Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs?


Most recently, FENDI fashion house from Italy breathed a new life in his own invention, reassialing the legendary bag of Baguette. During the long time, a cult bag-baguette turned into accessory classics and became even one of the valuable items for collecting. And today this fashionable bag looks no less than fresh and stylish, as at the end of the last century.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_2

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_3

What it is?

In the fashion industry, this is exactly the case when the author is known. This is Sylvia Venturini Festi, who is the granddaughter of the creator of TM FENDI, developed this handbag back in 1997 , Then she entered the stores.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_4

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_5

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_6

Why Bagguette-Bag? First of all, the name it contains a hint of an elongated form, as well as that it will be convenient to keep under the arm, as, however, a real French crisp baguette, and this is a decreasing form from the concept denoting the bag - BAG.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_7

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_8

By the way, it was originally invented as an alternative version of not very convenient clutches, which had to be worn in their hands. And she arose in counterweight clutch, or rather, how his development, continuation and improvement, making a handbag more comfortable for socks, having attached a handle.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_9

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_10

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_11

Over the popularity of the bag-baguette, one of the heroines no less religious than the bag itself, the film "Sex in the Big City" Carrie Bredshow. With the fendi baguette on the screen, she appeared many times, thereby unwittingly calling all the fans to flee into the corporate boutique for the same.

Then the handbag became popular so much that almost all the beauties did not imagine themselves without it.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_12

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_13

It can even be said that baguette is simply obliged to be so popular with this heroine and Sarah Jessica Parker personally who also loved Baguette's bag, often appearing with her at such important events as a red track, for example.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_14

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_15

She even repeated that it was Baguette from Fendi that became a styrene and an important detail of her image as actress and women.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_16

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_17

It is not surprising that this model has gained enormous popularity, and so quickly to such a level that In the very first year of the Millennium TM FENDI, it was for creating this model bags awarded award from Fashion Group International in the nomination "Design accessories". So this little detail entered the history of fashion and became one of those subjects that were the most iconic accessories of the 90s of the last century.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_18

And in 2012, the brand even devoted a whole colorful edition to the Baghet bag. In the book more than 250 beautiful color photographs, which demonstrate a wide variety of bags. Among them and the luxury models from crocodile leather, fur, as well as other most valuable materials, there are even real works of art among them - an accessory decorated with dragones.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_19

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_20

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_21

There are also designer options from famous artists and designers, such as Jeff Kuns, as well as Damien Herst.

This once again proves the famous fact that the bag-baguette has long turned out from the Must-Have a cultural phenomenon.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_22

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_23

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_24

What is this bag-baguette? Here are a few features that distinguish it from other models:

  • extended form;
  • not very large size;
  • Wide short-lived handle;
  • fixation under the arm or hand;
  • Interesting design.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_25

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_26


Appearing in the 90s, this female handbag produced a whole revolution. After all, then there was a cooking passion for minimalism, and bright bags decorated with embroidery, original print, even feathers, chain, embroidered by beads, rhinestones and beads, mirror pieces, that is, these items different from the design, different from strict, strongly stand out against the background of a general trend In the fashion of that time.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_27

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_28

If you figure it out, the bag has a rather solid age for fashionable standards. And all these 18 years, the rectangular accessory remains a bestseller, and the varieties of the iconic bag becomes only more. Today there are more than a thousand such variations.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_29

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_30

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_31

The color of the bag-baguette can be absolutely any. But this season are especially popular dark green shades, burgundy, saturated blue colors. And, of course, the wardrobe should be white and black.

By the way, such accessories were quite popular in the 90s, so they feel free to go on Second-hand.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_32

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_33

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_34


The updated line of bags-baguettes, Fendi introduced several sizes at once, with a variety of finishes. But there are classic patterns of pastel tones from embossed skin. Despite the fact that the proportions were slightly changed, the bag-baguette is the same popular and recognizable accessory in which everyone was in love with the 1990s.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_35

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_36

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_37

And today, almost all eminent brands did not remain aside and presented many of their variants of this legendary bag. Italian TM Prada is similar to Fendi returned to his new baguette collections, stylists recommend choosing them not only for the summer and spring seasons, but also for warm autumn days.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_38

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_39

By the way, this bag can be seen in men's collections. So, there are also classic leather monophonic options, and the most bold versions with art prints.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_40

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_41

As for girls, everything is authentic here, many of the bags are decorated, as in the 90s, beaded fringe, logos.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_42

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_43

Other designers followed him, so you can find such bags Mango, Chloe, Lieffler Randall, Vendetta and others.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_44

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_45

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_46

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_47

The couturier has always been developed by a variety of design options and shape of bags, but today rectangular narrow samples on a short strap have become the most popular.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_48

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_49

Inspired by the colleagues, the Spanish company Loewe created his version of Bagueta. Its accommodation is an asymmetrical shape and made of skin pieces. And just in case a long strap on the shoulders has been added here.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_50

What to wear?

Big plus bags Baguette is her versatility. Accessory fits into a variety of images: both street and office, sports and even concert and evening. This handbag was invented against the uncomfortable clutches that had to be worn. From here and use in the same situations.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_51

These are the classic leather bags, and, for example, from a fabric, such as nylon. Bag-baguette will become an excellent completion and sports image, and evening.

  • A black bag-baguette will suit any image. Especially organically looks in an ensemble with a beige tripkot.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_52

  • Natural colors have always been in fashion. This ensemble can be attributed to both business and elegant style. There is nothing causing here, and the handbag in natural leather shades fits perfectly into the neat and refined image where there is nothing superfluous.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_53

  • Black and white is a classic. And here is a black bag-baguette with white dresses not only does not contradict - it adds the image of graphic. And at the expense of its size does not take away at all.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_54

  • And here is the sports version of the baguette. Yes, such a soft bag-baguette can be worn and so, and it will be comfortable, and fashionable, and stylish.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_55

  • Baguette must necessarily be rectangular. This slightly modified shape of the handbag with a short strap perfectly fits into the autumn image with a soft coat.

Bag-baguette (56 photos): Fendi and Mango, Prada, Vendetta and others. What to wear black and white bugs? 2673_56

By the way, this handbag in the form of a baguette is one of the most favorite bags of many stars, such as Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid, Haley Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Olivia Calpo.

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