Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step?


Lajk crabs from plasticine - very promising occupation . Knowing how to make grinding to children in gradually with their own hands, you can get involved in these occupations. It is also useful to find out how to make a sad crab step by step.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_2

Simple option

This manipulation for children phasedly includes several execution stages. It will take red and pink plasticine. Animal blanks have a spherical shape. Subsequence:

  • Pressing the largest ball;
  • Preparation of 8 lack of colors of a similar section;
  • Accommodation 4 "legs" on a plasticine crab belly on each side;
  • transformation of other bulls in claws;
  • connection of parts from which the imitation of the front limbs consist;
  • fixation of culsems on the torso;
  • Decoration of the back of a crustacean light-pink velpinks (making the surface similar to the amansor);
  • Supplement of the shape of the eyes.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_3

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_4

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_5

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_6

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_7



How to make a crab with raised progress?

In this case, you need red, black and white material. It is possible to take orange instead of the red mass - it is not applicable. From plasticine bright coloring is tinned by the central part of the figure. Then consistently roll (everything reducing the size) is red, white, black and another white pair of balls. The remaining manipulations step by step are performed as follows:

  • Create eyes;
  • using wire pieces fix them on the body;
  • With the help of an oblong black strip form a cheerful smiling mouth;
  • Prepare the front legs and attach them to the housing on the wire frame;
  • Create 6 walk limbs (a small value, of course) - and with the help of the same wire they have them on the body.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_8

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_9

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_10

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_11

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_12



There is an alternative option:

  • mix the red and orange mass to a homogeneous state;
  • Prepare from her the ball;
  • cut it;
  • form and flatten an oval piece;
  • Make thin, homogeneous foot length;
  • cut off the excess length of these paws with a knife or scissors;
  • Smooth by cautious movements of the point of cuts;
  • Make the "stalks" of the eye - there will help toothpicks or segments of non-footing wire;
  • Form a pair of powerful culks and fasten them properly.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_13

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_14

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_15

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_16

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_17

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_18

How to make a sad figure?

Theoretically, this effect can be achieved above in the methods. It is enough just to orient your eyes otherwise and do not draw a smiling mouth. But much more pleasant to make with your own hands a completely original figure from scratch . The work will require plasticine orange and pink colors. Additionally need toothpicks.

The ball, which will then become the case of the crab, can be made of half of the typical bar. This ball must be chopping, presses with hand from above. The surface is required to be covered with contrasting specks.

The main white part of the eye can be placed on the halves of the toothpicks, the main thing is that they are supplemented with black pupils.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_19

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_20

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_21

It is their position and a look just give animal a characteristic facial appearance. 8 orange legs are prepared as threads split from one edge. Important: This operation must be slow and gently. Clashs preferably make more fun. Summaged plasticine is rolled into a long non-fog cone. Pressing and incision on one side will allow you to get exactly the uniform that is needed.

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_22

Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_23

        Clash should be fixed closer to the front segment of a crustacean - the one that previously laid eyes. 4 paws are fixed from each sides. The resulting figure is really similar to the sea inhabitant. You can vary the image by changing the length of the paw and culisas, the angle of their installation relative to the case. With such a "crab" almost any preschoolers will not even mind to play in the sandbox!

        Crab of plasticine: how to make grinding to children in gradually do it yourself? How to make a sad crab step by step? 27208_24

        About how to make a crab from plasticine, look in the video.

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