Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing?


Recently, the small Hawaiian guitar has become a very popular tool, because to learn how to play it is quite simple, and the melodies are obtained beautiful. Imagine that the moment came when you purchased your dream tool, but it sounds not as good as I would like. Do not hurry to get upset: To start playing at such melodies to play at such a melody, you must first adjust the strings.

To configure the tool, there is no need to go to music school and carefully study a tight literacy - thanks to modern technologies, even newcomer can establish sound. In this article, we will tell you how to independently set up a four-fold guitar with the help of special programs, as well as give some tips on how to determine the correctness of the sound on the rumor.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_2

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_3


The building of notes on the ukulele is the same as the standard guitar system of the six-string tool, but only from the 1st to the 4th string. As well as the tonality of the Hawaiian guitar is slightly higher than the first four strings of the classic guitar. Therefore, even taking into account the fact that Four toils and six-strings have a lot in common, it will not be possible to configure them in one way.

In addition, there are four types of ukulele, which also differ slightly among themselves on the sound, the size of the case and the system of notes.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_4

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_5

Therefore, in order not to get confused in models, consider each of them.

  • Soprano. The most common type of Hawaiian guitar, which is often called "childish" due to a small size. This crumble is really quite small - its length from the start of the housing to the tip of the grid is no more than 53 cm. Classic system of such a guitar - GCEA or "Sol-Du-Mi-la", if you start with the thick - fourth - strings (top). A pretty simple structure, but there is a small feature in it, which will seem unusual classic guitarists, - the first three strings are configured in the same octave.
  • Concert. This type of Hawaiian guitar differs from soprano slightly large size - the tool reaches a maximum of 62 cm long. Thanks to the new parameters, the tool sounds more loud, without losing the high tonality of notes. The guitar system of the concert tool does not differ from soprano - to customize it follows in the notes of GCEA with the fourth in the first string, respectively.
  • Tenor. Such a type of four toast appeared in the 20s of the last century, its size is 66 cm. The option is universal, since it can be configured either exactly on the same system that they have a soprano and concert model (GCEA), or lower down on the tone - DGBE or "Re-Sol-Si-Mi" (building the first strings of a classic guitar). Even if you decide to set the sound of strings on the second method, there will be no problems - the system is usual, however, now within the same octaves are the second, third and fourth strings (upper three).
  • Baritone. The youngest kind of ukulele, appeared in the 40s of the 20th century, and became popular in the early 2000s. The four-edge is the largest representative of a series of ukulele: its size is 76 cm. Standard tool system cannot be higher than DGBE, where the first string is configured to the "Mi" sound of the first octave.

The newcomer will be quite difficult to understand the correct sound of the instrument, so we offer you an instruction on setting up several methods: with the help of special programs, online tuners, as well as on rumor. For a novice musician, modern technologies are most suitable - programs and online services. They will significantly simplify the process of configuring four toast. But there are situations when there is no possibility to get to modern innovations, so it will be reasonable to learn how to configure the tool and ear.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_6

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_7

How to set up with a tuner?

By purchasing a musical instrument, you must be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to configure it before each occupation. You can do this by downloading the application to the smartphone or using the online tuner, in which the sound perception of the instrument occurs through the microphone. It is very important to remember that the ukulele setting is made according to the principles that differ from the setting of the usual guitar.

Consider at the beginning the easiest and most common setup method - with an online tuner. The program will help novice musicians to establish the tonality of ukulele on any kind of variety - soprano, concert, tenor and baritone. To set the necessary sound of each string is quite easy - you just need to bring ukulele to the microphone and remove the sound from the adjustable string. The tuner will determine the frequency of the sound and displays on the screen that you need to do - tighten or loosen the ring.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_8

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_9

So, consider step-by-step instructions for setting up the Hawaiian tool using an online tuner.

  • Connect the microphone to your PC, give the program permission to use it.
  • Consistently start setting up strings. Start this to do with the highest of them - the first (A).
  • Select the desired sound on a tank scale.
  • Apply the guitar to the microphone and confidently remove the sound.
  • A indicator will appear on the screen, which can be green or red. The green color says that the string is set correctly. Red signals that the ring is weakened or pulled - in this case, pay attention to the tilt of the indicator. If the arrows of the red sensor are directed to the left - it means that the ring must be pulled out. In the case when the sensor indicates to the right - the ring is too stretched, it needs to be released a little.
  • After each manipulation with the ring, re-check the sound of the string - so you will achieve the highest possible result.
  • Alternately adjust the remaining strings (E, C and G).
  • Turn the slices slowly and carefully not to injure strings. When pulling the strings, light clicks are usually published, you should not be afraid of them - this is normal.
  • Configuring the tool, swipe gently and slowly along the strings from top to bottom to check the cleanliness of sounds.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_10

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_11

And there is also a special mechanism - a compact tuner, which is installed on the gef of the guitar or next to it. On the device screen, you can select the necessary sounds to which the tool is configured.

The mechanism is equipped with an arrow, very sensitive to the oscillations of the string after the pinch. If the sensor deflects to the left, it means that it is necessary to turn the ring to an increase in the tension, and if the right - the string must be released. Such a device most often uses in music stores - Tuner Mobile and very convenient in use.

Another modern method of setting up ukulele - using online programs. Consider several applications that are suitable for setting up ukulele.

  • Tuner Pocket. This program helps to configure not only soprano - you can adjust another 7 different strings buildings. The application can be found in two versions: free and paid. They practically do not differ from each other, but there are no advertising in a paid tuner, as well as there are more additional features.
  • Tuner Guitartuna. Even experienced musicians enjoy such a program, since it presents professional regime with many thin nuances. But for beginners, the app is great, in addition, it has other necessary things for beginners - a metronome to create a rhythm, a warehouse of chords and tabulatures, about 100 different buildings and a chromatic tuner.
  • Application Ukulele Tuner. A very sensitive program that perfectly configures each string. By virtue of the features, use such a tuner is necessary in the most silent room - foreign sounds can disrupt the operation of the program.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_12

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_13

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_14

Customize on rumor

Customize the ukulele for rumor is not the simplest lesson, most often do experienced musicians. But with little preparation, even a newcomer can well configure the strings to the desired sounds. However, this method is better to use in cases where there is no possibility to use the tuner and get the exact sound on the first string. It is from this sound that begins to adjust all other strings on the ukulele.

Consider a Read more Setting up a Hawaiian guitar for rumor.

  • First of all, it is necessary to maximize the sound of the upper string as accurately - it has the sound of the first octave. To compare the sound of this note, you can listen to it on a piano or other well-tuned tool. And you can also use different tunes - fork, brand or electronic. In the extreme case, pull the string approximately, but so that it has elasticity and pure sound.
  • After setting up the first string to the height you need, go to the second. Further setting is made easier, since you already have a tuned base tone. To set up a second string on a note E ("Mi" of the first octave), press it with your finger on the fifth of the Lada and remove the sound. At the same time, pinch the free first string and compare the sound - a properly tuned second string, squeezed on the fifth rud, sounds the same with the open first. If the sound is different, determine which direction: too low the tone must be fixed, rotating the flask in the direction of the tension of the string, otherwise, on the contrary, release the string, turning the flake in the direction of weakening. Sometimes you have a little tinker to achieve the same sound of compared strings.
  • The third string is configured in a similar way, but it is necessary to compare its sound with the second open string. To get a note C ("to" the first octave) on the third string, it is necessary to press it on the fourth Lada. Then lose the resulting sound and compare with the sound of the open second string - they should sound in unison (equally). If necessary, add or loosen the tension using a ring.
  • The last string is configured on the note G ("salt" of a small octave), for this again it is necessary to compare the stroke with an open first string. To properly configure the lowest tone into a strict ukulele, press the fourth string on the second Lada. Remove the sound from it and compare it with the sound of an open first string - if they match, it means that the string is configured correctly. It is only worth considering: these sounds are absolutely different, the whole octave is separated. But since they are both called "la", the sounds of them merge into one whole, the rumor is well felt.

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_15

Setting up ukulele: soprano, concert and others. Standard Stroke strings. How to configure a newcomer through the app and hearing? 27080_16

After the configuration process is completed, try to lose a few chords. - It will help you to hear the purity of the sound. In addition, chord playback allows you to notice possible errors in a strict ukulele, so we recommend doing it immediately after setting.

And one more small, but useful advice - when you put the desired sound on the string, simultaneously spoil or say a note. Such an exercise will develop your musical rumor, and this will help learn how to play and sing at the same time.

On how easy it is to configure ukulele using the phone, see the next video.

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