Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache?


Parrot - one of the most interesting birds having a bright plumage . There are many varieties of parrots, and each of them can be attempted to make plasticine. In the process of work it will be necessary to use several bars of material of different color. Also, additional devices will be required.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_2

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_3

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_4

Simple option

Start scattering the parrot is best from the simplest option. The proposed layout scheme is suitable for children of school and preschool age. To work, you will need to prepare several multi-colored plasticine bars: green, red, yellow and blue. Additionally, you will need a small piece of white or beige, as well as black colors.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_5

To create the main part of the figure, you need a red plasticine. It is the masses of this color in terms of quantity will need the most. Consider a step by step process of modeling.

  • It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of red plasticine and spin it well in the hands. Then divide into two parts: one large (for the body) and the second smaller (for the head).

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_6

  • From a large piece, you need to roll the figure of oval shape, and from the little one - to blind the ball. Then two figures need to be combined between themselves and fix well. If necessary, the neck is aligned with the help of fingers.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_7

  • Next to work you need to take white plasticine . From it, you will need to first roll two balls, the same in size, and then turn them into cakes. The resulting flat figures must be joined to that part of the head where the muzzle is. It is necessary to take care that these figures are located relative to each other as symmetrically as possible.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_8

  • At the next stage, you need to take a small piece of plasticine black and make a rounded sausage from it - it will be the beak . When the element is completely flattened, it must be stuck between white cakes and it should be fixed. And also from black plasticine it is necessary to form two black dots - it will be eyes. They must also be symmetrically fixed on white pellets above the beak.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_9

Now the formed foundation is necessary to postpone to the side to take up the modeling of other pieces of the figure. So, you need to take plasticine of two colors (blue and red) and also well to smoke to a soft consistency. Each of the colors should be divided into two parts, first form the balls, and then turn them into cakes. As a result, four elements should be obtained by quantity. They need to be imposed on each other, alternately changing the colors, and fix it. From one end to the extreme pellet you need to sharpen. It will be tail.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_10

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_11

The same principle creates wings. The difference is only in color and the size of the balls - they will be much smaller. It is necessary to take plasticine blue, green red and yellow colors and form the same tortillas as in the first case (in total there should be 8 pieces). Then they need to be combined with each other, and the ending also sharpen.

At the next stage, you need to take into the hands of the toothpick and apply longitudinal sections both on the tail and on the wings. Thanks to such manipulations, the effect of feathers will be created. Now finally prepared details must be connected to the main body.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_12

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_13

Important moment! In the process of applying, the crossbar should not constantly change the toothpick, beating what colors are mixed. Such a decisive attaches even more natural color.

At the final stage of creating a figure, you need to make legs. To do this, it will be necessary to form two small ovals from red plasticies and two sausages from black. Red join the body, and black is already directly attached to them. With the help of the toothpick, you need to divide the legs so that they are as much as possible to real.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_14

How to make a bird ARU?

Parrot Ara is a pretty major view. For the naturalness and the plasticine figurine itself, you also need to do large. In the process of modeling, it will take:

  • Plasticine of different colors - blue, yellow (large volume), a little brown black and white;

  • scissors;

  • toothpick.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_15

Head and torso need to sculpt the same way as in the first version. To do this, you need to use plasticine yellow. When an oval torso is ready, it is necessary to make white cakes, beaks and eyes for the design of a muzzle on the same principle.

Parrot It is necessary to make the so-called jacket on the head. To do this, roll the ball from blue plasticies, flatten it and cut it from one edge with scissors. As a result, a certain fringe should be obtained. Khokholok is fixed on the head.

Further on already known technique it is necessary to make a tail and wings. Only in this case you need to use two colors: blue and yellow. The latter will be below, and the blue is top. The tail must also be cut with scissors to several wide strips.

At the final stage you need to take brown plasticine, and make the paws from it.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_16

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_17

The decorative part of the work also needs to be done with a toothpick or an orange stick.

Parrot Macchae

Since the hero of the famous cartoon parrot nicknamed Kesha is in children a very popular character, then you can make it from plasticine. This will require only plasticine of different colors: pink (dark and light), yellow, red, green, blue.

You need to make a torso from a dark pink color, and the head is from light pink. Further on the face you need to join two white pellets, and to make the beak and eyes from yellow plasticine (in this case they should be large).

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_18

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_19

To make wings, you need to roll two oval green, and to attach them to a small ball in blue. The resulting figures are flattened, and from the side of the blue edges to make cuts with scissors.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_20

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_21

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_22

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_23

Now from the green in the back of the body you need to join a short tail. And then from the same plasticine roll the sausage and make it flat. It also needs to make small cuts and stick to the head - this is Iroquo.

Podks need to form from yellow plasticine. The decor with the help of the toothpick does not need to do in this case.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_24

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_25

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_26

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_27

How to make a figurine with a shishk?

As a body torso, it is possible to use not plasticine itself, and a spruce or cedar bump. It must be painted in red or blue with gouache. When the paint finally dries, you can go to work with plasticine.

This will require plasticine of different colors: blue, red and green. And also for the eyes and design, the face you need to prepare small pieces of white and brown material. The stages of the model of the modeling is as follows:

  • shape a head of blue plasticine, on the already spent diagram decorate the muzzle;
  • from green and red plasticine make wings and tail;
  • Each item is connected to the torso.

From black plasticine it is necessary to make stable legs and attach them to the bottom of the bump.

If you do not want to work with the paints, you can climb the bump with a thin layer of plasticine. The main thing is to warm it well before it.

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_28

Parrot from Plasticine: how to blind him with a lunged children step by step? How to make a parrot Arua gradually? How to sculpt a parrot cache? 27204_29

On how to make a parrot from plasticine, look in the video.

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