Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself?


Many children come delight from mysterious dinosaurs. To maintain the interest of the child and spend a qualitatively together time, periodically of these massive creations can be sculpted from plasticine.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_2

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_3

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_4

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_5

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_6

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_7

How to make triceratops?

To make your own dinosaur with plasticine, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare enough preparation.

  • Use a homogeneous high quality material devoid of lumps. Mass should not be too rigid, nor too soft. It is important that plasticine is easy to remember and formed the required figures, but it did not crumble. It is better to prepare the bars in advance of several bright colors, as well as a sheet of cardboard, which is exhibited. Plasticine will need to carefully smash and warm up in hand. To apply drawings and decorative elements, needle is useful.
  • The place where the work will be carried out should be well lit. The surface of the table can be caulated with a liner or simply prepare a plastic plate or wood for direct modeling.
  • The main tool for work, that is, the stack, it is better to choose from wood, metal or plastics. Toothpicks that may be needed for fastening parts and impart resistance design are also prepared in advance. An alternative to them can become a wire, which will have to handle with nippers, and matches.
  • If the modeling will occur in children , then the clothes of young creators are wiserfully to protect the apron, and the hair is a plate or a gang.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_8

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_9

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_10

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_11

You can start a familiarity with the world of plasticine dinosaurs from the master class for the manufacture of triceratops, the instructions of which follow the phased. To recreate a massive run-free animal with horns and a "fan" above the head, the bars of plasticine of gray and brown flowers are required, the rod of the ballpoint handle and stack.

In principle, instead of the stack, an ordinary knife can be used, but only if parents won't leave children alone with a sharp tool.

  • The first thing of the gray mass creates a figure, externally resembling carrots, which will be to become a torso and tail of the animal. It is important that the wide before jumped to the rear.
  • Next, the tail of the workpiece is a little flexible on the book, and the head is glued ahead - a large gray item, pointed with one of the sides.
  • Also from the substance of this shade there is a cake, which the tool is attached to the form of a fusion. The part is fixed by a semicircle on the head, and all the joints are definitely smoothed.
  • Four thick legs can externally resemble ordinary tubes.
  • By connecting the part of the body of triceratops, it is necessary to add to it the eyes, and the back and the tail is covered with two brown "sausages". One of them should descend along the back, and three go across.
  • Two acute horns of creatures are also formed from brown mass.
  • Finally, with a rod from the handle, the entire body surface is covered with round patterns resembling rigid skin. It should be done carefully so that the openings do not get too deep.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_12

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_13

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_14

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_15

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_16

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_17

Lychak Rex

For beginner young sculptors, a simple master class will fit perfectly, according to the results of which the terrible Tyrannozavr Rex settle down at home.

Following the steps of a simple instruction, it will be possible to learn the basics of creating animal data, after which it will be possible to move to more complex figures.

For work, only plasticine of four colors will be required: brown, white, black and yellow, as well as toothpick.

Everything is done quickly and easily.

  • We mix black and brown lumps into a single mass. Pretty kneading.
  • We form oval - it will be a Ti-Rex head. On the one hand, it is slightly pressed, on the other hand it is cut in the middle so that the open mouth turns out.
  • With the help of toothpicks in the head, small openings are done - the socket. There are small balls from yellow plasticine - eyes, form pupils in them.
  • With the help of white plasticine, teeth are made, they are inserted into the mouth. You can not try to blind each tooth separately, but simply put on both jaws on the strip of white material and the toothpick should be done in them.
  • They make an oblong torso and tail, tapering to the tip.
  • Shape the neck, attach it to the body, they join the head.
  • Now 2 thick rear paws are enhanced, each end is divided into 3 parts from one end - it will be fingers. Each finger is narrowed and supplied with yellow claws. Fiberate the paw in the middle, fasten it to the body at an angle of 90 °.
  • Form small front paws on the same principle, attach to the body almost under the neck.
  • The rex figure should have a support in the form of a tail, otherwise it will fall forward all the time.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_18

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_19

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_20

Other options

Having mastered the creation of ordinary dinosaurs, you can go to a more complex animal, also step by step by following instructions.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_21

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_22

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_23


Ankilosaurus looks very unusual. To create its small copy, only plasticine of yellow and brown colors will be required, as well as a tool resembling a spatula. By the way, the yellow mass will be used in more quantity than brown.

  • A well-racing substance, it will be necessary to form two cakes: the bright will be torso animal, and brown - shell. Additionally, several brown billets should be prepared.
  • Brown cord is fixed on yellow, and the place of docking can be left uneven. With the help of a spatula, the shell is covered with a mesh, and pieces intended for spikes are sharp.
  • Feet are also formed from yellow plasticine. To this end, sausages are formed from a piece of first, and then it bends on one of the sides, flattens and dumped twice with a spatula. Similarly, three more legs are created, and the tail is cured from a small piece of brown material.
  • The dinosaur body is connected to the legs, and the tail is fixed behind. On the opposite of the tail, the side is immediately worth sticking the toothpick, which will be a big head. The spikes are inserted on the sides of the body so as to form a protective row to almost all circumference.
  • From a good piece of yellow plasticine, a ball is made, which after modifies, forming a dinosaur head. Its nasal part pulls out, the pits for the eye are pushed with fingers, and the fan is formed on top.

So that spikes appear on the head, it is enough to sharpen using the tool its upper part. At the end of the creature, the eyes, mouth and nostrils are designated, and the head sits on the body.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_24

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_25

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_26

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_27

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_28

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_29


For the creation of a herbivorous Stegosaurus, the bars of green and red plasticine will be needed.

  • The body of the animal is formed from the ball and the harness, the location of the connection between which is thoroughly smoothed. A pretty massive tail resembling an elongated cone is attached to the torso.
  • From the mass of the same color, a pair of massive rear legs and a pair of thinner and short fronts are crushed. The limbs can simply stick to the body either "to put" on matches.
  • The dinosaur head is formed in the form of a small egg, which is significantly less to the body, but only a little more neck.
  • A large number of small triangles of different sizes are formed from a red or bright orange substance. The resulting plates are glued onto the back in two rows, following a large one. The end of the tail is completed by the fourth of narrow spikes.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_30

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_31


Pretty simply created from plasticine Longly Brachiosaur. All the same tools and materials are required for work: plasticine, toothpicks and stack.

  • The first thing from the cultivated bar is created by the elongated Taurus, one side of which is completed with a conical tail.
  • To obtain a reprehensive neck, the toothpick "dresses" in the sausage of the same shade.
  • After the formation of the fourths of the cone-like legs, flat "frogs" paws are attached to them as well on the toothpicks.
  • Green mass is activated again - now for the formation of an oblong head. The tool in it cuts over the mouth, and the red tongue is inserted inside. Eyes of creatures are created from a pair of white balls with black pupils.
  • At the last stage, all parts of the Brachiosaur are collected in a single design.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_32

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_33

Quickly make a Brachiosaurus will get on a slightly different scheme. The whole mass is immediately divided into several parts: 4 paws, torso, head and neck. A piece designed for the head is rolled into the ball, which is slightly compressed. Having allocate a stick of the opening for the eyes, they will be required to fill with small beads from black plasticine. The dinosaur neck rolls down with a thick flagella of the same material. The brutal body is immediately pulled out the tail. In short animal legs, matches are inserted for convenience. All parts of the animal are bonded between themselves, and the formed seams are smoothed with fingers.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_34


To form a flying pterodactile, it is recommended to use special air plasticine. The shade of the material is selected depending on its own preferences.

  • The first thing from the mass of the dominant color is rocking a small ball, which will be to be headed. Separately from the plasticine of the contrast color is formed by a sharp beak. The nose is slightly pulled out of the head, the beak is fastened after it, and the jacket of the same contrast shade is added at the top. To complete the head of the pterodactile, it remains to attach white balls of the eyes, draw eyebrows and, if possible, cut under the beak of the membrane.
  • A large piece of plasticine of the main shade is activated for oval torso. Thin, but the sturdy neck enlisted in the same color. Finished parts are bonded among themselves, after which it is time to move to the wings.
  • A mass of brown color is enough of the time and heated by hand. It is then divided into two parts, each of which is attached a form of a triangle. Fix the wings on the body should be a narrow side.
  • On the back of the body there is a small incision to form a place to fix the limbs.

Having formed long thin paws of brown, they will remain only to attach in such a way that the animal "flew".

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_35

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_36

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_37


Finally, complete the collection of homemade dinosaurs stands underwater plesiosaur. To create the simplest model, it will be possible to even limit the material of the same color.

  • It all begins with the fact that a large ball is formed from the mass, from which the neck and tail are pulled out after the opposite sides. It is important that the neck turned out to be uniform, and the tail was slightly pressed against the end. Slightly putting on the end of the neck, you can immediately get a flat head. At the request of fingers, it is done more oval or oblong.
  • In the muzzle, the stack cuts over the mouth, where the teeth are inserted after. Despite the fact that they should form two rows, it is not rebiring and simply limited to one symbolic plate of white plasticine. With the help of the tool in the head, the depressions for the eyes are squeezed, after the required shade filled with balls.
  • Following the entire length of the body, a thin crest, which comes along the head from the head and to the tip of the tail. Flaw paws of an animal can be performed from the material of the same color, although the contrast limbs will look much more interesting.
  • Four flat "beans" are fixed directly on the animal's belly. By the way, they can be made more rounded or elongated.

Front fins should turn out to be slightly larger than the rear.

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_38

Plasticine dinosaur (39 photos): How to blind dinosaurics of Rex for children step by step? How to make other figures in gradually do it yourself? 27223_39

About how to make a dinosaur, see the next video.

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