Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself


The modeling of plasticine mouse is an exciting occupation that can be carried out with children from three years. To facilitate the task, you should use detailed master classes. However, it is possible that in the process of modeling in children or parents there will be their own ideas.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_2

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_3

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_4

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_5

    Classic option

    The modeling of the classic mouse of plasticine is considered the simplest . Conduct with the task will be able to kids of the youngest age. The character consists of a minimum number of parts, but it looks very cute and pretty. In order to make it, it will take gray or white plasticine. The mouse can be made brown or black, but in the second version you have to try with eyes.

    For children, it will be an interesting task to make several animals of different colors.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_6

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_7

    Step-by-step process looks like this.

    1. First form from plasticine Torchishche (oval, resembling an egg).
    2. Next of the piece is less done head With a pointed nose.
    3. You can give the mouse even greater cute, if Nose Make a rather large of a ball of black or pink plasticine.
    4. Ears Forms from monophonic plasticine or with light inserts in the inside, so that the animal looks more naturally.
    5. An integral element - long tail . You can make it from plasticine striking in a flavor.
    6. Last detail - eyes . The easiest way is the use of two black balls, but you can make white eyes with black or colored pupils.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_8

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_9

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_10

    Figurine with a heart

    You can make a mouse with a heart as a gift to mom on some holiday or simply as a souvenir. The main stages of the modeling are not different from the classic option. However, the animal in this case should be done seating or to stand on the hind legs. It is necessary to place the main attribute - the heart.

    1. First we make a torso and head according to the standard scheme. The torso is oblong, head with a pointed nose. The size and form of the ears should be selected independently. Characters look equally cute both with large and small ears.
    2. Now we define, in which posture will be the animal . If it is standing, then the rear legs are made as stable as much as possible. You can use a thicker tail as an additional support. If the mouse is sitting, the rear paws are made in the form of balls.
    3. You can experiment with eyes, making them in the form of beads or with black and white plasticine.
    4. Next remains to make the heart . To do this, you will need a red or pink plasticine. The size of the workpiece must optimally approach the body's body and fit in the front paws.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_11

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_12

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_13

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_14

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_15

    How else can you make a mouse?

    The options for small plasticine mice there is a huge amount. They can differ not only in their appearance, but also for additional accessories. Characters can be awarded cheese, bumps, acorns, nuts or chestnuts. You can make one mouse and several accessories so that the child can play with her and invent different stories.

    Such crafts are suitable for kids or for beginners to engage . Some phased instructions allow you to make a character quickly and in simple form, others are more complex.

    The original addition to the animal made with your own hands will be natural materials.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_16

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_17

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_18

    With cheese

    In order to make a mouse with cheese, it will take gray, pink, yellow, black and white plasticine. Looks like such an exercise very cute. Conduct with the task maybe the child may even have the youngest age. In order for the mouse for a long time retaining its appearance, you can cover it with a transparent varnish. A child will be able to play with her for a longer time.

    The process of modeling.

    1. Starting the modeling need from the largest part of the body of the character - with Torch . To do this, an oval resembling an egg is formed from a piece of plasticine. Its lower part should be a little wider than the top (where the neck will be located).
    2. Formed two more small balls, you need to do Rear legs And attach them to the bottom of the body. Imitation of fingers and curls can be performed using toothpicks.
    3. Front legs Made from small plasticine pieces in the form of peculiar sausages. Unlike the hind limbs, they need to be done in such a way as to additionally it was possible to accommodate cheese in them.
    4. Head It is created in the form of a cone from a slightly elongated base (imitation of the nose of the mouse).
    5. Next, proceed by K. ears . Make them can be small or huge. Depends on the fantasy of the child. To do this, we form two small balls and turn them into the survived circles. In order for the ears to look more naturally, in the middle there are two more circles of smaller diameter and pink color. Attach the workpiece to the head.
    6. Thin tail It can be made of pink or gray plasticine, bending it in any direction.
    7. Cheese You can make a round or in the form of a triangular piece. Imitation holes is created using toothpicks.
    8. Details remain - Nose and eyes . Nose make a tiny black plasticine ball. Eyes - of two shiny white circles. Imitation of pupils is carried out with black plasticine.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_19

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_20

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_21

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_22

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_23

    With bishie

    Not only plasticine, but also real natural materials are used for mouse modeling mouse. The main thing is to find an option optimally suitable in size. The bumps use any - fir, pine.

    For small heroes, it is possible to use spruce or pine kidneys, which in appearance also resemble bumps.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_24

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_25

    The bump can be turned into an eared animal with just a few details:

    1. From plasticine make a cone. It is necessary to fasten it at the base of the cones;
    2. Ears and eyes are attached here;
    3. The tail in the form of a plasticine flagella is fastened at the base of the "revealed" part of the cones;
    4. For stability, you need to add foot (you can simply in the form of balls or ovals).

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_26

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_27

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_28

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_29

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_30

    With acorns

    The mouse with an acorns is the original and funny handicraft. Acorn can be made independently or take real. It is interesting to look a character with two or three acorns in the paws. In order to replace the natural material with a plasticine option, you will need toothpick, light brown and dark brown plasticine.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_31

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_32

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_33

    With a torso from the acorns.

    1. Mouse from the acorns will turn out miniature . Over the details will have to try.
    2. The miniature cone must be attached to the base of the head of the acorn or in the place where it was attached. You can make a head entirely, then the animal will be larger and get an interesting "fluffy" collar.
    3. Paws, ears and tail Also attached in the right places.
    4. Hat It may tear away from the acorns, so it is better to attach it to glue.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_34

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_35

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_36

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_37

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_38


    The main feature of Jerry from the cartoon is the color of the wool and a kind of body shape, ears. To facilitate the modeling process, it is recommended to prepare the image of the hero in advance. Additionally, the mouse can make accessories. For example, a piece of cheese.

    1. Begins the process of modeling torso . Plasticine is better to choose light brown color for greater similarity with the original character.
    2. Front and rear paws are made in a standard way. . The main nuance is their location. Mouse should stand, so the lower limbs must be sufficiently stable. It is better to imitate a kind of foot.
    3. Another important point is a round head . Jerry has no pointed face, so this part of the body can not be corrected.
    4. Ears Must be quite large and located with side parts of the head. The inner part is better to make pink.
    5. Next stage - Light face. On the front of the head, it is necessary to apply a white plasticine circle and thoroughly dissolve it. Here is the nose.
    6. Eyes Jerry has large enough. It is also necessary to make them from white and black plasticine.
    7. If there are skills to work with microscopic parts from plasticine, then you can add an image Warms and cilia.
    8. Tail Jerry has a small size. This nuance also needs to be considered.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_39

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_40

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_41

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_42

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_43

    With chestnut

    Chestnuts are usually satisfied with large sizes. If you do a character who will keep such an accessory in the paws, then the mouse must be quite bulky. An interesting idea can be placing a small mouse on chestnut. The character should sit on it.

    This simple variant will also make it a reduced version of plasticine.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_44

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_45

    With chestnut torso.

    1. For the manufacture of the mouse, you can take One big chestnut or one large, and the second smaller.
    2. In the first case it will be necessary for him Make the head of plasticine entirely. In the second - the little chestnut will imitate it.
    3. So that the animal is more like this It is recommended to think about the neck in advance. To do this, a small piece of plasticine is attached between head and torso.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_46

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_47

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_48

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_49

    With walnut

    Walnut, as well as a bump, chestnut or acorn, can be taken in the present form or made from plasticine. It is important to choose the most bright variant of the mass for modeling and prepare toothpick. With it, it will be repeated a buggy walnut surface.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_50

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_51

    With a torso from walnut.

    1. As in the case of chestnuts, you can take One big walnut or two different sizes.
    2. If you use one walnut, you can not make your head separately. Attaching the ears and spout to it, it turns out a fun mouse round shape.
    3. Sustainability The figure is given at the expense of plasticine paws.
    4. Two nuts are also easy to turn into an eared animal. Small will be head, larger - torso. Be sure to do neck. She will fasten two nuts.
    5. As in other versions, Ears, nose, paws and tail are placed in the right places.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_52

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_53

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_54

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_55

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_56

    The modern range of plasticine allows numerous experiments. Mass for modeling can be neon and glow in the dark. Interesting goods for creativity are kits that are called "Air Plastic". Such a mass is frozen and the structure resembles the dough for modeling.

    The character made by their own hands can become a souvenir or even a key chain.

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_57

    Plasticine Mouse (58 photos): How to make a mouse from a cone with a plasticine and make it for children with stomachs step by step? Mouse mouse with chestnuts and with walnuts do it yourself 27220_58

    On how to make a plasticine mouse independently, see the following video.

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