Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying


Osmintogs from plasticine - a fascinating occupation. It is worth seeing this in practice, having blinded with a child a few bright octopians for his personal "oceanarium".

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_2

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_3

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_4

How to make a cardboard?

This type of octopus matters from plasticine is available even for children of senior preschool age, just being prepared for school. But the smallest entrusting such a lesson is hardly reasonable. The process involves the use of bright and catchy parts, decorative elements. To work you need to stock color cardboard. As a basis, you can take an image of a cartoon character "Octopus" - it is much more attractive than real photos.

The process of modeling stroke looks like this:

  • On the sheet to draw gradually the figure of the octopus;
  • expand the same amount of "suction" (points) in each of the supreets;
  • Carefully cutting the contour of the animal with a pink mass;
  • make white eyes;
  • prepare black and blue pupils;
  • form a red mouth;
  • Build suckers with the maximum smooth smears of blue and blue colors
  • Add next to suckers small, laconic green circles;
  • supplement the composition with balls of different tones - their color is chosen solely at their discretion;
  • With the help of stacks, let's notice your eyes so that they look expressive;
  • Add blue nose.

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_5

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_6

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_7

How to make a volume shape?

But the flat composition on a sheet of paper or cardboard is not all like everyone, and many just want to diversify their skills. It is quite possible to gradually cut out the octopus in three-dimensional execution, and this is done even without much experience.

Key steps:

  • Obtaining 8 white-blue limbs of the same length;
  • durable bunch of them among themselves;
  • docking in the form of snowflakes (so easier to do tentacles);
  • modeling a small blue head resembling a drop;
  • adding a pair of eyes and install the head to the inclusive place;
  • wrapping the tental in the form of a rings;
  • decoration of crafts with bright details;
  • Optionally, the addition of starfish and other underwater fauna.

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_8

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_9

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_10


The smallest children do not necessarily create a lush multicolor composition. They are quite enough and classes on the modeling of the two-color figure of the underwater inhabitant. The concrete color combination is not important here - it is more important to match the form and appearance. A flickering and overflowing figure can be obtained by covering the crafts with nail polish containing glitter. Octopus's head is easy to get, pointed the ball on one side on the manner of bullets. Yellow balls can be turned into a suction cup, pressing them with toothpicks.

Eyes can be made big, much larger than the real boom. In general, in their appearance it is allowed to show maximum fantasy. Plasticine cakes of different tones attached to each other with the fingers will give a chic effect.

The limbs need to be bend so that it seems to be - stucco mollusk makes their way through the waterstroke.

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_11

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_12

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_13

You can glue your head with your feet like a match, and without it. Waiting for cracking plasticine is not necessary. To emphasize further maritime themes, it is worth the cradle into a glass jar with water. As a basis, it is permissible to take not only the character of the cartoon "Octopus", but also other films and cartoons - depending on what is more in taste. If there is a desire to make mollusk as close as possible to reality, you need to abandon the design of the mouth.

Bright colors in this case are also contraindicated - natural octopuses look pretty bluer, but because they are not less recognizable.

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_14

Octopus from plasticine: how to make it children on cardboard step by step? How to make a bulk octopus in stages? Tips on laying 27180_15

On how to make the octopus from plasticine, see the next video.

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