Tattoo "Serotonin" and "Dopamine": a tattoo with a hormone formula of happiness, sketches and meanings


Tattoo applying is a truly creative and mysterious process. After all, this is not just a "picture" - a man who has been tattooed, puts a special meaning into it. Each sketch should be selected very responsibly, as the removal of the tattoo is a very laborious and painful process. The article will be discussed about tattoos in the formula of Serotonin and Dopamine formula.




First you need to understand the sense and value of the sign. Serotonin designation is a chemical formula N₂oc₁₀h₁₂ which characterizes the solid. On the presentation is a hormone of happiness.

Consequently, the meaning of the tattoo lies in the definition of happiness. A person who will put on his body a graphic image of this hormone will chase happiness on the life path. The graphic view of the formula looks quite attractive both on men and on the female body.



Similarly, dopamine is a hormone of pleasure, which is synthesized in the human body.

The hormone is presented in the form of a chemical formula - C₈h₁₁no₂. Dopamine is a solid powder substance.

From the description of the formula of this hormone, we can conclude that the tattoo has only a positive meaning. The value of the tattoo in the form of a graphical representation of the dopamine formula is such that if you apply it to the body, it will be not only the original image, but also a certain sentence of the body that It is necessary to enjoy every mig of our tune life.



Options sketches

To pick up the sketch of these tattoos, you do not need to know the chemistry well. It is enough to dial the name of these hormones in the search engine.

Tattoo of such a plan involves a graphic image of the formulas of serotonin and dopamine. Main Nuance Tattoos - It may seem easy to perform, but clear lines are important here in order for the formula to be lost on the body.


The sketch may consist not only from one formula, sometimes combine two formulas of hormones into a single whole. According to the style of execution, the tattoo is often performed in strict design where there are exceptionally clear lines without shadows in 2D-format.


In addition, such a tattoo can be performed in volume, that is, in 3D technology, where there are shadows and glare.

The color scheme is found to be the most diverse, but more spectacular looks at the contrast of black and white. And also, in addition to the traditional tattooing, the graphic formula looks quite original when it is performed in the technique of shouting.




If you have a sketch in this format that, in addition to the formulas of these hormones, add several lines and "chemical cells", then you can make an inclusion effect in the tattoo. But you need to remember the main rule - in addition to the main sense load, the tattoo with new elements is added and new semantic values ​​are added, which are in the following one in one picture and can be interpreted a little differently.



Places of application

Graphic types of tattoos look great on both men's and female body. Tattoos in the form of a formula of serotonin and dopamine do not need to be hidden under clothing - this is a real crime. If the holder of a tattoo, of course, is not a civil servant, which is forbidden to exhibit this kind of art. A specific place to apply tattoo is recommended to choose with a flat plane. For this purpose, the blade, chest (in a male case), spin, loin and wrist. As well as hip and caviar.




After applying a tattoo No need to forget about the recommendations of the Tattoo Master, After all, the effect of the present image is directly dependent on this after a complete healing of the application location.

It doesn't matter what place the tattoo holder in the formula of serotonin and dopamine hormones will be chosen, the tattoo will look truly original.

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