with this pebble look majestically and noble, they are able to instantly attract attention. This is especially true of rings with a large amethyst. The more brighter the stone, the more useful properties he will bring his owner.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_15

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_16

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_17

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_18

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_19

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_20

According to the recommendations of astrologers, the amethyst is best suited to girls under the sign of the zodiac scales, aquarius, twins. Many believe that the stone is very closely interrelated with air element.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_21

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_22

Another rare and very beautiful variety of jewelry is rings with green amethyst. With a mass of beneficial properties, such a pebble will fill the house well-being and prosperity and will give the hostess self-confidence. And lilac, and green minerals soothe well and help with the disorders of the nervous system.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_23


Rings with large or huge stones have always been greatly popular with women. Such decorations look very rich and impressive. As a rule, these are gold or silver products with a small "niche" in which pebbles are inserted.

Cutting and shape can be different - geometric shapes, flower, drop. Sometimes amethyst is also framed by other materials - fianits or small diamonds.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_24

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_25

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_26

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_27

It is worth remembering that any solid ring with a large stone is not an option for everyday wearing. Due to its size, it can cling to clothes, bag, scarf. Therefore, the decorations of this type are better to wear when there is a reason, for example, in the theater, to the secular routa, on a friendly party. Then the image will look perfect and very bright.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_28

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_29

In the daily sock, an excellent solution will be the acquisition of a ring with a small amethyst or sowing. It will not look very exquisite and gently, and it will not interfere in work. Nuting amethyst every day, it is worth taking care of beautiful clothes under the pebbles. With this mineral perfectly harmonize the things of pink, turquoise, blue, yellow tones. But especially interesting is, of course, a combination of purple shades in the dress.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_30

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_31

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_32

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_33

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_34

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_35

Among the many models of amethyst rings there are also instances with different stones. Jewelers love to combine this stone sometimes even with inappropriate minerals. Most often in such rings, the amethyst is inserted into the center, as the main component, and on the sides, it is drawn up by other elements.

The most popular of them are turquoise, pink and yellow stones, such as Aquamarine, Topaz, Pink Sapphire. There are rings with fianits and chrysolitis.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_36

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_37

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_38

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_39

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_40

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_41

Unusual species of jewelry always attracted girls. Original rings with amethyst in the form of flowers, animals, beautiful vessels immediately appear attention and become an object of desire. You can choose something suitable in the store, and you can make to order an individual ring, the only one in its kind.

Among the most unusual models presented in jewelry salons, the decor in the form of a crown, decorated with stones - the symbol of power and well-being. Butterfly decor symbolizes lightness and freshness, and in the form of infinity - durable love and affection.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_42


For the manufacture of amethyst jewels, several metals are used that are ideally harmonized with a purple tint.


White and yellow gold is the most classic metal suitable for amethyst. Despite the huge popularity of yellow gold, it is white metal most often won in combination with cold tones. Selecting the ring, it is worth remembering that gold samples can be different. The most commonly found 585th sample, however, there are many impurities in it.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_43

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_44

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_45

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_46

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_47

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_48

The purest gold ring, which can be selected, will be with breaking 958.


The rings from such a metal are cheaper than their gold analogues. Silver decorations are less durable than gold products, but they always look sophisticated and fresh. Sometimes the product may have a small shade of yellowness - this is explained by the admixture of copper.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_49

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_50

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_51

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_52

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_53

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_54

Buying a silver ring with amethyst, it is better to choose a model with a cadmium content - it really extends life to such rings.


Platinum is the most expensive metal for jewelry. Such a material will not wear out for many years, will not darken and will not lose the form. Beautifully look at platinum rings in combination with amethysts and other minerals. If you decide to buy just such a ring, you need to remember that the cleaner of the platinum, the more durable there will be a ring.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_55

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_56

Tips for choosing and care

Some particularly durable rings can even be transmitted through generations.

Deciding to purchase amethyst ring, first need to think about how you spend time. Whole rings with large stones are suitable for those who want to be always in the spotlight at a party or a secular part. Small neat models worth buying those girls who want to wear them daily. It is also worth considering and age - small rings will not work for older women, the case will have to take a major option.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_57

If you buy a ring as a gift, be especially careful. In jewelry salons there are many models, but symbolic rings that carry a deep meaning can only be made to order.

Looking for a common ring? Many options, classic or unusual products according to the last fashionable fashion - the choice of each individual.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_58

Amethyst is a rather expensive stone, so there is always the likelihood that you can buy a fake. In fact, distinguish a fake stone from a natural very simple. This amethyst heats up very slowly, and the fake will become warm in counting seconds. There is no continuous color of the amethyst, you can observe tiny cracks and specks. In addition, pebbles are very hard, and it is impossible to scratch and damage it, so if after holding a needle or a knife, a scratch remains - in front of you ordinary glass.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_59

As for the care of amethyst articles, it will not be a lot of work. The main thing is that salted water and aggressive chemical components, which may worsen the quality of the amethyst, do not fall on the decoration.

Store the jewel is better in a cool warm place, away from bright sunlight. To clean the pebbles from the accumulated dust and negative energy, you can often wash it in cold water. And if the product is slightly cloudy or darkened, a toothpaste and brush will help well.

Ring with amethyst (60 photos): Golden models with green amethyst, solid and with large stone 3116_60

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