Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami


As for experienced and for beginners, there are many origami schemes. Make cute paper figures in just a few minutes. The most important thing is to prepare all the necessary materials.

Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_2

Folding animals

The most interesting is the folding of animals. For example, you can make a cute bunny of paper. This requires a sheet of colored paper and a felt-tip pen (for the design of a muzzle).

    Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_3

    The manufacturing process consists of several stages.

    1. You need to fold the square sheet of paper in half, and then make a mark on the central part of the triangle.
    2. The base must be wrapped back, and then beat triangles on the sides. It will be ears.
    3. Then you need to turn and hide the upper and lower corners of the square. It turned out a muzzle.

    At the final stage, the muzzle is required to paint with the prepared marker.

      Vitely creation scheme is presented in the figure.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_4

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_5

      You can still make whale. We need paper and felt-tip pen. The scheme is simple, the process is as follows:

      1. It is necessary to take a square sheet of paper, place a diagonal and access the lower fragment to this mark;
      2. Now the workpiece is required to flip, bend to the middle of the upper and lower parts (the latter has already been folded);
      3. To form the back of the future whale, you need to bend a small corner from above, then turn the part and arrange the tail part.

      In more detail, the scheme is presented in the figure.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_6

      How to make a cute box?

      A cute storage box of some small things can be easily made independently of paper. For the manufacture of the box in the classic style, dense wallpapers, crafting paper or watman are suitable. If you make a box with a lid, it is best to use the hard cardboard. Two squares should be prepared from this material. In this case, one of them should be 0.5 cm less than the other.

      It is necessary that the lid easily put on the bottom of the box.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_7

      The phased process of making the cover looks like this.

      1. A smaller square is taken to work. It must be bent diagonally 2 times in both directions. Then all the angles must be connected in the center point. In Origami, this figure is called "Damn".
      2. The resulting "pancake" must be put on a flat surface, both edges will be touched up to the middle. This stage of work is presented in more detail.
      3. Side valves reveal, Upper and lower edges to turn to the center line.
      4. The top of the workpiece must be revealed, the same makes with other parties and. Lines should try well.
      5. So-called flaps must be raised and adjust into the inner part, So that they work out in the envelope. The result is presented in the picture.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_8

      Similarly, it is necessary to make the box itself.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_9

      Other ideas

      Butterflies can be attributed to cute crafts. Make them with your own hands, and the set of materials is minimal. Would need:

      • sheet of paper A4;
      • scissors.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_10

      A sheet of paper needs to be folded and cut off the excess so that the form is square. Next, several uncomplicated stages are performed.

      1. Folded diagonally in both directions. Corners should be adjusted as presented in the figure.
      2. You need to flip the workpiece, and bend the corners.
      3. It is necessary to adjust the signing corner and glue it.
      4. Now almost the finished butterfly should be turned over and bend the wings. The result is presented in the picture.

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_11

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_12

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_13

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_14

      Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_15

        All of the above handicrafts will be able to do both beginners and experienced masters.

        Cute origami: how easy to make animals from paper schemes? Other small crafts do it yourself, the simplest cute origami 26965_16

        A detailed master class on the manufacture of cute origami can be found in the following video.

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