How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands?


Pine and fir bumps are used to make winter crafts and jewelry. The material is stored for a long time and is easy to paint. The product of the cones will not lose the initial view even in a couple of years. The use of various coloring techniques will create unique crafts.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_2

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_3

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_4

Suitable materials

When choosing a dye, it is worth navigating convenience, availability and safety. The latter circumstance plays a special role if the bumps are harvested with the child. In this case, it is better to give preference to simple gouache. If the child is already an adult, then any other dye will fit.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_5

It is recommended to use the most resistant dyes, for example, acrylic or aerosol. Alternatively, fixing varnishes are used.

If the bump is painted in several layers, then drying the first, and then apply the second. In this case, the coating will be high-quality.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_6

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_7

To apply paint, you need to take a piece of foam rubber or brush. It will also be needed to secure the bump. The painted product must be sown somewhere. Under the workpiece, the container should be installed in which the excess paint will be flushed.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_8

Alkyd enamel

The composition is sold in banks with a wide neck. This makes it easy to dip the bump completely. This approach allows you to quickly paint the product. The easiest way to hook the natural material for the wire so that he will not drow. Dry the product is needed in a suspended form so that the excess material is freely glasses back to the jar.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_9

Alkyd enamel durable and elastic. The coating dries quickly. Staining can be carried out in the room without harm to health. Excellent solution in order to make a white bump. The composition does not shine over time.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_10

Acrylic paints

The material can be in a jar or tube. It is quite easy to purchase a whole set of colored acrylic paints and make crafts from the cones. After drying, it is recommended to use wood lacquer. So the bump will become a glossy and brilliant. Paint will not crack.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_11

The material can be applied with a sponge or tassel. Acrylic allows not only to paint, but also to form volume. Acrylic paint is quickly covered with a crust, but it still remains wet. Therefore, it is important to leave a bump at the time that the manufacturer indicates to complete drying.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_12


The easiest and most common option. The usual gouache is safe for children's creativity. For the manufacture of crafts should be prepared paint, brush and bump. The composition you can paint the workpiece only partially, which will make the decor more interesting.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_13

Usually cover only the tips of the cones or each scales in different colors. You can paint the inner and outer part in different ways. The brush significantly expands the capabilities and gives space for creativity. At the same time, the cone itself can be left in natural color or paint completely, and then add a guachery touches.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_14


Aerosol paint greatly simplifies processing. Only to start you need to secure the workpiece so that the coating has reached all parts. The first bump can be covered unevenly, but it is not entirely scary. Some workouts and the effect will be flawless.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_15

Aerosols may have different effects. Pretty attractive looks paint with metallic effect. The composition is economical, applied with a thin layer. The paint dries quickly and is distinguished by persistence.

You can combine different colors and textures so that the product is as elected as possible and bright.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_16

How to paint?

Corses for crafts can be collected in any forest where coniferous trees grow. Suitable pine and firing, there is no special difference when staining. Billets can be done at any time, the bumps are stored for quite a long time, do not lose their qualities. The master class of staining is gradually useful in the work.

  1. Preparation of material. A resin remains in the cones, and the dirt accumulates between the scales, insects live. Collect the natural material is recommended in gloves and in special clothes, which is not sorry to be stained. Later, all the blanks are sorted in shape and size.
  2. Cleansing. Coarse dirt and seeds can be removed by hard brushes and tweezers. Then you should lower the material into water with vinegar in the ratio of 2: 1. The bumps should be in solution completely. Natural material should be left for 30 minutes. After wetting scales on the cones will close, but this is a temporary effect. The washed material should be decomposed on the newspaper and leave until complete drying.
  3. Warming. A foil or parchment paper is placed on the baking sheet, the dry cones are laid out on top so that they do not come into contact. The oven should be heatled to 95-120 ° C. The cones are processed from 30 minutes and until the calculation of the scales. The material can be dried in vivo, but this will require at least 3 days. During the heat treatment of the resin, crystallizes, so it is necessary to cool the bumps gradually. It is enough to open the oven and leave the blanks for a while. It should also be pulled in carefully, after warming up the natural material becomes fragile.
  4. Formation. Lobzika can be cut off a piece of cones. It's easier to simply remove part of the scales to form the desired view. For this, conventional nippers are suitable. Cropped parts should not be thrown away. Scales can be used in creativity.
  5. Making fastening. You can use a screw from the loop. It is enough just to gently screw it into the plump. As a result, garlands, souvenirs or toys can be made from blanks.
  6. Whitening. The bump can handle white. The material should be left in a solution for 24 hours or longer. Then it is enough to rinse the cone running water and dry on the draft. As a result, the billet will be white and completely odorless. You can decompose the cones in packages and drop a bit of essential oil, literally 1-2 drops.
  7. Staining. The selected or simply prepared workpiece should be painted with the selected composition. You can dip in alkyd enamel and leave until complete drying. It is also easy to just paint a bump from the canister. In the latter case, it is better to use a bleached bump. So it will take less paint so that the layer is bright enough and saturated. Gouache and acrylic can be applied to a natural bump. The last two options are better to use together with a brush or foam rubber. Beautifully decorate the bump with your own hands. Painting can be performed in any technique.
  8. Laccurate. It is necessary to choose the composition for a tree that does not turn yellow. Varnish can be applied with a brush or purchase a means in the form of a spray. To obtain a thick layer, it is enough to dip a bump in the jar and leave to leave. Ship varnish will last longer. The remaining species are less wear-resistant.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_17

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_18

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_19

Varnish can be matte, glossy and satin. It is worth choosing a coverage that is more like.

An interesting method of staining is the use of paraffin. In the color composition you just need to dip the bump. Paraffin quickly freezes. The decorative layer is pretty thick and attractive. However, it will be necessary to remove all the flows and extra drops.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_20

When staining with a foam rubber layer is obtained more subtle. We'll have to repeat the procedure several times so that the color is saturated. If you take a sponge with big pores, the effect will be more interesting. Poropolone can also be used with acrylic paint, but it is worth acting quickly. In this case, the drawing will be relief and unusual.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_21

Precautionary measures

There are many methods of staining of cones. Different techniques make it possible to turn a simple workpiece from natural material into the original and unique decor. However, it is necessary to comply with a simple safety technique when working with cones and paints.

Especially important to adhere to the rules if the manufacturer is made with children.

  1. Aerosol paints in beans are volatile, so they can harm the respiratory authorities. At the same time, the paint itself is easily flammable and is explosive. It is necessary to work with the composition in a well-ventilated room. Better and at all outside the apartment, at least on the balcony. At the same time, put on gloves, mask, glasses. These funds will protect their eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Aerosol paint can not be given to children, painting should produce adults.
  2. Varnish should also be applied with regard to security rules. It is impossible to make the composition of the skin and mucous membranes. The room is also worth venturing to remove the toxic smell of varnish.
  3. Acrylic paints and gouache are less toxic than enamel and aerosol. However, it is important to ensure that the makeup does not get a child in his mouth or eye.
  4. Gouache can be drawn even with hands. It is this means is the safest for children's creativity. However, one should not forget about protective clothing.
  5. Dry the cones at each stage of processing better on the balcony. So the composition hardens faster, and the smell of paint or varnish will not spread around the apartment.

How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_22

      Crafts from cones look interesting and unusual. The combination of textures and colors allows you to make an original and unique product.

      Painted cones can be used as an independent decor or to be an element of garlands, any other decoration.

      How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_23

      How to paint the bumps for crafts? Gouache, acrylic paints and other materials for pine and fir bumps. How beautiful to decorate them with their own hands? 26780_24

      When working with the child, you should not limit the creative process. It is just important to properly prepare the bumps first and high-quality covered with varnish after staining.

      More ways to paint cones for crafts further.

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