Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas


If you are familiar with the sphere of needlework, then surely have noticed that the crafts and author's compositions from such material as a wicked Foamiran are becoming increasingly popular. Today in our article we will talk more about the glitter Foamiran, and consider which products can be made of it.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_2

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_3

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_4

What is it and what makes it?

First of all, it must be said that the wicked Foamiran is a type of ordinary phoamyran, decorated with glitter (from here and the name of the material - "Glitter" with English translates as "glitter"). Foamiran was specifically designed for needlework, respectively, from it you can make a large variety of crafts.

So, popular and distributed are such products from wicked Foamiran:

  • Christmas tree toys and New Year's decorations;
  • Accessories for hair (most often hairpins);
  • decorations and decorative elements that are used to design gifts (for example, bows for a gift box);
  • souvenirs, etc.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_5

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_6

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_7

Work features with material

Despite the fact that from the wicked foamyran, you can create many different compositions before you begin directly to work, it is important to get acquainted with all the features and distinctive characteristics of the material. Besides, To obtain a qualitative final result, it is necessary to analyze the rules for working with raw materials.

So, it is worth it in mind that the wicked foamyran is quite thick in its structure, it is not too elastic, so it is difficult for him to give the necessary form. Accordingly, out of the material will not work out elegant crafts.

On the other hand, the wicked foamyran looks very elegantly and festively, attracts attention to others.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_8

The wicked foamiran is produced in the form of small sheets, the cost of which is relatively low. Almost every needlewoman can afford to acquire such a material. It is also important to keep in mind that the material is produced in a variety of colors and shades, so that you can make bright and unusual products.

On the sheets of the wicked foamyran, the glitter is applied not on both sides, but only with one . In this regard, it is necessary to be especially attentive when working with the material so as not to confuse the front side with the wrong one.

In the process of heating the material (carried out in order to give it the desired form), the iron or hairdryer must be brought to the other side where the glitters are missing (i.e. to the wrong).

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_9

Necessary inventory

To work with the wicked Foamifra, you will need a number of additional tools and accessories. Among them:

  • High-quality high density cardboard - this material is useful if you decide to make workpieces of future products;
  • Iron or hairdryer - these household appliances are indispensable in the process of heating the material, with their help you can give the phoamyran necessary in each particular case;
  • glue - in this case, the adhesive gun will be most comfortable and convenient during use;
  • Scissors - they will have to cut the composite parts of your composition, you can use the stationery, manicure or any other tool;
  • Wire - will be the basis for many crafts, in particular, floral, and it is recommended to use not ordinary, but a specialized floristic wire;
  • Mold - Thanks to this material you can create texture and texture of your products;
  • paints - allow you to give a realistic shade of the composition, change the color;
  • The stack is a special tool by which you can give the desired shape to your decoration and its parts;
  • Acrylic varnish - it will help create a glossy effect.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_10

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_11

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_12

It should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to use all accessories presented above for making crafts from the wicker phoamyran. So, in some cases, you will use only some of them, and other elements may also be needed in other situations.

Products do it yourself

From the wicked foamyran, you can make a variety of cradles (for example, hair bandages, kanzashi, etc.). Today in our article we present you master classes and simple ideas of products from an unusual brilliant material.


Plant themes are quite popular among lovers of crafts from the wicker Foamyran. So, with a glitter you can create such a flower as a red poinsettia, a plant with large leaves in a pot, a bouquet of flowers, etc.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_13

To create a flower composition, you need to create patterns in advance with cardboard. For this pattern, you need to cut a floral image from the wicked foamyran, and then give the composition volume (this can be done using heating devices: a hair dryer or iron). It will also be needed wire - it will serve as a stem for a flower.

If you want to create more leaves, then use the material of another shade to give greater realism of the overall composition. To create a seal of a flower, you can use glue and a large bead.

The process of creating puancetics from glytery fomaran in a pot in the video below.


The basis of the basket can be created with a holistic (in this case you will need one large piece of wicked foamyran) or made of several parts (for example, from strips, and then the basket will be bright and multicolored).

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_14

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_15

In the first case, you need to give the necessary cup-shaped material, and in the second - create the basis for which the multi-colored stripes should be attached. Also, do not forget to create a handle. A similar basket of wicked foamyran can perform both a purely decorative role and be functional (For example, you can put a gift in it).

However, in the second case, in the creation process, be particularly attentive to the strength and size indicators.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_16

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_17

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_18

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_19

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_20

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_21


In the process of manufacturing this product, you can give the will of your fantasy. So, to create the cap, you will need a round basis (which will later perform the role of the fields), as well as an element that will be a cone cap. They can be made from one or of several colors.

In order to give a hat a unique look, it is recommended to use various decorative components: ribbons, beads, etc.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_22

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_23

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_24

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_25

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_26




Depending on your desires and skills, you can create a postcard completely from the wicked foamiran or manufacture only some details from this material. In the first case, you need to take 2 sheets of glitter phoamyran and glue them with each other. At the same time, immediately cut out sheets of this size, what you want to see your postcard. To create congratulations from a brilliant material, you can cut letters; If the postcard is presented for a birthday, then cut the numbers on March 8 - flowers, etc.

In the process of decoration, it is important to take into account the preferences of the person who you will give the present.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_27

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_28


When buying a material, as well as when creating compositions, it should be followed by simple, but effective councils of specialists. In this case You can get the highest quality result that will bring positive emotions to you and your loved ones.

  • If you have never worked with a wicked Foamiran, but you want to try in yourself in something new and unusual, then buy a special set for needlework, which includes all the necessary items to create a craft. So you will understand, like you to work with this material or not.
  • In the process of making compositions, use only high-quality materials. If you ignore this recommendation, then you can get a low-quality product.
  • When choosing colors and shades of the main material, as well as additional decorations, it is important to make sure that they all successfully combine with each other. You must be able to represent the end result. Only in such a situation you can create a full-fledged single composition.

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_29

Glitter Foamiran: What is it and what of it can be done? DIY and FLOWERS FROM WORK FOODAMIRAN DIY. Master class of Red Poinsettia and other ideas 26863_30

On how to make the decoration on the head with the flowers from the glovenic foamyran, see the video below.

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