Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work


From high-quality plasticine, you can make a great many different features. Often children make different animals.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_2

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_3

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_4

DIY are obtained particularly spectacular and interesting if created with the use of natural materials.

We learn how to make a beautiful protein from plasticine and cones.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_5

Tools and materials

The modeling is a very exciting occupation, which has a beneficial effect on the small motility of the child, and on the possibilities of his fantasy. Of the modern plasticine masses it is possible to create figures of absolutely any shapes and sizes.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_6

Cool things are obtained if you additionally use such natural materials like cones or acorns.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_7

Before proceeding to the modeling of the original squirrel, the young master will need to prepare the necessary tools and materials:

  • High-quality plasticine of different colors - It is ultimately not recommended to acquire sculptural material, since a child will work with him extremely difficult due to high rigidity;
  • Shishki. - can be any, but most often use spruce or pine;
  • Justice - if the aircraft provides for the presence of these natural materials, they should also be pre-prepared for creative operations;
  • A plate for laying - special fixture with which the process of modeling becomes more convenient;
  • Cleaned, paper or cardboard sheet - if all the work is not carried out on the table, but on the table, it first needs to be causing the specified materials so that no fat spots remain;
  • stack - A convenient tool designed to work with small details can be made of wood or plastic.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_8

Production ideas

There are a lot of various ideas for making charming crafts from plasticine and cones. Consider some of the interesting options that will definitely attract small "sculptors".

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_9

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_10

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_11

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_12

With autumn leaves

Excellent protein will be made from pine cones, orange plasticine and autumn leaves. We will analyze step by step, how to make a cute little animal.

  • First, it is necessary to cut the basic details of the proteins. From plasticine orange, it is necessary to form the abdomen, in shape resembling a chicken egg, as well as pointed ears and a long nose. Little black balls will be in the role of the eye.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_13

  • All items must be connected to each other.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_14

  • Plasticine components must be carefully transferred to the base in the form of a pine cone. Details will be required to fix it as securely on fir scales.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_15

  • Next you need to cut the limbs of the squirrel. The front paws can be made in the form of elongated droplets with curls, drawn stack at the ends. 2 dense oval can act as the lower paws.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_16

  • Finished legs are attached to the base of the cones. These components should be given a certain provision that has planned the young master.

The wider the limbs will be fixed, the more stable the protein will turn out.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_17

  • It remains to make a tail. It is possible to form a pointed plasticine cake, to re-establish it with stripes, depressed by means of toothpicks. This detail stands slightly to wrap the spirals so that it is better to hold the right form. After that, the tail can be attached to the chish.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_18

  • Autumn leaves in this case will serve as the original decor. The finished protein can be beautifully located in the midst of yellowed foliage so that the aesthetic composition is.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_19

With acorns

Funny squirrel will come from cones and acorns. In combination with plasticine, suitable colors will allow you to make a beautiful and original figure.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_20

Consider a detailed master class on making cute animals from plasticine, cones and acorns.

  • To work, you will need to find one bump having an extended and slightly curved structure. A similar species often have fir bumps. If scales are disclosed, it will create the illusion of a furry fur of the animal. Another bump will be used as a protein body.
  • The curved tail should be attached to the cartoon of the animal by means of a small piece of plasticine.
  • Next, you should make the paws. For them, you need to prepare 2 unscrewed bumps. These parts must have the same dimensions.
  • Unpassed bumps attach to the body of proteins using plasticine. These will be the rear paws. These components must necessarily be sufficiently strong and stable.
  • Next you need to take another bump of small size. It should also be fixed on the body of the squirrel. The specified element will play the role of the head of the animal. The result is a full-fledged blank.
  • Now it's time to use orange plasticine. From this material it is necessary to cut the Beliches ears and front paws. The components made will need very gently fix on the body from the cones.
  • Squirrels needed to attach the eyes made of white and black plasticine, nose. If you want, you can fix thin mustache from dry grass or other similar materials.
  • To add and reorganize the protein from cones and plasticine can be a charming jelly bag.

It is recommended to find the most cute acorn, which has a twig. This component should be accurately attached to the beast of foot, and then throw a back.

  • In the second leg of the squirrel can be placed another panoramic acorn.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_21

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_22

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_23

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_24

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_25

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_26

Such homemade will be very original and funny. The main thing - before the start of all works, it is pretty cleaning natural materials from dust and dirt. All components must be perfectly clean and dry.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_27

Squirrel with fluffy tail

Easy and easy it turns out to make a plasticine protein having a fluffy volumetail. The role of the latter will play a large firing bump with widely disclosed scales.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_28

Consider stages, as you can make such a simple, but very cute craft.

  • It is necessary to find a large bump with sticking disclosed scales. The material is cleared of all contaminants before starting work. While this component can be postponed.
  • Next should be done by the manufacture of the very animal. To do this, you can use a plasticine mass of orange or light brown shade.
  • Plasticine bar should be divided into several parts, and then roll each of them into the ball. The two of the largest balls will act as the head and body of the animal, and from several small pieces you will need to make eats.
  • At the next stage, you need to take a piece from which the animal's body will be made. This component must be slightly rolled by giving it a shape of thick sausages.
  • Now it is necessary to take 2 small pieces of plasticine. They need to roll into small balls, and then sprout slightly. These will be the rear paws proteins. These components should be immediately fixed at the bottom of the harvested torso.
  • As the next step, it is advisable to make the manufacture of the head and face of the animal. You need to take another major ball, and then pull the pair of pointed squirrel ears on my fingers on his top.
  • You should make a face of the animal. Eye can be loosened from plasticine white and black color, and you can buy ready-made plastic parts and fix them. At the same stage, you need to stick the spout of proteins. Its color can be any, but it is better to use the black plasticine mass.
  • Next, you need to make the front paws of the animal. These components will turn out of a pair of thin plasticine sausages.
  • The head should be fixed on the top of the body, and the front paws right under it. The location of the paws can be absolutely any. The bump will need to be fixed on the place of the tail of the proteins.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_29

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_30

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_31

This master class will be very simple for children, but at the same time quite interesting. As a result, you can get very funny and cute plasticine animals.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_32

Useful recommendations

We will get acquainted with a number of useful recommendations on the laying of forest animals from plasticine.

  • Before starting work, all materials taken from the street should be carefully washed and cleaned. The child should not work with dirty components.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_33

  • For the manufacture of crafts, it is recommended to buy only high-quality plasticine, characterized by a sufficient level of softness. A second-time and lying mass will not allow creating beautiful and neat figures.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_34

  • The imitation of the fluffy wool of animals is easy to create by means of a large number of small notes on the material. These notches can be done using stacks or toothpicks. With such an addition, the figures are obtained more spectacular.

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_35

Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_36

      • Working with a plasticine mass, it is recommended to keep the wet wipes. You can wipe your hands at any time at any time so as not to get dirty and accidentally do not mix different colors.

      Squirrel made of cones and plasticine: how to make a crawler on a step-by-step master class children? Tools and Materials for Work 27210_37

      With another simple way to manufacture proteins from cones and plasticine, you can get acquainted in the next video.

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