Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction


On the eve of the New Year, many tend to decorate your home interior a variety of garlands, decorative stickers or themed toys to create inside the house a festive atmosphere. A few years ago there was a tradition of decorating homes with garlands and even outside. A LED figures of traditional Christmas characters (such as Santa Claus) decided to place on the local area.

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_2

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_3

Everything needed to decorate the facade of the building and surrounding area light installations It can be purchased at the Christmas fair or in any of the chain stores.

Of course, prices are quite high luminous figures. But if the desire to decorate the outside of the house above any price, it is possible, especially not to spend, try to make a New Year's sparkling shape with their hands. The easiest way to make a glowing snowman.

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_4

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_5

Tools and materials

The biggest challenge in the manufacturing process of the New Year snowman is to prepare the necessary material. Tools that you need to work on the construction and installation of planned figures, there is in every house - a hammer and pliers.

But with all the more difficult material. For its acquisition have to contact the hardware stores, as well as to visit the fair, which sells Christmas paraphernalia. You can even visit the point of reception of scrap metal (where you can find the wire).

For the manufacture of a snowman figure, reaching a height of 1 meter, it takes a few hours of free time, and the following materials:

  • steel wire of 10 meters in length;
  • Two LED garland length of 2 m and 5 m with independent power supplies operating on batteries;
  • nails;
  • Scotch.

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_6

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_7

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_8

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_9

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_10

Production scheme

Before the process of manufacture for decorating streets, it is necessary to prepare the working surface and collect circuit garlands. The power supplies the garlands should install the batteries and test them. Then you can start tinkering figure of a snowman.

All the work will consist of several stages.

  1. Measure and bite using wire cutters two segments with different lengths 7 and 2 m.
  2. On a large segment from one side to measure 2 meters and put a mark.
  3. The remaining length of the same piece of wire divided into 4 equal parts.
  4. For manufacturing the body snowman necessary to twist the wire segment whose length is 7 m, in the form of a spiral, consisting of 5 turns. On the trunk should spend only 5 meters of wire.
  5. To spiral unfolding not in place last turn it is necessary to fasten a short wire.
  6. Then, without cutting off the wire, you need to make the turn in the opposite direction so that the head turned out.
  7. Next, you can proceed to the manufacture of hats. To do this, segment with a length of 2 meters give the shape of the hat.
  8. The remaining segments of the wire to attach a hat to the head of a snowman.
  9. Take the garland 5 meters long and empty all the torso of the snowman, ranging from the smallest spiral coil. For the edges of the garlands do not hide, they must be consolidated with scotch.
  10. Short garland need to decorate a snowman hat.

By completing these actions, you should attach the resulting decoration to the facade of the house or fence.

It is possible that the hammer, nails and pieces of wire will be needed for fasteners.

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_11

Snowman Wire: How to make a glowing snowmen with their hands for the street? Step-by-step instruction 26890_12


So that the figure was beautiful and durable In the manufacture, you need to pay attention to simple recommendations.

  • If the wire from which the manufacture of the figure is supposed, too soft and badly holds shape You can twist 2 cuts in the form of a harness, thereby increasing the strength of the material.
  • Wire frame, having darkening or rust, Before winding the garland, you need to clean and paint white paint.
  • To snowman looked more elegant, For its head and the torso, you can choose a garland with white light bulbs, and for hats - with multi-colored.

As you can see, it is completely easy to easily make a luminous feature of a snowman for decorating the facade of the house to the New Year holiday. The use of inexpensive materials will save from buying expensive decorations in the store, thereby saving the family budget.

A brief process of manufacturing a snowman from a wire with your own hands you can see in the next video.

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