Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years


Plasticine butterfly - the original handicraft, the modeling of which will be interested in children from 3 to 6 years. A bright insect is well familiar to the toddles in summer days when it flies through the fields or streets of cities. Detailed master classes will help to figure out how to make a statenly beautiful butterfly with a sideline or make it step by step with leaves.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_2

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_3

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_4

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_5

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_6

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_7

Classic option

Interesting crafts for children - an inexhaustible topic for creativity. The plasticine butterfly also may well be very different: a bright exotic or resembling the usual cabbage, characteristic or neutral.

Children 5-6 years old can make this work in a creative key, decorating insect to their taste. Kids will be interested to make a simple bright handicraft.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_8

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_9

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_10

The basic model of a plasticine butterfly suitable for children of any age can be done step by step according to the following scheme.

  1. Prepare materials. It will take plasticine of bright colors, stack and toothpick.
  2. Select the desired shades of the material for the body and head, the upper and lower segment of the wings.
  3. Separate the required number of pieces. It is good to stretch the material in your hands, roll it in the balls.
  4. From the workpiece for the body to make a spine-like part. Apply an ornament in the form of transverse rings.
  5. Find out 2 balls for top - larger part of the wings. Give them a drop-like or heart-shaped flat shape.
  6. Transform 2 spheres for the lower segment of the wings in the discs. Also form in the form of a drop.
  7. Collect the wings on the torso. The lower mounting first, on top of them 2 segments.
  8. Decorate the craft. Add to the top of the eyes and mustache. Wings children can arrange in their taste - in any desired style and color.

The finished butterfly with bright wings will be spectacular and cheerful.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_11

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_12

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_13

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_14

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_15

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_16

Older children can cope with more complex work, giving insect greater realism, decorativeness. In this case, the torso and head are assembled from 2 separate segments, rolled on a thin wire. This will solve the problem of disintegrating plasticine. Cross rings are applied to the lower body segment. The head is decorated with assholes and eyes.

Next, the process of work looks like this.

  1. 4 fragments of wings are pushed. The top is larger.
  2. With the help of stacks and toothpicks, the surface of the wings is covered with small embossed scratches. We must try to place the relief towards the outer edge of the workpiece. Then it turns out a peculiar imitation of pollen on the surface of the insect wings.
  3. All elements are collected on the torso.

At the request of the child can decorate her butterfly with bright specks from a plasticine of contrasting color. They are placed symmetrically or chaotic. Also interesting looks like a kaym on the contour of the wings.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_17

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_18

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_19

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_20

Maple leaves

Autumn time - time when butterflies on the street are not too often. But at this time, the street is full of diverse natural materials that can be used as a basis for creativity. Beautiful butterfly gets from Clean leaves. In the autumn of natural material you can make bright red, orange, yellow wings. Phased the work process looks like this.

  1. Collecting material. We'll have to search the most beautiful leaves. It will be better if they are pre-dry well, and then they will be stroked the iron. So the appearance of the craft will not change after drying. It is also worth blanking 2 cutters from the leaves.
  2. Plasticine preparation. It takes dark brown and others, bright, for decoration.
  3. The prepared sheet is placed on the work surface. Its peak should be directed down.
  4. From brown plasticine to cut the sausage thick with a finger. It will be the body. Additionally, a bowl for the head.
  5. Build product. The body of the butterfly is attached along the center of the prepared sheet along the streak. A head is recorded above it.
  6. Decorating the product. From the cutters from 2 maple leaves, you can make a butterfly mustache. From small multicolored plasticine balls - decor for its wings.

With the manufacture of this butterfly, the child will easily cope with 3-4 years.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_21

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_22

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_23

Older children can be offered a more creative task. Beautiful butterfly made of leaves and plasticine in the design technique is made on a paper substrate, recovered in the frame. Such work can well be sent to the competition or in hand as a gift.

For the manufacture of butterflies, the following materials will be needed:

  1. Rowan leaves, girlish grapes or cock, poplar;
  2. plasticine;
  3. leaf cutters;
  4. white cardboard;
  5. PVA glue.

It is also worth prepare a special workbook for working with plasticine, wet wipes for hands. The work process passes in stages. First, the ball is neopled from the plasticine - the head is flattened to the shape of the disk, supplemented with eyes, stuffing from the cuffs. All this is fixed on the basis of white cardboard. Better from the very beginning, lay the composition in the center.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_24

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_25

Then you can start collecting crafts.

  1. From the sheet of rowan, lay out 1 butterfly body segment. Fasten with glue.
  2. From the maiden grapes or small maple leaves to form the upper part of the wings. Wrap in glue cardboard, fasten.
  3. Of the 2 rowan sheet form the bottom of the butterfly body. Glit.
  4. Add the lower segments of the wings of poplar leaves. Fix.

Ready work you need to dry, then put into frame or passecut.

Making crafts from combined materials has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of shallow motility, helps the child to show creative abilities most brightly.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_26

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_27

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_28

How to sculpt with a chish on paper?

For children in 3-4 years, voluminous crafts may be quite complicated. In this case A real rescue for a teacher or creative mother, grandmother, nanny will be a master class for the manufacture of an original butterfly on a paper or cardboard substrate.

Collect such "picture" is much simpler, it can be issued by other elements of the decor.

The order of work will be such.

  1. Preparation of material. It will take a set of plasticine of bright colors, a spruce bump, a paper or cardboard basis.
  2. Sleeping wings. The upper pair will be the brightest, dropper. Lower - contrasting color, almost rounded. You can cover them with patterns, applying them with a stack, make the decor in the form of peas, spirals.
  3. Lrack of the head. It will take a rounded ball, sausage for mustaches, eyes, smile. For the basics, black or white plasticine is taken.
  4. Build craft. The bump is placed with scales down. It will be the body. The head is mounted on it, the wings are pinned on the sides. You can then glue decor elements.
  5. Fastening on the substrate. Butterfly with plasticine details leans to the base. Slightly pressed.

If adult assistance is assumed, the butterfly body can be fixed on the cardboard with a thin wire under the scales. At the same time, the holes are done in the material itself, through them the ends of the wire are displayed on the opposite direction of the picture, they are fixed with each other. Then the elements of a plasticine application are added around the bumps.

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_29

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_30

Plasticine Butterfly (31 photos): How to make it with the leaves of children step by step? How to make a stages of a beautiful butterfly with a sid? Impressive for children 3-4 and 5-6 years 27227_31

On how to make a butterfly from plasticine, see the next video.

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