Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands?


When repair work is carried out, the material for thermal insulation remains often - for example, isolon. There are several dozen ideas for its use. One of them is the creation of daisies.


To create a growth decor in the form of a bouquet uses the most unexpected foundations. Such a decor is often able to meet as an ornament for solemn events and giving coziness in the premises. The lamp in the form of beomashes from isolon is made of material that was originally designed for isolation.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_2

The base for table colors is distinguished by its high elasticity and cellular structure, it has a variety of satellite gamma. The roll has a width from 1 to 2 meters. The thickness is usually from 2 to 10 mm.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_3

Before proceeding to the manufacture of gigantic colors, it is worth paying attention to the following points.

  1. Need to immediately understand, for what purpose the material is purchased. For example, it may be necessary to need different thickness in order to make flowers for a festive table or make growth crafts. The larger the flower, the thicker choose the material for its manufacture. For small products used isolon, the thickness of which is 2 mm. When creating volume decorations, it is better to choose an insole thicker 3 mm.
  2. The quality of isolon depends on how much the smooth surface is.
  3. The Marking of PPE is the most suitable for the manufacture of colors, as well as to decorate the premises and decorating the photowon.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_4

Chamomile from Isolon can be made as a separate independent composition, so and place them on the slap. It all depends on the needs and wishes of the future owner of such a work of art.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_5

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_6

Tools and materials

The main difference between Isolon from other materials is the low cost of working with it. No need to acquire complex and expensive tools.

We will need the following list of items:

  • tailor scissors or mounting knife;
  • hairdryer (normal or construction);
  • paints (acrylic or cylinder);
  • stapler;
  • brackets;
  • Threads.

At your request, you can additionally choose various beads and ribbons that serve in the subsequent decorative elements.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_7

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_8

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_9

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_10

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_11

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_12

Manufacturing technique

To make chamomile from Isolon with their own hands, it is necessary to clearly imagine what we would like to get in the end. We advise immediately decide on the target use of the subject - Will he be decorated at the wedding, whether only for a photo session is needed or will become a lamp for everyday needs.

Based on the listed factors, the size of the future object is selected, the materials are selected and a preliminary sketch is made. (You can draw on paper, as will schematically look hack). It is also important to define with what colors will be used - they must be combined with each other.

The master classes are usually displayed flowers of different sizes. You can make a tiny bud, but you can create an entire song (even in the height of a man). At the request of decoration is formed in a bouquet created panels or just flowers are arranged on stems.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_13

The maximum size of the flower usually limit 1 meter.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_14

Note that if you are made large flowers full height, then you need to think of the future strength of the stem. For these purposes usually selected metal pipe. Also suitable plastic or metal and plastic. Bending attached to such articles using heat.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_15

To make chamomile from izolona with petals 20cm long, follow this instruction.

  • To make the petals form a pattern required volume. To do this, cut three blanks of cardboard, merge them into a pattern, shown in the photo. Cost edge seal tape so they do not leave a clear trail.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_16

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_17

  • Cut izolona pitch of the selected pattern (usually use 16 petals), if desired, on one hand, apply a green tint, on the other hand - yellowish. Heat hairdryer petal and attach it to the template. Slightly stretched izolon, press it to form and form relief.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_18

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_19

  • Cut izolona strip about 2 cm wide and glue it to the inside. Insert the wire - it will serve as a framework: so each petal will have a rigid form.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_20

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_21

  • To make a circular base for the flower, pick up a plastic plate or cover and paste on her petals in 2 rows.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_22

  • Yellow izolona cut strip 5 cm wide and 150 cm long cut its fringe. Roll roll, podkleivaya layers together. Scissors cut a recess in the center. Pull in the middle of a hand, fan it, and stick to the center of the flower.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_23

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_24

  • Attach the flower to the stand. This may be a welded steel construction base, a support made of concrete, a support of different capacities.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_25

Design, lighting can also be different - depending on what is created. It can be made as the bedside lamps and floor lamps. Installation provided in a flower pot on the stand. If you decide to place the future luminous element in the container, make sure the base it is necessary to fill a heavy solution, to get steady. Only then laid eyeliner.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_26

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_27

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_28

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_29

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_30

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_31

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_32

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_33

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_34

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_35

Wall lamp uses a shorter tube bends much more compact. The form depends solely from the imagination of the future owner of the subject. Original options - round or square spiral. The wire is inserted into the pipe at the final stage. As soon as the lamp is ready - it can immediately hang on the wall. Previously need to screw the screw, the hole is drilled in the tube. The ceiling is manufactured not only from the isolon, Foamiran or corrugated paper is allowed.

Chamomile from Isolon (36 photos): master class on the manufacture of a lamp from growth chamomiles. How to make a simple bouquet with your own hands? 26814_36

The process of manufacturing chamomile from isolon can be viewed in the following video.

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