JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children


Each mother dreams about the daily household problems as little as possible distracted it from a pleasant pastime with the baby. So, going for a walk, a woman can no longer take a regular lady's bag with him. After all, the bottles, diapers, nipples and other accessories for a child will not fit into it, and if things are placed, they will definitely be mixed, other items will be stained.

Just for such cases, the American firm JU-JU-BE has developed handbags of various models that help mothers to be collected, neat and beautiful.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_2

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_3

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_4

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_5

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_6

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_7


JU-JU-BE is modern multifunction bags designed to meet the household needs of Mom.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_8

  • Modern materials. Top to coating used teflon fabric, which serves as a protective layer. It does not absorb moisture, smells, dirt is easily wiping with a rag. Inside the handbag is impregnated with an antimicrobial agent, which does not give moisture and microbes to spread. Now moms may not be afraid to wear wet diapers in a bag and raw clothes. The material almost does not fade and is not subject to mechanical damage.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_9

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_10

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_11

  • Multifunctionality. Inside the bag there is a large number of pockets. This allows you to place each thing separately and then easily find it. Each model has a bottle thermal chamber. He, thanks to the insulation, does not allow the container with food to cool. In all copies there are pockets intended for personal belongings Mom, where it can fold the documents and the phone, which is guaranteed to remain dry and clean.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_12

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_13

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_14

  • Comfort. Manufacturers did not forget to worry about that their handbags were also convenient to wear and use. So, moms can choose models with different ways of carrying: on the shoulder, on the back. At the same time, long-term wearing will not cause body discomfort. Handbags can also be hidden on the stroller handle. It is worth noting that it is thought out and such a trifle as quick access to the contents of the bag due to the presence of additional lightning. This allows mom to open a bag with one hand.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_15

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_16

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_17

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_18

  • Stylish design. The company offers mothers a large assortment of bags for any size, taste and color, both with bright prints and monophonic colors. With such a handbag, I am not ashamed to go for a walk to the city center or go for a holiday to friends.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_19

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_20

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_21

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_22

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_23

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_24


Each model of the company JU-JU-BE is designed to take into account its purpose.

For walking in the park you can choose a sporty style, and for a hike in a clinic and on business - classic.

There are also clutches in the brand assortment.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_25

  • Backpacks be Right Back. For many girls, the backpack is the most comfortable view of the carrying of things, because it is super accumulative, and when walking both hands is free. In the JU-JU-BE backpack, you can put a huge number of a variety of things by placing them by pockets. The backpack is convenient to wear, from the point of view of comfort, even if it is very heavy, since manufacturers thought about its orthopedic properties.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_26

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_27

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_28

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_29

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_30



  • Light bags Be Light. These models are low-size lightweight bags, but at the same time spacious. They have a pocket for wet things, thermochers for bottles. In this instance, it is easy to find the desired thing thanks to a bright lining. This model can be worn not only on the shoulder, but also hang on the stroller.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_31

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_32

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_33

  • Bags Be Classy. This accessory, as it is not difficult to guess from the name, can be attributed to the classic style, the style resembles a ladies bag, which allows you to carry it with more strict, elegant clothes. The model is suitable not only for walks with children, but also for hiking. At the same time, the handbag retains all of its functions: it is roomy, it can be stored in the heat of the bottle, the non-slip tissue belt is adjustable in length. If desired, the bag can be hung on the stroller.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_34

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_35

  • Hobobe bags. An option for those ladies that do not like heavy large-sized spaces, but at the same time they value the capacity and multifunctionality. Suitable for both the sports style of clothing and to business. The compartment for wet things, two thermochers, side pockets for small things - in this model there is everything that moms are so appreciated. It can also be worn on the wheelchair.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_36

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_37

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_38

Color solutions and decor

Fashionable mothers know that buying a JU-JU-BE handbag, which means being in a trend. Manufacturers have tried and developed design for every taste. Such a bag is a fashionable accessory, with which a woman can easily emphasize the individual style.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_39

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_40

Among the whole manifold, find their spectacular bag can be like girls who prefer sports style and romantic personnel.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_41

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_42

Young mothers can choose a bright color accessory with a floral print, in polka dot, striped, with a geometric pattern, with cartoon images. And for those who love minimalism, models of quiet shades are created, without drawings. All models have high-quality, beautiful fittings, lightning easily unbutton with one hand. Numerous pockets carry not only practical function, but also serve as a decor.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_43

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_44

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_45

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_46

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_47




The quality of JU-JU-BE bags has already rated a huge number of mothers. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews on the Internet. Buyers note that bags, including small, very spacious.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_48

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_49

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_50

There are bottles, diapers, wet wipes, toys, as well as personal belongings. Accessory owners are also noted the wear resistance and ease of cleaning the bag that does not lose the shape even after traveling. Among other advantages, young mothers celebrate the modern design of bags and a large selection of colors.

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_51

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_52

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_53

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_54

JU-JU-BE bags (66 photos): model Hobobe and others for mothers and newborn children 2783_55



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