Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting


At all times, women tried with any means to emphasize the beauty of their body, resorting to the help of all sorts of decorations. Attract attention to gentle and elegant female hands are called rings that are the necessary attribute for many girls. It is not necessary that the ring was made of gold with precious stones, which can be considered a festive option. Let's talk about everyday life - about jewelry, which in modern performance a little inferior to its precious relatives.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_2

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_3

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_4

Features and advantages

In antiquity, the rings were used as money, prints, attributes to express the high status of their owner. The shape in the form of a closed circle of the ring was embodied infinity of being, so they were made by magical properties and wore as amulets and carries from evil forces. Over time, these attributes began to use as decorations, their main fans changed fans. Material for the manufacture has changed as human development: teeth and bones of animals, stone, wood, clay, copper, glass, iron.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_5

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_6

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_7

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_8

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_9

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_10

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_11

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_12

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_13

Today, lovers of jewelry have a wide selection of materials, shapes, colors, allowing you to choose a decoration under the style, add an image, reject the color of the eyes and satisfy any whims and caprises of fashionistas. The flight of the fantasy of designers, multiplied by the skilled hands of the masters, is able to infinitely please the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity inexpensive, but with these hearts with trifles.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_14

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_15

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_16

Such rings allow you to change your image when you want it to be a bright person. You can purchase accessories that are almost impossible to distinguish from chic jewelry jewels, find the desired combination with any detail of your wardrobe.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_17

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_18

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_19

The main advantages of jewelry are a variety and acceptable price.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_20

Models and species

The centuries-old rings history, its popularity and the eternal desire of a person to the uniqueness and individuality, gave rise to countless varieties of models of this favorite accessory, differing in form, view, design, appointment and style.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_21

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_22

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_23

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_24

Today you can find the embodiment of any of your imagination: classic and ultra-modern, strict and veil, with stones and without them, wide and narrow.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_25

Carved rings, material for cutting of which serves organic glass, wood, bone, metal, stone, embody the expanse of fantasy and skill: from the uncomplicated circle to a sophisticated carved painting in miniature.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_26

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_27

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_28

In a large variety, rings are rings: flat, convex, smooth, corrugated, dense, hollow, wide, narrow, decorated with engraving, carvings having different color variations. The classic example of this species is the wedding rings.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_29

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_30

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_31

Rings with stones are an endless whirlpool of species, shapes, ensembles and combinations. The originality of the design, diversity of metals, stones, an incredible number of colors and shades. A large massive ring with a large stone makes it clear to others that your personality confident in front of them. Accessory with a shallow painting of pebbles of one color will emphasize your elegance, and a multicolored bouquet will give the image fragility and playfulness.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_32

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_33

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_34

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_35

It leads to delight and variety of rings models: clock, crown, caste, flower, heart, animal figurines or zodiac signs, whole thematic compositions and much more.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_36

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_37

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_38

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_39

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_40

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_41

Beautiful, fashionable, stylish decorations harmoniously complement the images of a young girl, a business lady, and even a solid matron.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_42

Under Gold

Due to the fact that not everyone can afford the jewels from natural gold, and modern technologies allow producing products, perfectly imitating the precious metal, the rings "under gold" are becoming increasingly popular. Qualitatively performed, they look attractive and deserve to decorate the hands of their owner not only on weekdays, but also in solemn events.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_43

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_44

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_45


Accessories with gilding from a well-order manufacturer practically never inferior to their precious fellow and no dignity of their mistress in a secular reception. Such a ring will save its kind and gloss for a long time.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_46

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_47

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_48

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_49


Wide metal rings decorated under silver, platinum or gold are able to emphasize the reliability and foundation of their owner.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_50

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_51

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_52

With engraving

Engraving is a nonsense, but the unusually spectacular decoration of the ring. It can be located both on the inner and on the outside of the decoration. It may be the name of the most significant in the life of a person or trout to the depth of the soul phrase from a book or film. Such a ring is always able to warm my soul with warm thoughts.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_53

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_54

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_55

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_56


For extraordinary personalities, a classic ring is boring ordinary. It is for them to decorate the most unusual forms that reproduce the appearance of anything. Currently, online stores offer a huge selection of the most creative models. Well, if you failed to find a suitable, you can order the creation of an exclusive accessory.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_57

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_58

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_59

On the whole finger

Such a decoration is definitely attracting glances to their owner, and it is no coincidence. After all, this kind of accessories look elegant at the expense of elegant forms attached to them by masters. Despite several massive views, the ring for the entire finger does not cause inconvenience in the sock, since the bending of the finger is smoothly flowing.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_60


For the girl, the ring is the opportunity a little bit "like mom". And, of course, such a desire does not go without attention. Children's decorations are made from low-cost metals or plastic so that his loss could not hit the family budget. Accessories for small maiden fingers are made in the form of flower, butterflies or popular heroes of animated series.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_61

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_62

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_63

In order not to make a mistake in the choice of high-quality jewelry, you can search for you to decorate among the models of popular brands in the world.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_64

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_65

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_66

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_67

Inimitable, stylish, recognizable, topical, unique - unchanged characteristics accompanying jewelry with stones of the most popular Swarovski company.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_68

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_69

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_70

The well-known Italian company Bulgari produces jewels of a luxury for the elite and their copies from low-cost materials intended for connoisseurs of a well-known brand with average sufficient.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_71

How to choose?

In the abundance of a variety of rings models are easy to get lost. And not so, just choose the very thing that will look organically on the handle of its owner, and also approach its image.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_72

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_73

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_74

To select a ring or other accessory, you do not need to stick to strict rules. It is enough to be guided by fashion trends, as well as its own preferences.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_75

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_76

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_77

But it is not worth blindly believing fashion - it is also important to remember the standard rules for choosing the rings. On the way or another decoration will look, affects the shape and structure of the fingers and palm. For example, on thin fragile fingers, the ring wide or with a large stone will look cumbersome. The owners of such fingers are better to give preference to thin rings with a small stone or pearls.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_78

Guided by these simple tips, you will definitely select the ring, as it is impossible to emphasize the grace of your hands.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_79

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_80

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_81

How to wear?

Selecting the accessories that you put on today, you need to remember that they are cherry on the cake of your appearance. Therefore, your ring should be not only fashionable, but also fit into your image.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_82

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_83

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_84

Completely different decorations are suitable, say, to business suit or evening appearance. And if it is an office style, then it is worth choosing a modest and nonsense ring. But the evening outfit can be added to the accessory with stones and pearls. In addition, the ring should be combined in style with other jewelry in your image. By the way, it is desirable that they were no more than three, in order not to look like a Christmas tree.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_85

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_86

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_87

It also concerns the color scheme. In order for the jewelry to become a bright accent in your image, an outfit, as well as a manicure, you should choose not too bright in order not to shade a bright decoration.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_88

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_89

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_90

It is also worth navigating age. The girl can put on a finger a modest accessory with a small stone, and on the other hand, such age allows you to implement bold experiments with the newest and unexpected forms of the ring. But the ladies in the age can be put on elegant jewelry with a composition of stones.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_91

Of course, this is not a set of rules, and you can safely embody the most bold fantasies into life, using the most unusual rings models in your image. It is important to think through every trifle, and then you will be irresistible.

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_92

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_93

Jewelry: Stylish Women's Rings (94 photos): Wedding, Large, with stones, large connecting 3113_94

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