Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird?


The main instrument of modeling - clay. But children usually begin to comprehend the art with clay - more accessible and user-friendly for beginners material. No wonder psychologists say about "intelligence at their fingertips": useful for children to be creative in designing or requiring activation of fine motor skills, not only to stimulate the development of speech. This forms the intellectual potential in general, and even helps to calm down, to throw out the energy, feel the joy of involvement in the work. However, modeling is useful not only for children, for parents is also a good way to escape.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_2

Tools and materials

To date, molded from clay is the most accessible, although the "competitors" on its heels. It's about polymer clay or denser kinds of dough for sculpting. Yet the classic types of clay - the best start for your child. Today, the diversity is impressive: from the standard 8, 12, 18 colors to large sets of shades with variations. Sell ​​plasticine with glitter, which is not suitable for all, but it is very popular with the children.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_3

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_4

What else is needed for modeling.

  1. Mat or board. This is to ensure that the work surface is not damaged - plastic mats and boards are cheap, used many times, and still teach children to create a working field and be more accurate.
  2. Cloth for wiping the workplace and hands. Also, the issue of hygiene and cleanliness. The earlier a child is accustomed to the fact that it is responsible for cleanliness when working with artistic material, the faster it will become a habit. It can be flannel cloths or wet wipes.
  3. Stacks. They need to cut the clay, as well as to give the surfaces a certain characteristic shape. For example, the stack will be the details of the wavy or, on the contrary, perfectly smooth. He can put on a stucco material of different kinds of dents. Stacks for sculpting from clay made of plastic, they are lightweight and safe. Prick them as possible (if you really try), but cut yourself - no.
  4. Plastic scissors. Help cut clay. Not the most necessary thing, but can a priori be included.
  5. Molds for stamping. They operate on the principle of molds for cookies. More interested in the smallest.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_5

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_6

Everything else is optional. Sometimes for decoration works using beads, buttons, beads, sequins and other decorations that can drill plasticine crafts.

Modeling Bluebirds

The easiest option for kids - sculpt one of the heroes of Ingres Bordz, blue flycatcher. More specifically, the blue birds there are 3: Jay, Jim and Jake. This fun-loving characters consistently point guards opponents.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_7

For work, you will need: blue plasticine (can be blue), a molding board.

The process is stepdown.

  • A piece of blue plasticine needs to be broken in their hands, and then divide on 3 portions. Start 3 balls-calf. If you can find a piece of wool or pyryshko for Khokholkov, it will be great. If not, you can also make them.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_8

  • Each blue birds in the Khokholka are 2 pynes. They must be combined together (as if in the ridge) and attach the Khokholki on the top.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_9

  • Now it's time to make evil eyes, it is evil, because this is Engri Berdz. Pupils from black plasticine can be shifted in different places of white flat eyeballs and see what the effect will turn out.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_10

  • After that, the eye eyelids should be cut out of orange plasticies, for this, strips are formed. Eyelids make and bottom, and upper.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_11

  • It is time to attach a sharp beak to the central part of the muzzle. But not very long, otherwise the recognition of the image will not be so apparent.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_12

  • The modeling scheme is completed by the formation of the tail, which consists of two black stripes-feathers.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_13

How to make bullfding?

Snegirek is one of the most beautiful, adorable killets. Among the winter birds, try to find it more beautiful, and then even a stucco bullfinner will delight your eyes.

It will take for work: black, gray, white and red plasticine, plastic stack, blade, match.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_14

How to cut the bullfding in stages.

  • The central part is torso - should be black. Then the details are gradually glued to it: the tail, the wings, small splashes of gray and white.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_15

  • In the hands of the black plasticine should be thickened, forming a full body. It should be large, because bullfinches, disappeared in the cold, looks always deceptively chubby. It is necessary to roll plasticine in whom, smooth your fingers, while pulling the material in two places opposite to each other - it is necessary to designate the head and neck.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_16

  • Now it's time to work with another color. It is impossible to move to this until you wipe your hands with a wet cloth. A piece of red plasticine should be turned into a flat layer. And this cake is attached to the infant breast. Similarly, you need to go with gray, only gray pellet will go down.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_17

  • Thin black triangular tail must be pulled out. The top tip of the tail, narrower, you need to stick from behind with the subsequent smoothing of the butt places.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_18

  • Next switch to the wings - they must be proportionate to the body of the bird. Subneumed gray and black pellets - this is what will need. Black details are glued on gray, small white pynes stick on the black area of ​​the wings. Each pyrshko is attached to the sharp side of the stack. The wing will, of course, two, they must be symmetrical.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_19

  • On the back it glues another gray pepling. All the details of the bulk smoothed so that his figure is perfectly smooth. White strip of plumage is attached to the back, almost at the head.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_20

  • Bills are attached on the sides, attached along the entire length so that they become streamlined. On the muffin sticks fine key, eyes.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_21

  • Next, you need to make a green tubercle with black legs, of which half the matches stick out - they will be the "legs" of bulk. The plasticine stand with matches is needed that the figure of the bullfight gains stability.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_22

  • The abdomen is attached to the matches, pressed.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_23

Plasticine statuette is ready!

Other options

To dilute the bird kingdom, you can cut a curious Soroka, a bright parrot and handsome peacock.


For her modeling, you will need: white and black plasticine, a droplet of gray plasticine, stack, rug.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_24

Algorithm actions.

  • Forty is considered a large bird, so it is not necessary to smack. The figure itself is black, but the sides, separate fragments and plumage - white. Black color remains basic, this plasticine should be a lot.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_25

  • The main parts of the forties - the torso and the head. Two wings and tail complement the figure, and therefore from black plasticine you need to roll 4 balls, commensurate parts of the fact that they will sculpt.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_26

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_27

  • Round head and pear-like torso need to glue together. Soft plasticine is well pulled out with fingers, the back of the body can be a little point.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_28

  • In the place of attachment of parts, the surface is especially carefully smoothed with fingers. Shepheys for wings are attached from above, and then on the sides.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_29

  • One side remains rounded, the second will be pointed. Then two identical wings are made. Pull out a thin pinch-pinch. Two white thin pieces, which will be glued in front. Two other cakes glue from behind with the exciting of the sides. Also fixed in its place the tail, plasticine flashes forward.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_30

  • White oblong shephers are pasted on the top of each wing. Now the stack is useful, which the details are used, they should become similar to feathers. The bird tail is also processed in the same way.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_31

  • The head is glued with a thin long beak, two glazes; Details should not be merged with a common background, so they can be performed from gray plasticine.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_32

  • The wings are glued on the sides, soft plasticine is attached. Forty almost ready. From the brightest gray plasticine left to form her paws. They are attached to the body.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_33

As a result, it turns out at all a small bird, preschoolers make it completely independently will not be easy, but with the help of adults they are ascended by Soroki.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_34


To blindly close the parrot, two-three plasticine will be required (and more) bright colors. Also need black, white and brown. Pointed toothpicks come in handy.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_35

Parrot step by step.

  • Suppose that this bird will be yellow. Green wings and tail will appear on top of the yellow body. Each stage of work begins with the kneading material, the form elements should be given to fingers.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_36

  • The head remains just a round ball, but the torso stretches into the bullet, in the tail part it is necessary to make an accuracy. Details are joined to get one whole. While the mass is not frozen, the plasticine sticks out well.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_37

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_38

  • There is a hitch of figurines, you can take a muzzle. Packages Standard: White circle plus black pupil smaller circle. The bird's keyboard will be sharp, lowered down.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_39

  • Now you can take on the wings and feathers. You can take only green plasticine or supplement it with other bright colors. From oval cakes, wings are formed, drawings on which are made with a stack or toothpick.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_40

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_41

  • Brown paws, standard. This is a plasticine, which is risen in matches. On the other "legs" parrot will not stand.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_42

In the next video, other Methods of Parrot Parrot are presented.


To make this handsome, it will take: plasticine of bright colors, not less than 5 different samples, stack, wire, match.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_43

Stages of modeling.

  • You need to smash blue plasticine lump. It is drawn up so that the center is formed a rather compound to the caller, the thick neck was covered, the tail part was flattened behind.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_44

  • A small head is added to the neck (Peacock is really small). On the two sides, white cakes are stuck, which will subsequently become eyes.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_45

  • Ahead is attached to an orange small beak. Black stripes glue on white cakes - so the plumage is set. Black eyes-points are glued. The head is made.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_46

  • On the head, a hokholok from black spots collected in the fan. Only first on each twig, a blue ball is fixed. In the Khokholka there will be 6 sprigs. Wings in peacock are inconspicuous, they can be made from the same plasticine as the main part.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_47

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_48

  • The most important thing is the tail, it has the most remarkable bird. Two shades of the same color will be required, for example, light green and dark green. Of these shades, you need to make a few dense droplets: dark smaller, and bright more.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_49

  • Closer to a wide part of the droplets are lined with multi-colored cakes, such work requires the greatest skillers - it is necessary to glue the smallest details.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_50

  • A sharp tip stacks on feathers are made notches. All the tries makes sense to glue the fan, so they will be easier to mount them. At the base, there are many small balls on the torso. They can also be greine, but not necessarily.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_51

  • The tail is attached from behind, next to these balls. Each point is pushing the head of the match.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_52

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_53

  • Peacock also need to put somewhere. You can make a green circle-tube, decorate with flowers, insert two matches inside this tubercle. It will be a "legs" of peacock, which is then planted torso.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_54

Children at 5-6 years old can try the manufacture of this and other birds. The guys in 3-4 years old do not cope with the like, but already studying simple options, pushing the bird in the nest, etc.

Any of these MK can be upgraded and improving, invent author's comments and adjustments. You can play with flowers, add rainbow plasticine, use plasticine with glitters, etc.

Bird out of clay: how to sculpt beautiful bird children? Modeling of birds with their hands in 3-4 years and 5-6 years. How to gradually make the wintering bird? 27225_55

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