The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options


Many are familiar with the problem of searching keys before leaving home. It would seem that they always lie on the same place, but every time the time is very "pressed", they do not turn out there, and it is necessary to feverish them in bags, pockets of jackets and cabinets. An excellent solution in this case will be the key to plywood, which will perform not only practical, but also a decorative function.

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_2

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_3

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_4

What it is?

The plywood key is a functional element of a home decor, designed to store keys. Most often, it is placed near the entrance to the dwelling, to make it easier to hang or put the keys on returning home or take them with them, going out.

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_5

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_6

Review of species

The keystone from plywood is desktop and wall. Consider every kind of more detail.

  • Desktop version It can be installed on an open shelf, bedside table or console table. As a rule, they are performed in the form of a house, a simple box or shelf. The advantage of this species is its stability - it is not a leaps, even if you put a sweaty bundle into the keys. However, in a narrow hallway, where you will not put any furniture, the placement of the desktop key is impossible.

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_7

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_8

  • Wall key , on the contrary, it is intended for such premises, where every square meter by weight of gold. After all, even if all the walls are busy, you can hang it at the front door.

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_9

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_10

The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_11

    The wall key can be closed and open. A closed type is something like a small locker, an outdoor look like a hanger for outerwear. In any case, the wall accessory is equipped with hooks, on which key ligaments and single keys are placed.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_12

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_13

    Design options

    The key, as well as any other decor element, should perform with a stylish addition to the interior of the room. Pay attention to the following design solutions.

    • In the marine style. Such accessories are not better decorated with hallways, as they symbolize the spirit of travel, traveling, adventure. And the variations of the margin keystone are a great set: here and a wall cabinet with a glass door, decorated with miniature anchors, rescue circles, helpers; And a simple shelf with a decor in the form of waves, and even a whole port of the town, skillfully carved from plywood and painted with acrylic paints. Such keys can be safely decorated with shells brought from overseas countries.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_14

    • Steampunk. The style arising in the 1980s last century and inspired by the steam energy of the XIX century. If we talk simple words, the stylistics of the steampunk combines Victorian England and the details of the mechanisms of steam engines. The key, performed in this style, will be decorated with various gears, gear wheels, springs and other similar mechanical attributes, be sure to (naturally or artificially). Accessory can be supplemented with wall clock, the mechanism of which is visible in part or entirely.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_15

    • Shebby Chic. Literally translates as "Curved shine." Characteristic style features: staining in bright, pastel shades (white, light pink, light blue, ivory, gentle mint), artificial formation, decoration decor, angels. To create a keystone in this stylist, choose forged hooks "under ancient", color them into one of the proposed colors (together with the whole design), complete the decorative painting. The wall variant can be stylized under the vintage clock with a cuckoo, a birdhouse or a picture, a bench-top - under the jewelry box.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_16

    • Modern option. This is meant a concise wall panel or a simple box with or without a door. No special decisions are required - it is enough to withstand the stylistics of the interior of the apartment.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_17

    Tips for choosing

    It would seem, well, what can be difficult to choose a suitable key from plywood? However, there are nuances that need to be considered.

    • The choice of a suitable model should be due to the purpose of use. If you are going to hang onto it only the light keys to the apartment and the car, you can limit the wall-mounted plate with hooks and the selected decor. If the key ligaments are heavy, bulky, then it is best to choose a desktop model or a closed wall cabinet.
    • If you have children, it will be useful to supply every hook with an inscription about whether the keys are hanging on it, or to make nameplates to make a child, leaving the house, the lacquer did not grab your bundle on which, in addition to the keys from home, There are also keys to the working office, etc.
    • If foreign people are often available in your home (couriers on the delivery of goods, employees of cleaning companies), then for security purposes, you can choose a key-locker with a locking mechanism.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_18

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_19

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_20

    How to do yourself?

    Let's consider two master classes on the manufacture of plywood keyword with your own hands.

    Option NO1: Simple Wall Klochet

    First prepare the following:

    • plywood sheet;
    • hooks and screws for their mounting;
    • Lobzik to drink blanks;
    • acrylic paints, varnish;
    • sandpaper;
    • Spatula / Mastichein;
    • Wooden putty;
    • glue;
    • Tassels;
    • drill.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_21

    Now it is necessary to prepare the drawings of future blanks. Plywood is a pretty malleable material, and to cut out of it any contour is easy. It can be a cat, bird, a house, a tree, or any other figure.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_22

    So, drawings, materials and tools are ready. Getting to work:

    • cut out a paper blank;
    • We carry it on a sheet of plywood with a simple pencil;
    • We drink the necessary details of the jigsaw;
    • Carefully grind the edges;
    • If suddenly chips were formed on the workpiece - and this sometimes happens when using old plywood - apply on them a woodspin with a mastikhin or a spatula, wait until it dries, and sand out the sandpaper;
    • Next, make recesses for suspensions and drill holes for screws on which hooks will hold;
    • Cover the harvesting of acrylic paint, wait for it drying;
    • If you have conceived somehow decorate your key (decoupage, painting, mosaic, etc.), it's time to do it;
    • Attach the hooks to the key, hang it on the wall.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_23

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_24

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_25

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_26

    Option NO2: Closed keyboard-house.

    Prepare the following materials:

    • plywood sheet;
    • Drawing details of the house;
    • sandpaper;
    • fasteners for doors;
    • self-tapping screw;
    • hooks;
    • acrylic paints, varnish;
    • Drill, Lobzik.

    The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_27

              Production Stages:

              • Transfer the drawing to Phaneru by circulating its contours by a simple pencil;
              • Project the details of the sandpaper;
              • Drill holes where hooks and doors will be attached;
              • Implement a house assembly;
              • screw the hooks;
              • Set the doors, the lock (if envisaged);
              • Paint the key to the selected color, after drying the paint can be searched for decorating.

              The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_28

              The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_29

              The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_30

              Particularly advanced wizards can try to use a device for laser cutting of plywood and create a unique carvings.

              The keystone from plywood (31 photos): wall and desktops. How to make your own hands according to the drawings? Keyhouse-house and other options 26792_31

              In the next video, you will clearly get acquainted with the example of the manufacture of the keystone from plywood.

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