Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better?


Each owner of his own guitar faced the problem of selecting suitable strings. Currently, two main varieties of such components for string musical instruments are available: metal and nylon. Today we will talk about the second option, consider the main advantages and disadvantages of strings made from nylon.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_2


Nylon strings for guitar are special calibrated fishing line. Raw materials for their manufacture has the appearance of the smallest balls. Most often it is used in conjunction with a variety of chemical additional components.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_3

For the production of such strings, the initial raw materials are first warmed up, and then the resulting mass is passed through the holes of the desired diameter. Threads stretch over special roller devices, and then cooled by fixing the desired form. This allows them to give them the necessary elasticity and rigidity.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_4

In the process of creating such nylon threads necessarily processed by special components which can significantly increase the level of elasticity, strength and durability of these synthetic products. Due to the presence of a variety of additives in the manufacture of a string of this type may have a variety of colors.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_5

Advantages and disadvantages

Nylon strings have a lot of important advantages. Consider each of them separately:

  • Easily pull on the guitar;

  • easier to clamp in the freak;

  • Relatively low cost.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_6

It should be noted that Unlike metal models, such strings will not injure the hands of the playing. After all, they are pretty soft, have a large diameter, do not crash into the skin. This material will be pleasant to the touch.

Nylon products can be used for different types of guitars, including for acoustic ones.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_7

But these types of strings have a number of shortcomings that also need to be considered before buying them:

  • It is much more difficult to set up;

  • Perhaps a deaf sound;

  • Not enough clear sound (nylon is very hard keeps a note on the same level).

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_8

What strings better choose?

Before purchasing such synthetic products for the guitar, it is worth remembering some important selection rules. There are separate types of nylon strings for classic and for acoustic guitars.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_9

In the first case, ordinary models with a dense soft winding are used. At the same time, the products from brass, copper, phosphorous bronze are predominantly taken mainly taken. And also a good option for classic musical instruments are carboxylic sets.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_10

They will be much stronger compared to simple samples. In addition, carbon varieties will allow you to give an unusual bright and the most clear sound of the melodies.

The operational period of such strings will be quite high.

For acoustic guitars, conventional metal strings are most often taken, which are further wrapped with nylon material. In this case, it is better to take parts from yellow or phosphoric bronze as the basis.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_11

How to put?

To achieve as much as possible and clean sound in the game of the game on the guitar, it is necessary first of all to correctly fix all the strings. If you have chosen nylon models for your musical instrument, then first items will need to be removed (it is recommended to change all the strings at once).

In order to remove old details, it will only be necessary to unscrew a little ring, which will significantly weaken the tension. So the thread will be released and weakened, then it is gradually removed from the holes.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_12

When the upper edge is free, you can begin to unleash the nodule, which is placed at the bottom end. And only after that completely pull the thread. Then you can start installing nylon new strings.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_13

To pull the part correctly, First you need to clean the string tool from all the garbage and dirt, if it is on the surface of the case. You need to change the threads in a strictly defined order: 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3. Only this sequence will be true.

Using this method of sequence, take the sixth string, its end is tightly tied with a special small nodule, having formed a small hole in the threshold.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_14

After that, they take the second end of the nylon thread, it is neatly reaching to the ring, and then cut off about 10 centimeters above it, they are tested in the hole made and fully rotate the entire mechanism. Such a fastener is obtained as reliable as possible.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_15

Most often to establish nylon strings on the guitar, you need to use special fasteners. In this case, all the threads are first tightened, and then insert into them.

To do this, it is necessary to secure a specially intended mechanism to the ring, while the handle that leads it in motion is attached to the side. You can customize the guitar as an hearing, and with the help of a specially intended device.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_16

Nylon string care

In order to maximize the operational life of such details, it should be remembered for some important rules for care. If you play more than 5-6 hours daily, then such nylon elements can be enough for a couple of weeks. The service life will be highest, if you immediately put on the tool the details of the strongest tension with the winding of the copper wire.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_17

In addition, you should not drag nylon products during the guitar setting. It is not recommended to store such products in too cold rooms or under conditions with sharp temperature differences.

Models made from nylon material should be wiped with a special cleaning agent after each game. And it is also necessary to thoroughly wash your hands before each game on the guitar.

Store such details are recommended in sealed covers in a dry and warm room. Do not forget to change the rings and thresholds on time.

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better? 27162_18

Remember that nylon does not tolerate the shock view of the game. It will be raised quickly and becomes unsuitable for further use. Threads with winding can be periodically wiped with cologne or alcohol.

The choice of nylon strings is considered in the following video.

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