Origami "Military Technique": Modular origami paper for children and beginners. How to make volumetric figures according to the scheme with your own hands?


Currently, origami remains one of the most popular types of crafts due to ease of performance and availability. Almost all children from younger classes are able to fold ship, which can be used on puddles, and airplanes that fly. These are the simplest examples of Origami crafts, but there are more complex, depicting military equipment: combat aircraft, tanks and ships. Boys like to fold them out of office or colored paper and hand in the quality of a gift to the festival of Defender of the Fatherland or Victory Day.




Folding fighter F-15

The American flagship of deck fighters is known since the 70s of the last century called "Shercheng", it is still one of the most successful versions of combat maneuverable aircraft.


F-15 Multifunctional fighters make up about 70% of the total Air Military Fleet America, and are also considered to be the main combat aircraft of the Army of Canada, Australia, Finland and other NATO countries.

Expressiveness, ease and dynamism of the appearance of the Shershny fighter make it one of the most attractive models for army graphics and Origami fans. The miniature and original handicraft can become an excellent gift or decoration of the personal collection of crafts to the army theme.


Making origami F-15 aircraft from paper is not very difficult - it is only necessary to perform consistent steps:

Prepare for work sheet of colored or office paper;

Fold it in half, denoting the longitudinal middle, and then disclose;

bend to the left edge the upper right corner of the sheet and reveal again, repeat this action with the opposite side;

Then the sheet must be bent at the intersection of the obtained diagonal lines and straighten again;

The resulting fold lines help to assemble the top of the sheet in the figure of the "water bomb";

Then you need to flip the sheet to the back side, and the resulting figure bent downwards towards yourself;

The lower right angle develops in such a way that it is adjacent to the central line on paper, we do the same operation and left-hand;

In the resulting bent triangles, the internal corners must be turned up to the side;

over again turning the sheet, fold the extreme points to the center, and bent corners to start on the opposite direction;

Turning the paper, it is necessary to raise the whole bottom part so that it blocked the figure of the bomb;

The model of the aircraft folds in half, and the wings and the inner valve are lowered;

Folded corners can be removed a bit - so we get the cockpit of the fighter;

Finally, you need to fix all the details, and the origami is ready.








If this is a gift option, you can perform a model from bills, spending the same consistent manipulations with a banknote, like a sheet of paper.


How to make a Tank M1A1 Abrams?

No less exciting can be for beginners, the process of folding tanks in the Origami technique. One of the most popular tracked military vehicles in the world is the American Tank M1A1 Abrams. The features of his design are due to the strategic appointment of this technique in the midst of the "Cold War" of the 70s and 1980s, when he adopted many European armies as a protective agent from the alleged attacks on the part of the socialist block.

The last time the combat technique, still incoming the top of the most equipped world tank cars, was modernized in 2019, when electronic ammunition was added to a multilayer armor.

Possessing the fantasy, especially children, you can create a game army from paper and paint it into protective colors. Work begins on the same scheme as in the previous example. The difference is that "water bombs" are made from the two opposite sides of the A4 paper sheet. Then, lifting on each side the tops of the obtained triangles, the side sides are bended into three layers in length - these are future caterpillars. After that, from each triangle of the bomb makes rhombus by flexing their edges to the middle. Having received two double square rhombus, it should be turned over the billet of the tank with the back side and bend one of them to itself. By placing the workpiece of sideways, it is necessary to connect its ends, while reflecting the upper wings of one of the square rhombuses in the pockets of the other. Caterpillars can be given a somewhat oval shape, and the trunk is made using a paper strip, screwed on a round base, such as a pencil. The tank tank can be inflated for the volume and insert the trunk into it.








Other ideas

Many children and adults are interested in studying and make numerous handicrafts in the Origami technique on the topic of weapons. Using simple paper and light schemes for work, any beginning can create a whole arsenal of rare rapiers, swords, unique types of weapons from historical literature of different countries and peoples.

One of the simplest samples is even for preschoolers - can serve as an asterisk who used the Eastern Ninja Warriors. With such a paper toy, you can not be afraid for the safety of children during games. For work, there will be no sheets of color dense paper of two tones. They should be cut into four equal squares and prepare the same modular fragments. From each square fold a triangular figure of four layers, and then all parts are consistently collected, folding triangles in half and sold together the narrow ends of each of them into wide. You do not need glue or tape for connecting parts, as each next triangle firmly delays the ends of the previous one, leaving the sharp outlets of the asterisk.







Fans of desktop battles can make copies of the most expressive and interesting military equipment, where the accuracy of the image may depend only on the desire of the artist. From sheets of paper you can create any type of weapons: sabers, rods, automata, guns and grenadeomates. Using ready-made schemes from the Internet, it will be possible to achieve a significant similarity of craft-origami with real samples. Models of such bulk figures, as pistols, guns or tanks, specialists are recommended to perform on-based cardboard rolls. They successfully fulfill the role of trunks through which you can even shoot, blowing paper bullets. At the same time, paper squares, triangles and diamonds are made, from which, from the modules, the remaining parts of the arms are made.





Cowboy gun for games can be performed in the Origami technique of cardboard tubes and tight paper. Two tubes can depict a double-barrel type of weapons, and to connect them by one strip of paper, folded twice as density. The paper strip is put on the bottom under both trunk, then the painter, through the top, the two of its end are down. Thus, the trunks are captured by a folded sheet going down at the level of the pistol handle. The handle can then be strengthened with additional square items on both sides.


Origami crafts can be painted and coated with foil, making their appearance more similar to metal products. But the main feature of paper weapons is that his arsenal can be increased without restrictions and special costs.

More about origami military equipment, see the video below.

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