Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts?


Berries and rowan leaves, assembled in autumn, is an excellent material that is used to create a different kind of craft. Autumn applications, figures and decorations from the fruits of this tree like both children and adults.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_2

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_3

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_4

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_5

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_6

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_7

Work features with material

To craft from natural material serve for quite a long time, berries and leaves before work, you need to properly harvest. Collect these gifts of nature is needed in the correct time. So, Ryabina begin to harvest at the end of August. The leaves are collected and dried at the end of September or in early October. You need to choose a material to create crafts very carefully. The leaves must be neat and monophonic, and the berries are not too ripe.

Soft fruits with any embarrassing movement burst and dirt all around. Therefore, it will be inconvenient to work with them.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_8

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_9

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_10

The collected rowan should not be washed. This will lead to the fact that it will quickly deteriorate. To save berries, they must be processed correctly. To do this, you can use different products.

  • Glycerol. So that the berries always looked bright and beautiful, they can soak them in Glycerin. This product must be dissolved in hot water in proportion 1 to 2. When the solution cools down, all berries should be placed in it. It is necessary to withstand them about a week. As the solution evaporates, it should be gradually adding. If the fluid darkens, it is worth merging and replaced with a new one. A week later, berries will become soft, elastic and shiny.
  • Wax. This material for berry processing can be prepared literally in a couple of minutes. For a start, the candle must be cut into pieces or grate onto the grater, and then melt in the microwave or on a water bath. The bunch of berries falls into the wax mass for a couple of minutes. So that the wax layer was not too thick, the branch should be removed from the tank after a couple of seconds. When waxes freeze, the berries can be shifted to the bank or immediately use for its intended purpose.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_11

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_12

You can process with wax or soak in glycerin and rowan leaves. You need to do it a few days before creating crafts. In addition, they can be simply sued. So that the leaves do not twist and do not crumble, they should be stored between the pages of the book. If they need to dry quickly, rowan leaves stroke the iron. To do this, they must be put between two pieces of fabric or sheets of paper, and then stroke.

If you put the leaves in this way, they can be used in work immediately.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_13

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_14

How to make a squirrel?

Prepare the required amount of materials, you can proceed to the creation of crafts. Using rowan berries, kids can make simple appliqués. One of them is a volumetric feature of proteins. To create it, the child will need a dense piece of cardboard, berries, scissors, pencil and paint.

The process of creating a figurine consists of five stages.

  • First you need to prepare the basis of the picture. It must be cut out of a piece of tight cardboard. The edges of the future picture should be placed with decorative tape or colored paper strips.
  • The basis of the crafts should be painted in suitable color.
  • When it rises, on the cardboard it is necessary to draw a pencil to draw a piece of squirrel.
  • After that, it must be thoroughly wedged with glue.
  • Having prepared in advance rowan need to quickly lay out the picture. This is done so that the glue does not have time to dry. The figure is beautiful and volumetric.

You can make the finished craft to the bow or attach a small bump to it. The basis of the picture will also decorated with thin fir branches.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_15

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_16

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_17

Bear do it yourself

From bright berries of rowan and spruce cones, a child can easily make a big bear. Step-by-step instruction consists of three stages.

  • First of all, you need to make the basis of the cones. They are connected to each other with hot glue.
  • Give the right shape, decorated with acorn and chestnuts. They are attached to the face of the animal at the place of the nose and eye.
  • Rowan in this case is used only to decorate crafts. The bunches of berries are attached to the beast's legs.

The craft is obtained cute and pretty. It can be attributed to school or kindergarten.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_18

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_19

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_20

What else can be made?

There are other interesting crafts from rowan, which are suitable for children.


Bright red beads from ripe berries The child will be interesting to do even in 3-4 years. Rowan for creating can be used fresh. Before working, it will have to prepare a little: berries should be washed to get rid of dust, and then add good at room temperature. The process of creating rowan beads consists of four stages.

  • First you need to select a filament of suitable color. It must be hidden in the needle and tie a nodule on the edge. This is done so that the thread in the process did not slip out. Thread length should be selected with a margin.
  • Each rowan berry should be neatly pierced with a needle and wear on the thread.
  • Bead need to be brought to almost the end of the thread.
  • Having rolled a sufficient amount of beads, the thread must be cut off from the needle. Ends of decoration must be associated with each other.

If there are not very much bodied, they can be alternate with other decorative elements. Rowan beads are perfectly combined with beads, wooden figures and pasta, painted in suitable color.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_21

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_22

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_23


Another handicap, with the creation of which even kids will cope, is a rowan caterpillar. To create it, you can use brushes of black and red rowan. In addition to them, the child will also need toothpicks and markers. The process of creating figures consists of five stages.

  • For the start of Ryabina's brush, you need to disassemble separate berries. Selected for work is the details of the same size.
  • Every beroda you need to pour into the toothpick in the place where the flower was.
  • Berries on the toothpick can be mounted on one distance or at different things. In the second case, the caterpillar will get a wavy.
  • Of the small sprigs of Rowan, you need to make short mustlemen. They are attached to the top of the caterpillars.
  • When the craft is ready, the head of the figure should be decorated with a black felt-tip pen.

Such a simple caterpillar will become an excellent decoration of the school composition on the topic of autumn.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_24

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_25

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_26


A child of 6-7 years old from autumn leaves can make a beautiful vase. For work, in addition to the main material, PVA glue, brush and air balloon will be needed. The process of creating the original autumn vase looks like this:

  • The air ball must be inflated to the desired size and place in a cup or a bowl;
  • His upper half must be abundantly lubricated with glue;
  • Pre-peeled from cuttings and dried by iron leaves are attached to the basis of crafts;
  • In order for the vase to be volumetric, a few layers of leaves should be pasted on the ball;
  • This workpiece must be left to dry all night.

In the morning, when the craft is ready, the ball must be accurately blown away. In order for the vase to be more durable, it can be covered with a layer of transparent varnish. Instead of rowan leaves, you can use any other.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_27

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_28

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_29


Dried rowan berries are often used to decorate ready-made paintings. DIY are obtained very beautiful. Understand how you need to do, it is possible on the example of a picture with a kitten. The background for this work can be drawn with gouache or watercolor paints. When the basis of the picture dries, it is necessary to depict a kitten figure on it. After that, it should be missed with glue. The figure is filled with red and black rowan berries. Complete this craft of dark seeds, dry leaves and blades. You need to dry a ready-made handicraft.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_30

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_31


To decorate the room, you can use the original compositions of leaves and other girlfriends. In the work on such an ordered to the child will be useful:

  • dried leaves;
  • Breaks of Ryabina;
  • Wild apples;
  • acorns and nuts;
  • scissors and glue;
  • wooden spanks;
  • Colored tape.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_32

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_33

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_34

The process of creating a craft consists of four steps.

  • To begin with, wild apples need to be put on wooden spats.
  • Dried leaves should be folded into small beams.
  • The resulting billets should be collected in a small bouquet and secure it with a rope or decorative ribbon.
  • To decorate crafts, rowan berries, nuts and acorns are used. They can be fixed in the right places with glue.

The finished bouquet needs to be put in a vase suitable size. The autumnalist looks very beautiful.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_35

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_36

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_37

Owl from leaves

Cute bird from rowabine leaves can make even a small child. To work, the baby will need dried foliage, colored paper, cardboard, glue, pencil and bunch of berries. This feature is done very simple.

  • To start the leaves you need to dry with an iron.
  • On a sheet of dense cardboard, you need to draw a figurine of owls. This workpiece must be carefully cut out of the paper.
  • The leaves are attached to the sides of the figure and play the role of wings.
  • Eyes and nose of owls are made of colored paper. They also glue with glue.
  • Paws of birds are made of rowan twigs. They should be smooth and neat.

The finished owl can be glued to the row with rowan berries. In addition, it can be made part of a large volumetric applique.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_38

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_39


Of the dry leaves and berries of Ryabina, you can make a beautiful autumn garland. It is made on the same principle as beads. But, in addition to the berries of Ryabina, dry leaves, nuts and other natural materials are also used to create it. Supplement such an autumnal array of figures cut from two-sided colored paper. Such a garland can be used to decorate the room or the courtyard. You can admire the finished craft to the onset of cold weather.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_40

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_41


Beautifully in the interior of the modern room will also look and wreath made of girlfriend. The process of its creation consists of five stages.

  • First you need to prepare a frame for craft. It can be cut out of a piece of unnecessary box or several sheets of dense cardboard interconnected.
  • The finished base must be wrapped in the twine. The edges are attached with the help of glue or bilateral tape. Fix various decorative details on it will be much easier.
  • Survectory bunches of rowabins, fir branches, moss and dry autumn leaves are decorated. All these details are attached to the base with hot glue. You can have them in any order.
  • To the back of the crafts, you need to attach a neat loop, for which the wreath will be suspended against the wall.
  • Ready wreath you need to dry overnight. In a couple of hours, all the details will be perfectly accustomed to the frame of the crafts.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_42

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_43

You can also decorate this wreath of spruce cones and dry flowers. In the upper part of the crafts, color bows often fasten. Such a decorative item can make a wreath brighter and more beautiful. To decorate, the crafts most often use ribbons of red or golden color.

All these bright autumn crafts from Ryabina will become an excellent decoration of the house or a gift to a close person.

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_44

Crafts from Ryabina (45 photos): from leaves and berries, squirrel in kindergarten with their own hands. Crafts on the topic of autumn for children. How to save rowan for crafts? 26731_45

On how to make a nice white rowan squirrel, see the following video.

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