Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density?


The only working basis that is needed to create stylish origami is a good paper. It is not surprising that this type of decorative creativity has become so popular in many countries of the world - for this hobby does not need to invest in large sums. It is worth only to take into account that specific requirements are imposed on the aromatic paper to create origami.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_2


Special type of paper base for creating origami, which experienced masters is often called "Kami" ("paper" in translation from Japanese) will differ from the usual paper sheet in that it is sold right away In the form of finished squares. Its sizes on different sides may vary from 2.5 cm to 25 cm and even more. Usually on the one hand, this paper sheet is white, and on the other - color, but two-color species can also occur, as well as for lovers of an unusual ornament - leaflets with patterns.

Paper for working on origami is a little easier than printer type, which makes it canceled suitable for creating various figures as complex and simplest.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_3

What is different from the usual?

Most often to create origami, a square species of special paper sheets are used, But the work can also use lists of other formats. For example, sheets in the form of a rectangle, triangles, pentagonals, hexagonans and octagonals, and even - circles.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_4

In Japan, the type of special paper under the name "Vasi" is chosen as the most popular material for work on origami. Vasi is a much tougher ordinary paper sheet of wood and applied in different traditional arts.

Vasi is most often created from the fibers of a special bark, but, in addition, this type of paper can be made of bamboo, as well as rice or wheat.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_5


There are professionals who easily know how to add origami from fabric and other materials for clothing, from Tortilla's pisels. They calmly work with marine algae leaves, a special type of dough, different polymeric materials and make figures even from thin sheets of metal or gold. But the most popular and publicly available for the ordinary manual materials for creating origami are still certain types of paper.

  • Office . Those who have just started studying the difficult art of creating creative figures, the usual sheets of A4 format are perfectly suitable. The restriction can only be in its size, and it is also necessary to pick up the color - the product can be disappearing into any tone of ordinary pencils or at the end of the work, draw the face of the animal.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_6

  • Writing . Folding the most simple airplanes or boats from ordinary notebooks is the classic of Soviet school creativity. Such material is widely available, it is inexpensive. The minus is that it is impossible to remove the familiar markup into the cell or in Lineberry, only if they neatly paint them. You can take 2 leaves by pulling them out of a notebook, but there will be holes from the clips and fold, which will look ugly.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_7

  • Journal and newspaper. This material does not require any major costs at all. Newspaper products today appear in our mail boxes for free. If the masters attempt to make a neat figure was unsuccessful, then such a model is not absolutely not a pity to simply throw away and start creating origami anew.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_8

  • Colored . Too loose material that can only be applied in case there are no other options. Experts do not advise you to choose one-sided glossy sheets - after 3-4 folds, the sheet will begin to settle down, the paint will simply touch the paint. You should not choose the cardboard to work - he is too carged to work, the smallest details will not be able to create.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_9

  • Foil . Many masters, she is putting a bright overflowing glitter. It is extremely simple to work with this material if the figure has not many folds. The material is extremely supplied in the work and at the same time it can easily break and "remember" any bend for a long time. Foil is often chosen together with craft or parchment. In this case, the figures overlook very creative, since the materials will be able to mutually smooth each other.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_10

  • Wrapping basis . Krafts are usually implemented only in brown color. Sometimes there is a drawing on the sheets. With a thick crafty, creating origami is extremely difficult, but the products themselves will look creatively. Conveniently and quickly add simple origami from thin craft sheets.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_11

  • Among the types of wrapping foundations, it is often possible to see such a material as a crepe. To create origami, it is best to choose the crepe in a tight form. It is also referred to as the hot or strong paper. The material is characterized by an interesting texture, it is very convenient when working, it is able to withstand multiple bends, the layers will not touch.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_12

  • Carticle or parchment. This type of material is suitable only for very experienced origami masters. Cartica is disgusting with folds, often just travels to the hands - the masters say that you need to learn to work patiently with it. The most publicly available option from this category is special paper for baking.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_13

  • Money . There is a whole separate art called "Manigs" - this is the folding of small neat figures from various bills. For creativity, banknotes are usually selected with a par value from 10 to 100 rubles or 1 dollar. If you really need to present money and at the same time do it as creative as possible, you can easily create a conventional craft from a large bill. After this kind, the figure can be safely deployed and apply bills by direct intended.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_14

  • Napkins . Origami from this base is most often done in order to beautifully serve tables. At the same time, paper and woven products are used. Even in the XVIII century, a special school was created in Europe, where future butlers were taught to gently add different interesting figures from different napkins. Paper napkins, by the way, one of the most capricious - they will be very bad to keep the specified form, they can not "remember" their folds at all, often rush. For this reason, such a capricious material still needs to be able to find a special approach.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_15

  • Metallized . Its monophonic overflowing color will have to taste many novice. For most of the most difficult and mid-level Origami models, such material is quite suitable.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_16

  • Special paper for origami. Special paper for orders origami is a piece-square leaves. Coloring them can be absolutely anyone equally from 2 sides or different. Such paper will be perfectly to keep the predetermined form, it will be very easy to develop, and it differs from other popular materials smoothness and distinctive strength.

The cost of this material on the domestic market is quite high, while small parameters of the leaves will limit the ability to create large origami.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_17

Which is better?

It would seem that the origami creation masters should mainly work with special paper, but very often they make a step away from traditional options and actively use others (let's say easier - cheap) materials.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_18

For example, many masters are actively used by tracing - however, unusual figures began to be obtained, you will have to fill your hand when working with such material and learn how to apply it correctly.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_19

Office paper is perfect for creating "Chernivikov" Origami model. Especially this option is recommended for beginners.

Newspaper or magazine paper is very complex when folding, and therefore the creation of origami from this material by the masters is often considered as balobiness.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_20

Packing paper also requires the skill to work with it. - Many masters have very interesting features, however, it is believed that this type of paper is too carved and the layers of the product will all go off.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_21

Thus, if you carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics of all available materials, you can come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create origami It is special paper - it is designed to fold and preserve all lines and layers, it looks much more nesting other options and will allow much faster to learn how to make very interesting figures.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_22

Tips for choosing

Before you go for the purchase of special paper for origami, you need to thoroughly think about several important issues. For example, for what purposes you need this paper. It's one thing if you are an experienced master and already know how to work with any materials, and another thing, if you are a beginner artisan and just want to learn how to fold paper figures.

In this case, it is best to try your strength on cheap versions of paper - napkins, foil, candy candy, newspaper.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_23

If you first prefer to fold the draft versions of the figures, where all the folds will be visible - a loose office paper or a regular piece of student notebook will be helped.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_24

You also should immediately decide - will your figure of one-color or you want to get a product of two colors. By purchasing special paper for origami, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it may differ in color variations.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_25

Many are trying to save, considering that special paper for origami can be calmly replaced by ordinary colored paper. In fact, this is not right. Special paper for years will keep the shape and all those multi-layered additions and complex folds that you did on it. No other cheap material will be able to boast of such characteristics.

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_26

Paper for origami (27 photos): What does it look like and what is needed for creativity? What is different from the usual and what better is suitable for density? 26955_27

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