Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table


Jute (jute twine) is a thin twine, from which in the presence of the necessary skills you can create real works of art. Most often, special napkins coasters are flewing from Jute.

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_2

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_3

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_4

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_5

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_6

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_7

What are there?

A variety of jute napkins is great as great a man's fantasy. There are various round, square and other forms of napkins.

Depending on the size, they are divided into napkins under the hot, under the plates and under the glasses. And there are just beautiful serving napkins on the table.

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_8

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_9

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_10

Materials and tools

The huge advantage of such napkins - materials for their manufacture are easy to find in the nearest store of stationery products. So, we will need:

  • twine, twine, rope, thread for macrame or other thick thread;
  • Glue "Moment" or any glue that becomes transparent when drying;
  • PVA glue for additional processing;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • Acrylic paints or varnish.

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_11

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_12

Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_13

    Also at the initial stages of work will be necessary stencils. You can download them from the Internet and print or draw your own hands. All these devices are suitable for the manufacture of glued napkins. But if you decide to create a napkin from a twine with a crochet weaving, then you will be useful to:

    • twine, jute;
    • Hook number 3.5 or similar;
    • Just in case, sewing pins for consolidation.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_14

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_15

    Methods of manufacture

    If you decide to create a napkin from jute with your own hands with gluing, start from creating stencils. Draw a stencil-base need on a sheet of paper A4, and then placed in a transparent file (a regular file for documents).

    On this master class, we will perform the most simple scheme for creating a napkin, which begins with twisting the "snail" on the stencil.

    Weaving begins with a small ring, around which the circles are gradually twisted. After the circle was the size that you need, the jute is squeezed from the main coil of a strictly diagonal. Then we glue the resulting circle to the file, and the tip of the jute is glued to the resulting mug.

    Next, we glue the entire drawing of the stencil. At this stage, it is important that the arms remain clean from glue, so it makes sense to stock with wet wipes. Plug drawing is comfortable with the help of fingers or, if you do not want to pack your hands with glue, then with a tweezers, which also needs to be wiped from excess glue. When the drawing has already acquired convex contours, proceed to the consolidation. This will help us with small jute mugs made, as well as the first basic, but smaller size. They serve to fasten the elements of the napkin.

    After making a napkin, lubricate the resulting array of PVA glue in proportion 1: 1. As soon as the product is completely dry, gently separate it from the file, glue both sides with each other so that the double-sided napkin is obtained, and then decorate your taste. This can be done with acrylic paints, rhinestones or other things. Act as you will tell you your fantasy.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_16

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_17

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_18

    To knit napkins you will need a scheme. Fortunately, on the Internet you can find anything to your taste. If knitting is not your hobby, it is possible to connect the napkin with a weaving without a hook.

    In this case, remember that the appearance of the material will depend on how the finished product looks like.

    Here you will use scissors, sewing pins and, in fact, the material itself for crafts (twine, jute and so on). There is also a substrate on which you will weave. To do this, you can use a pillow, a soft toy and any object where you can fix the twine using a pin.

    1. Measure 3 threads, 3 meters long. Cut off, on two find the middle and fix.
    2. With the help of the third, we create a flat dual node.
    3. After creating a node, fasten an additional thread in the middle - it will be useful for future nodes.
    4. With the help of an additional thread, create a double rep and node.
    5. Intersight another extra on the main one.
    6. We continue the brid: the following 2 threads, then repeat the node and come into addition additional. As a result, 4 additional threads should be added.
    7. After that, 2 end of the base of the bases connect with each other a double reps node. There should be a kind of "sunshine" of 18 threads.
    8. Separate 3 threads, where the first will always be the main, and from the second and third subsequent weaves bridget a little at an angle.
    9. Two threads from the Brida walked into the weaving of the previous one. We use the same nodes.
    10. Then we take an extra thread again and fix in the middle. This is the basis for the next Berch Circle.
    11. We get the following algorithm: the main thread (double repition node with three additional threads) Plus 2 threads with double reps. Then again 3 threads. And only on the last circle add only 2 threads, and not 3. The end of the main thread is fixing the reps node. Next - we repeat in a circle.
    12. We get 54 threads. We divide 3 and weave 2 double flat nodes. Then in a circle.
    13. The last 2 threads are woven with a chain of 4 looped nodes.
    14. We take 3 threads and weave 2 double flat nodes. We repeat in a circle.
    15. We take 2 threads and knit 6 looped knots in a circle.
    16. Next row: on three threads knit flat dual knot.
    17. Reinstall the extra thread and weave double reps.
    18. Next, take the threads of 2 meters and repeat the process.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_19

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_20

    On how to make a napkin from the jute, see the next video.

    Beautiful examples

    • Wicker napkin under hot.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_21

    • Complete weaving option.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_22

    • Adhesive napkin with rhinestones.

    Jute napkins: knit with your own hands, schemes and master classes manufacturing serving napkins on the table 26912_23

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