Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands?


When a child takes a plasticine, creates a new design from a standard bar, mixes colors and plays with a form, it develops logical and abstract thinking. You can sculpt the cockerel according to different schemes: from extremely simple to those that require the use of additional material, such as cones, acorns, nut shell.

Simple option

If you make a sheet of wax plasticine, brighter and saturated, the rooster will be very expressive. The brightness of the shades will respond to the fact that the design itself is made simply and ineffective.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_2

Instructions for children should be easy. Petushka pested in stages.

  • The main part of the rooster is made of yellow plasticine. From the lump of the material you need to roll a cone with a rounded vertex.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_3

  • To fix on the top of this cone scallop, you need to make 3 small red balls . They are attached to each other, do not spare in advance.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_4

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_5

  • For the formation of wings should take green plasticine, roll small balls from it . Then these balls need to be chopped. They are bend and fasten on the sides of the Yellow Taurus.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_6

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_7

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_8

  • Can make the keys of the rooster orange : It will be a thin harness, necessarily pointed at the end. The flagery must be folded in half and fix on the yellow caller in the head.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_9

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_10

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_11

  • For formation Eye The figure is used white and black plasticine.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_12

  • For Laps Orange balls will be required, they need to be slightly flattened, and then stack make notches on them. Instead, the stacks can be used toothpick.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_13

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_14

  • Paws are fixed right under the tel.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_15

  • For a bright and lush tail, blue, blue and purple plasticine will be required. Pieces of the material of these colors must be rolled in flagella. The tail is attached to the calf behind.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_16

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_17

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_18

Such a rooster does not require special skills from the performer. Even at the first lessons on the mastering of the modeling, this scheme can be used.

How to blind a cockerel with family?

The product modeling can be called a plasticine sculpture. Of the simple and affordable material, it is easy to make a whole sculpture group. For example, a cockerel with family: chicken and chickens. Such a composition can be done according to the scheme.

  • Prepare materials and tools : Plasticine box, stacks, padding rug, wet wipes or soft flannel rags for wiping hands and tools.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_19

  • Think over the course of work : What figurines start the modeling and why. Since the rooster is the main character of the composition, you can start with it. If it is easier to first make small chickens and come.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_20

  • The material before work you need to warm up. First, a large detail is performed, that is, a cock is a cock. From a large yellow ball, his elongated body is gradually formed: first dropped, then a little curved.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_21

  • After modeling the base of the figure - the body - you can go to the head. Eyes, comb, beak - can be done in any sequence. If the plasticine is bad taken, probably need to once again wipe the hands or tools.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_22

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_23

  • Next, you can go to the wings . From green balls, cakes are formed, which will become wings. They are attached to the body of the sides, the stack on them make notches, which creates similarity with feathers.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_24

  • The next element of the modeling is a lush multicolored tail. You can also apply patterns on it, resembling the texture of feathers.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_25

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_26

  • Now you need to make legs . They can be made quite voluminous, as if they have a lot of fluff on them. It really is easy to do, and if the rooster make babies, on this version of the legs and should stop. But there is an alternative: to break the match (without a head), and two matched fragment can be sealed with plasticine. The legs will be more stable. The paws themselves are made of flagellas, yellow or orange. Cockerel can be put on the stand, consolidating its stable limbs on it.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_27

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_28

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_29

  • The chicken is noticeably less than a rooting, but the modeling occurs on the same scenario. They begin to sculpt it from the largest part (torso), and then in turns are mild details: scallop, beak, eyes, wings. The tail of it can be completely inconspicuous, elongated from the yellow torso.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_30

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_31

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_32

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_33

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_34

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_35

  • Chickens will end the piercing bird family. Two - three yellow chicken are also pose on the principle of more to a smaller. Chickens can be more if the idea of ​​the composition requires. The chicken will be a yellow ball to which the shells are joined, as well as small eyes and little kelp. It is not necessary to make legs at all, because spherical plasticine chickens have a special charm.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_36

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_37

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_38

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_39

  • You can fantasize and make your own hands to the birds for birds . This is a painstaking job, because the grains will be very small. And you can make a box or brown plasticine cheer and pour out real seeds there.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_40

Other ideas

Combined technicians are also found in the modeling, children such a merger of creative directions really like.

Use natural material, combining techniques, especially in the fall.

With bishie

For work, color plasticine, a bump and a molding board are required. The modeling is done step by step.

  • From the plasticine of yellow, you need to roll the ball - it will be a head.
  • Orange plasticine form 2 paws.
  • From white material to make 2 balls, it is spacious and attached to the place where the eyes should be. In the middle do not forget to make a black pupil.
  • Shape red beaks and scallops.
  • Now it's time to take a bump that will be a rooster. A head is attached to a wide part of the bump, on the narrow part - the paws. Sidelers are fixed on the sides (2 lepts from light plasticine).
  • You can lock the bird on a sheet of cardboard that will be the stand.

Such a rooster will be uncomplicated for making for children for 3-5 years, because it is very simple and does not require experience in the modeling. On the same principle, a cockerel is more elegant: it will remain a bump with his body, but the wings are formed from multicolored snow (flagella). The tail can also be loosened from several bright plasticine flavors.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_41

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_42

Large orange rooster

If you ask what color the rooster happens, the first to popular with the answer will be "orange". Although in its pure form, this color is not found in the poultry operenge, but overflows orange shade are noticeable in its color. And it is possible to display this beauty using plasticine. Features that you have to mix different pieces of plasticine: orange with a small number of blue or green, burgundy with orange or red with blue. Big rooster also make step-by-step.

  • Need to make a rather big smooth ball . It should be attached to the neck and the head of the bird (one part smoothly, without a sharp transition, flows to another). To refer to the change of parts of the body, you can use another color, lighter. Transitional tones work well, for example, a saturated yellow with fader yellow or bright orange (carrot) with red-orange. So, the bright yellow base, turning into a pale yellow neck, will look harmonious.

Not in each set there are such shades, but if it is a plasticine box with 30 colors bar, choose easy.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_43

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_44

  • On the head, the cocks are mounted dark eyes, a red beard, beak . Colors can be both other but consonant with a common idea. The beak can be made by brown, dark brown or beige, sandy shades. This will also give beautiful combinations.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_45

  • On the top you need to attach a large very bright red comb . Shells on the crest usually do not put, but the stack can be grooming the excitement, making the form of expressive.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_46

  • For the wings modeling will need red, orange or burgundy plasticine, mixed with green . Two balls are formed 2 pellets. They are attached on the sides. With the help of stacks you can apply notches on them. Shells should be applied with a sufficient frequency, because it is frequent drawing that gives imitation of birds auxiliary.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_47

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_48

  • The tail is formed in the same color scheme as the wings. The plastic mass turns into several colored sausages that have to be copped together at the point of fixing on the body a rootier. Already fixed parts of the tail can be a little finished with their hands so that they become more flat. If you do it before fixing on the body of the rooster, the fragments of the tail will stick together or will interfere with each other when assembling.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_49

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_50

  • The legs are made using a match. It is broken on 2 parts, throwing out the sulfur head. Each part should be plained with plasticine evenly and gently. Such legs are easily attached to the body and are fixed on the stand. The bird will be stable, will not fall forward or back. Instead of matches, you can take toothpicks.

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_51

Floor modeling from plasticine: how to blind a root with the family of stages to children? How to make plasticine and cones step by step with your own hands? 27205_52

Everything is ready, the cockerel can be "resettled" to the stand, add like a hero to the story craft or just play with him.

About how to blind a rooster of plasticine, look in the video.

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