Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step?


Foamiran is a material from which very beautiful and naturalistic homemade are obtained. Especially spectacular look different types of colors. Often, at first glance, it is not possible to determine their artificial origin. In today's article, we find out how you can make flowers from Foamiran do it yourself.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_2

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_3

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_4

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_5

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_6

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_7


Before being taken for the formation of flowers from Foamyran, you should find out what the main features of this interesting material are.

  • Foamiran is a material that is characterized by a high level of softness.
  • The material reaches, retains the form.
  • The material does not delay moisture. Products from it can be watered with water.
  • Foamiran is a pliable material. It is suggested by embossing, accepts and retains different forms.
  • Foamiran absorbs paint and can be stained. Foamiran is an environmentally friendly material.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_8

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_9

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_10

Tools and materials

Consider in detail which components will be needed for independent manufacture of phoamyrah colors.

  • Florial wire. To make colors' stems, it will be necessary to use a thin wire with a colored braid. Diameter Details Usually reaches from 0.1 to 3 mm.

The choice of a specific option depends on which flowers planned to make a master.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_11

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_12

  • Details from foil and foam. To make floral buds, seed boxes and other parts, you should make it easy to make billets from foam slices or food foil.

A large number of needlewomen decide to work with aluminum foil, because this product holds the desired form.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_13

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_14

  • Pestlets and stamens. Each flower must have these components. They can be purchased in the finished form or make from varnish for nails, threads and mankey.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_15

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_16

  • Coloring formulations. To achieve naturalism, the masters resort to tinting of greens, petals and other components by coloring compositions of different shades. Acrylic and oil compositions are better suitable for work.

To create gentle phoamyran flowers with sample transitions, it is possible to use pastel.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_17

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_18

  • Additional consumables. We are talking about flock powder, glitters and rhinestones. Such components are ideal for creating original effects.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_19

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_20

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_21

  • Scissors. Foamirane sheets are smoothly cut, so you can use ordinary scissors of sufficient sharpness. In the role of auxiliary device, it is permissible to use scissors that have rounded edges. Such instruments are much more handy to cut leaflets and petals with bending.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_22

  • Toolkit for cutting. Simple pencil and handle in this case will not fit. For high-quality and proper cutting of the necessary parts, it is better to use toothpick, a stupid needle.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_23

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_24

  • Adhesive composition. For procedures with Foamiran, it is strongly recommended to acquire glue characterized by increased fixation. To work it was more convenient, it is worth pre-taking a thermoclayer gun.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_25

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_26

  • Iron. To give the necessary form to the phoamirane details, as well as to reduce the indicators of their thickness, the blanks are slightly heated by iron. At the same time it is very important to act quickly, neatly.

Elements can not be overtaken on a hot surface, because under the action of elevated temperature values, the raw materials may be melted.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_27

  • Stationery. We are talking about a ruler, pencil, handle, cardboard and paper sheets - these components will be needed to make quality patterns.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_28

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_29

  • Stencils and patterns. It is better to prepare such elements in advance so that the manufacture of flowers from Foamiran was simpler and more convenient. Templates will be able to do it yourself, but you can use schemes taken from the Internet - very many options.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_30

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_31

Master classes

From Foamiran, you can make a variety of colors - both field, and indoor, and spring, and rarest varieties. It is also possible to make smart huge handmade bouquets, flowers in pots, basket, vases and many other interesting crafts that look natural.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_32

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_33

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_34

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_35

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_36

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_37

Consider step-by-step instructions for the independent manufacture of beautiful phoamyrah colors.

the Rose

From Foamiran, you can make a very beautiful rose. To do this, you will need to pre-cut the blanks of all petals and sheet plates. To this end, you will need to take the cardboard and draw the necessary workpieces on it. Next, they are cut along the contour.

To make the flower as beautiful as possible and bright, it is worth choosing a foamiran of the appropriate shade.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_38

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_39

Consider step by step, as you need to act further.

  • When all the blanks are cut, they will need to paint through acrylic paints. Color should be darker closer to the edges and basis.
  • Next, the petals need to be heated on the iron to ensure their attractive form. To manage it right, each petal should be twisted, and then stretch.
  • Then the wire must be supplemented with a tip ribbon. The core of roses is formed from the foil. It will be possible to fix it through glue-gun. Next, you can move to sticking on the foil of the petals.
  • The leaves also need to warm up so that they are twisted. Take them on a wire and attach to the base of the flower. Next, you need to lolid on the petals, adhering to chess order.

The result will be very beautiful rosette. You can make several roses and make a realistic floral composition from them, which will look gorgeous.

From such a self-made decor of the interior or creative presentation.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_40

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_41

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_42

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_43

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_44


Foamyran can make lush, bulk peonies. Consider a stages of action.

  • First you need to prepare paper patterns. It will take to apply drawings of future petals. After this workpiece it will be necessary to cut.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_45

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_46

  • Next, the billets need to paint so that the color of the petals is darker to the edges and basis. Due to this, the colors will turn out to be more naturalistic. Then it will be necessary to paint the sheets. On one side you should depict the accommodation.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_47

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_48

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_49

  • To make the petals acquired the appropriate volume, they will need to be correctly folded. Corrugated parts should be carried out by folding them with harmonica. The top of the petal twisted tight. When the item is deployed, you can see how realistic it has become.

Such actions must be done in relation to all the petals.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_50

  • The leaves need to be folded in half, and then stretch. On the sides, the Foamyran will need to gently grab folds so that the effect of the ruffle on the foliage is.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_51

  • Now you need to make a big ball from the foil. It will serve as the basis of peony. Through glue to a rounded part, the wire is attached, it is put on it a blank-heart.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_52

  • Fold the pointed rays, the stamens are made by yellow paint. Then the 10 first petals are glued to the core with a glue gun, and after them the details of the group B. are further attached to the attachment of the petals of all other groups.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_53

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_54


Light in the manufacture are phoamyran tulips. We will figure it out how to do them correctly.

  • On the cardboard sheet depict petals. The height parameter should be 6 cm, the widths in the central part - 3.5 cm. Then the pattern should be cut.
  • On the cardboard draw another 25 cm leaf in width, 3.5 cm - in the center, the detail is cut out.
  • Drop the blank pattern with toothpick on the phoamyran, and then cut out. You will need 6 petals.
  • The petals and leaf of homemade are tinted with a wet napkin and pastels.
  • Each petal should be warm up by holding the iron. The elements are given a natural form. The tulip leaf should also be reduced to the iron, and then fold along twice.
  • 3 petal parts need to be labeled (bud), completely closing it.
  • Print the remaining 3 pets, placing them in a checker order.
  • Next is glued into the sheet detail cut part of a special wire.
  • The stalks are wrapped with a tip ribbon and attach a sheet.
  • Similarly, it turns out to make a full-fledged bouquet consisting of tulips.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_55

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_56

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_57

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_58

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_59


We will analyze in the stages, as needed to make Lily from Foamyran.

  • On the cardboard sheet sketch the contours of lily petal with a length of 6 cm. Next, the element is cut.
  • The template part must be applied to the white-white sheet of phoamyran, then it is driving and cut out. These billets will need 6 pieces.
  • Petals are toned from 2 sides. Next, they are heated on the iron, the toothpicks are made by veins.
  • Heat the edges of the petal so that they gain the wave-like bends.
  • Each of the petals should draw the bottom and points through a brown felt-meter. Stamens glue to the wire detail.
  • On green Foamira, it is necessary to draw 3 sheets of the oblong structure. Then the details are cut out.
  • Warming up on the iron, petals make textured.
  • Next is going to flower. Around the stamens first glue 3 petal, and the remaining 3 are attached as a second row, adhering to chess order.
  • The last step is fixing the green leaves.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_60

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_61

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_62

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_63

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_64

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_65


We will analyze the instructions for creating a beautiful Foamyrane Chrysanthemum.

  • The phoamyran sheet is folded along in half, then cut.
  • Take 1 part, apply a glue solution by its edge. Fold in half and glue the workpiece.
  • Cut the fringe along the entire length of the details.
  • Apply the adhesive composition and twist the strip, thus forming a beautiful bud of chrysanthemums.
  • The glue is applied again, but already on the reverse side of the bud, insert a soft wire, which plays the role of a stem.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_66

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_67


We will figure it out in the intricacies of making georgin from Foamiran.

  • First you need to prepare all the blanks - 3 petal mug and 3 parts for booton, blanks No. 2 - 2 pcs., №3 - 2 pcs. 6 small leaflets and 2 are cut from the green material. Cut off a chalist.
  • There is a core of petal circles, cuts are made in parallel with respect to each other. Thus, you should go with all the circles.
  • The tips of all petal circles are tinted with white acrylic paint and a wet cloth.
  • Circles 3, 4 and 5 are toned in the middle. All circles are treated through an iron. Take a piece of foil, make 2 balls from it - these are the hearts of flowers.
  • A piece of phoamiran is treated with an iron and tighten them a foil part. Next prepare circles.
  • The petals must be glued to the petal circles to get ready-made buds.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_68

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_69

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_70

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_71


Consider the step-by-step instructions for creating phoamyran violets.

  • First, the flowers must be drawn on paper, cut and transfer to the Foamiran. The template elements should be cut from the material itself.
  • Wire is taken, cut into segments. For each of them put on 3 biserins. They are located in the middle, twisted wire tips.
  • Cut billets from green phoamyran. Conduct colors. In the center of violet, they do a hole, through it passes the wire with beads, riveted green elements, but do not descend to Niza.
  • It is necessary to drop the glue on the details, pick up a flower.
  • The stem is wrapped with a special ribbon. The leaves cut out, form alkali on them by means of toothpicks.
  • For the decor you can use a pot filled with plaster mixed with water.

Sheet plates can be dipped directly in plaster, placing on the edges, and the central part is closed with violets.

Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_72


    We will analyze the phased master class.

    • You can make flowers from parts formed by punching "Fornet".
    • Billets should be formed from blue or blue material. For sewers, it will take olive Foamiran. From the yellow material it is necessary to cut a strip of 0.5 cm in width.
    • Chassels are cut into several parts. Petal mugs rolled, for example, a rolling pin.
    • In the middle of the circle the toothpick make a hole, scroll between fingers. So you need to do with each petal. Next, they need to straighten slightly.
    • Take the snow-white acrylic paint and through the brush in the middle of the mug draw the asterisk.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_73

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_74


    We learn how to make Mac from Foamiran.

    • On the cardboard sheet sketch patterns, cut out. From the Foamiran greenish tint cut the circle of 6 cm in diameter.
    • A beads put on wire and secure it reliably.
    • Iron warmed the circle and screw in it beads. The edges fix around the wire.
    • Black threads need to wrap the finished ball. The patterns of flower petals are cut. They should be folded along the type of harmonic and twist with their fingers.
    • Red petals are stuck on the stem. A sheets that need to be twisted with fingers are cut out of the green material.
    • Cut the wire base and glue leaflets.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_75

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_76


    Chamomile makes so.

    • Cut the blanks. Circles better make transport.
    • The tips of the carved petals are heated, give the necessary structure.
    • A long strip of 27 cm in length and 2 cm in width are cut out of the yellow material. This is a middle.
    • Over the entire length, the strip scissors leave cuts for the fringe.
    • The strip is missing with adhesive composition and twisted.
    • The core is fixed on the wire.
    • Stem billets are bilking, starting from the smallest mug, not forgetting about glue missiles.
    • For a substrate from a green shade Foamyran, cut a circle with cuts. It will be the final item.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_77

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_78


    We learn how to make this flower from Foamiran.

    • Cut red petals of different sizes.
    • Make a small folgized ball, attach to a wire based.
    • Form the flower itself. Starting with the smallest petals need to be glued one by one, brass. Before this, they need to give a wave-shaped form.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_79

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_80


    It is easily done by phoamyran sunflower.

    • Cut multiple diverse petals from phoamyran.
    • White Foamiran need to paint yellow paint.
    • Make a piece of green shade. Twisted the black phoamirane strip, having cutting the edge along the entire length. Detail glue. So it turns out the core of the flower.
    • All petals are heated and glued to the middle. The final stage is fixing green petals.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_81

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_82

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_83


    Tell me how to make these flowers.

    • First, white foamyran is flying. The patterns made from paper templates are placed on the paper, roll water to the toothpick and cut out.
    • On the petals draw yellow pastels from the tip to the edges. Violet color score edges.
    • Through Molda and Iron, petals are made of ribbed. The heated edges of the phoamyran stretch with their fingers.
    • Take the yellow tuchinka, glue to it the largest bottom petal. Fasten side elements. The allen glue the last couple of petals.
    • The middle is treated with yellow paint, the tips of the petals are made purple, covered with varnish.

    Ready buds can be fixed on stems or make another floral composition from them.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_84

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_85

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_86


    We will analyze step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of phoamyran hyacinths.

    • First make blanks, cut them out of the phoamyran, processed by iron. The petals must be neatly simulated.
    • Finely cut yellow material and glued to a wire basis (these will be stamens).
    • Shape flower heads around the stamens. At first, they sample the foundation, and then carefully fasten the sides with each other.
    • Form floral crown.
    • Cut the sheet, tinted, rolls the edges.
    • At the end, all components are collected in one homemade.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_87

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_88

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_89


    And so do calla.

    • Prepare patterns for cutting. On the petals make longitudinal strips by means of a needle or toothpick.
    • Acrylic paints are bred with water. Moisturized sponge toned the lower third of the petal in the pale yellow shade, the base makes green.
    • Heat iron. Carved petals bring to it, apply for a couple of seconds. The material is stretched with fingers, deepen at the base. The edges are slightly listed with their fingers.
    • For the pestle, a triangular part of the Foamyran is prepared, smeared "moment" glue, turn into a roll without voids.
    • The pestle dip in glue, and then into the semi. When the item dries, stained in yellow sponge or foam rubber.
    • Further prepare stem for flowers, connect it with pestles, wind up with green ribbon. Green sheets are cut, complemented by longitudinal stripes. Sheet plates glue to the stalk.
    • You can make a stretching color in the zone of the stem and bud.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_90

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_91

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_92

    Flowers apple trees

    These products are very easy.

    • First make blanks - leaves, cups, petals. For apple colors, 15 pieces are prepared, 10 of them - for buds. The leaves are cut from green phoamyran.
    • The petals give the right shape, toned them, make stamens. Each of the latter is attached by 5 petals.
    • For buds, wire cuts are twice. The loops need to wrap foil.
    • Small petals are fixed to foil. Connect a bud and a cup. Attach sheets.
    • The remaining components are attached to the maximum long stem of the ribbon, forming inflorescence.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_93

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_94

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_95

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_96


    Beautiful poinsettia can also be done without extra difficulty.

    • First prepare templates: petals and leaves of the same sizes. All components are given a more naturalistic view by iron and toothpicks.
    • Green details must be applied to Moldam.
    • The stem from the wire is wrapped with a green tip ribbon. The base is attached to the base, and then the cooked leaves and petals are glued around them, starting with the smallest.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_97

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_98


    We learn how to make Sakura from Foamyran.

    • On paper draw templates - 15 large and 6 small blanks.
    • The petals are cut, they are toned by a pink coloring composition.
    • Made of stamens attach to the wire.
    • Green cups kneading manually.
    • Surrounded by stamens glue large petals.
    • Small details are treated with an iron and attach to a stalk.
    • The stalks wrapping a tip-ribbon. All flowers are collected for one twig.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_99

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_100

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_101

    Useful recommendations

    • Before you start making flowers, it is better to prepare detailed schemes and sketches. The homemade should be thought out in advance so as not to be mistaken in its manufacture.
    • Petals should be handled by a moderately preheated iron. Temperatures should not be too high.
    • Working with the iron, it is necessary to follow safety. Too long to keep the foamyran on the device should not, otherwise it will be melted.
    • The finished product can be wiped with a damp cloth, but cannot be used abrasive agents.

    Homemade should not be exposed to excess heating.

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_102

    Flowers from Foamyran (103 photos): Master class for making with your own hands on templates. How to make handmade bouquets step by step? 26831_103

    On how to make flowers from Foamyran, see the next video.

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