Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration


For many, tea drinking is considered a special tradition that delivers not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. In order for the tea ceremony to be at the highest level, an ordinary box with tea bags is recommended to replace such a beautiful accessory as a tea house. It can be used in finished form, and independently make from plywood, while the second option is more popular because it allows you to implement any designer ideas into reality.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_2

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_3

What will required?

The process of manufacturing a tea house is fascinating and simple. Therefore, everyone will be able to please the relatives such an exclusive gift. In order to make it with your own hands, you will need to prepare a set consisting of the following materials and tools:

  • line;
  • scissors;
  • pistol for glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • twine;
  • Tassels;
  • multicolored acrylic paint;
  • piece of fabric;
  • stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • varnish.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_4

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_5

As for the main material, from which the house will be assembled, it is best to choose a fane with a thickness of 6 to 10 mm thick. If the household has trimming of plywood sheets with a thickness of 4 to 12 mm thick, then they are also suitable for crafts.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_6

How to make?

Before starting to make a teahouse from plywood, you should make drawings for which the plywood parts will cut down, and the workpiece will be sidsed.

Experts do not recommend drawing all the schemes immediately on plywood sheets, since blots and inaccuracies on the lines are possible. It is best to make a pattern of tight paper with your own hands.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_7

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_8

When everything is in order with the size, it can be transferred to the phaneer, then cut the detail along the contour. To drink more complex lines as a cutter, you need to use a disk saw or an electrolovka. The tool is undesirable to bring the details close to the contour, it is necessary to leave several millimeters, which will then be removed with a file.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_9

All details of the future tea house should be carefully treated with a file, then bring the corners with the help of the leg. It is important to ensure that the ends of the parts be strictly perpendicular to their plane. Then you need to polish the internal and exterior surfaces using the sandpaper. Initially, it should be done by the medium-sized sandpaper, then fine-grained.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_10

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_11

The next step is the assembly of finished parts. To do this, the scheme prepared earlier with the drawings. You can collect a tea house from plywood on polyvinila acetate glue. It is applied to the ends of the details that need to be combined with each other. The glued parts should be properly pressing and secure hair bands or painting tape. At the same time, it is worth paying special attention to the roof assembly - it is done depending on where it is planned to lay packets with tea: Usually, either the base, or the roof remains without adhesive mounting.

In order to avoid accidental displacement of parts, it is recommended to use the split fastenings of the spike groove.

After completing working with glue, all its excess must be carefully removed with a vehicle or a conventional napkin. If this is not done, then there will be drums that will require additional grinding.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_12

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_13

Then you can proceed to the shtlock, it will allow you to hide all visible stitches and irregularities at the joints of the parts. For putty, you need to use a steel narrow spatula, because the rubber can leave the errors on the depressions. As soon as the putty will warm up well, the corners of the house are re-grinding, and the painting of acrylic paint begins (the surface before painting is desirable to be brought in water in water with PVA). Often, when applied to the phanee of water-soluble paints there is a problem - the material "leads". To avoid this, it is necessary to paint the fully assembled design with the established base and the roof.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_14

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_15

After painting a tea house, you can apply several original artistic techniques.

  • Create a simple embossed pattern. To do this, it is enough to fasten a special pattern on the roof surface or walls, then apply several layers of putty, and after drying it all paint, using stencil.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_16

  • Create an "old tree" effect. With a semi-dry brush, thin strips are applied. Color paint should be contrasting to the background.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_17

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_18

There is no less interesting and tea houses covered with varnish. In order to originate the accessory to tea, it is necessary to apply lacquer with two or three layers on its surface, applying a soft brush. The design is preferably in a horizontal position, separately on each wall to avoid the appearance of the flows. It is important to ensure that the sides of the house do not remain excess varnish - if this happened, they can be easily removed by grinding.

At the end of the varnishing of the groove of the removable roof (base) and the spikes may not be combined with each other, since they became a little thicker.

In order for the decorative product to look neatly assembled, it is not recommended to negotiate the spikes. This problem is easily eliminated by the expansion of the grooves with the help of the appliance.

If a paper drawing is pasted on the lacquered surface, you will have to perform a lacquering at least 5 times, with intermediate grinding of every two layers. As a result, a perfectly smooth surface will turn out, and it will not be relocated to stand out the drawing.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_19

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_20

How to decorate?

After the tea house is assembled, it will remain to decorate it, with which this accessory will become the main subject of the interior. For the decor you can apply the maximum fantasy and materials. Wipes with a pattern, flowers, cinnamon tubes, beads, badyana stars or dried fruits can serve as decorations. If a tea house is preparing for a New Year's table, sparkles and cotton wool are perfect.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_21

I wonder the tea houses decorated with decoupage, the workpiece for which you can buy in a needlework store. In addition to the main billets, you will need to additionally purchase the glytter, paint, varnish, PVA glue and decoupage cards. The decoration process itself is as follows:

  • Initially, all parts of the house are stuffed into a light tone;
  • Then manually breaks the edges of the napkin, creating the basis of the drawing;
  • The drawing is placed on the walls of the house, the glue is necessarily applied from above (it will penetrate through the napkins and reliably fix the pattern on the surface of the plywood);
  • Then all overhead details and the roof of the design are covered with contrast paint, when it dries, the surface must be coated with acrylic varnish;
  • Next, the contours of a tea house are decorated with a glitter, and the finished product is filled with bags of tea.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_22

To date, there are many ideas for the decoupage of a tea house, not only tea themes, but also retro, floral motifs are particularly popular. The decorative product, designed in the way, perfectly fits into any design room and gives the tea party ceremony a special atmosphere of comfort.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_23

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_24

Beautiful examples

Thanks to beautiful tea houses, you can not only beautify the kitchen originally, but also pleasantly surprise your guests. Many housewives prefer this accessory to do it with their own hands, because it has a simple assembly technology, has miniature sizes and gives a lot of positive emotions to the author during the manufacturing process. The most common material for such craft is a sheet plywood. From it you can create a very interesting tea houses, embodying various design ideas into reality.

  • House in vintage style. For its design, a special kind of needlework is applied, which is called scrapbooking. Decoration in this case is performed by lace, ribbons and rhinestones, which are fixed to the surfaces of the house with glue. Especially smart looks such a house with snow-white lace and pink beads.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_25

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_26

  • Multisective tea house. This option is perfect for a large family, members of which prefer to drink tea of ​​different types. The product can be issued in several colors, and at each section to attach metal inscriptions with a type of tea. In addition, it will not hurt to make miniature handles on sections, so that it was easier to nominate them.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_27

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_28

  • No less interesting will be looking for an exercise and in oriental style. To do this, the walls of the house should be made under the tree, and make the roof from the artificial bamboo. It will decorate such a product beautiful layout of decorative multicolored pebbles.

Tea House of Plywood (29 photos): House for tea in drawings with your own hands, templates of blanks with dimensions, decoration 26794_29

Master class on the assembly and decoration of a tea house from plywood in the video below.

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