Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear


Currently, the girl and a woman can hardly be surprised by any accessory, but at the same time the so-called scarf-necklace, which recently entered into the top trend new products of this year, caused an ambiguous reaction from the fair sex representatives. Such a model combines two accessories at once, namely the scarf and necklace, which together are able to emphasize the feminine image of their owner.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_2

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_3

Modern famous brands produce a huge number of similar products, trying to combine beauty in their models with practicality. High-quality and spectacular products of large brands will necessarily fall to taste even the most demanding customer.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_4

Designers pay great attention to the details, trying to make their products as comfortable as possible with sock and exclude their considerable weight. Thus, the most popular accessories were those in the manufacture of which materials were used as they were or atlas, and the necklace itself consists of light metal parts with decorative rhinestones or beads.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_5

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_6

Methods for the location of jewelry depends only on the imagination of the designer, and the methods of fixation - from stylists.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_7

However, the benefits of such an accessory do not end. A competently selected scarf-neck can emphasize the individual style of its owner, as well as to diversify and make elegance even in the easiest way, becoming its main "pearl". That is why this product quickly entered the women's wardrobe to look stylish.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_8

In addition, the similar invention of designers will definitely enjoy the girls and women who lead a fairly active lifestyle and wish to spend a minimum of time to draw up their bow. The presence of several options for this product in the wardrobe will help combine a large number of images with other clothes.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_9

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_10

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_11

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_12

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_13

How and with what to wear?

Naturally, in the store, each product looks tempting and beautiful, but many fine-sex representatives, acquiring a scarf-necklace, after purchase are asked as a question: how to wear this product?

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_14

In fact, everything is quite simple. Many products of well-known brands are already prudently in the presence of special additional methods for fixing in the form of buttons or hooks, and to figure it out in this case, any girl will not be much labor. However, models that are not equipped with this amenities can cause complications.

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_15

Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_16

In the modern market, such models of the scarf-necklace are common, which consist exclusively of the canvas and a beautiful design in the form of a necklace on it. The last part is usually located right through the middle of the product.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_17

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_18

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_19

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_20

    There are several ways to their socks:

    • To properly emphasize this accessory your onions, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on basic clothing. In the event that the top of your clothing is closed (sweater, turtleneck, jacket or blouse with a neck) or has an O-shaped neckline of any depth, then the scarf-necklace should be tied with a classic way. To do this, it is necessary to put the design of the necklace on the chest, and the free scarf tips to tie over the neck and leave them freely hanging in front.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_21

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_22

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_23

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_24

    • In the case when your clothes have a V-shaped neckline or assembly, a scarf-necklace should be tied with the same way, but at the same time tied out free ends under the necklace.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_25

    • In order to properly emphasize the beauty of your evening tight dress with open shoulders, it is worth leaving one end hanging in front, and the other on the side of the back.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_26

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_27

    • In cases where the dress or blouse has a deep cutout on the back, the free ends of the scarf turn around the neck several times around the neck, emphasizing the part of the scarf with the clavicle's necklace, and the tips leave hanging behind.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_28

    However, stylists do not limit your own fantasy. This accessory is not suitable for amateurs to experiment.

    Scarf-necklace (29 photos): models with beads, how to wear 2869_29

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