Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas


Conventional paper crafts Children begin to make more in preschool age. Now the popular trend has been the manufacture of bulk paper compositions. Such an occupation is suitable not only to children, but also adults. To do this, it is important to stock the necessary materials and tools, preferably, as well as to highlight the workplace.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_2

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_3

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_4

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_5

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_6

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_7

Autumn work

From paper, you can create a lot of crafts, but the autumn compositions are particularly popular. They are distinguished by saturated paints and many all sorts of options. Thus, the most popular in autumn theme is the manufacture of vegetables and colored paper mushrooms with their own hands. Such crafts are beautiful and lungs, suitable for the autumn holiday in kindergarten and school for both boys and girls.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_8

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_9

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_10


For the manufacture of paper bulk pumpkin, color double-sided paper of orange and green colors will be required. In addition, a decorative green wire will be needed (it is better to choose the option with the edge). From the auxiliary materials, tape should be prepared, and from tools - scissors and holes. Important moment! For this craft, it is better to choose paper with high density. Permissible to use cardboard. From the fine paper of the desired quality will not work.

First of all, it is necessary to take a paper orange paper. With the help of scissors, you need to cut several strips (approximately 20 pieces) with the same length parameters and widths, trying to make them as smooth as possible. If a child is engaged in the manufacture of crafts, it is recommended to pre-draw the colored paper so that the strips are cut by the outlined lines.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_11

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_12

When the strips are ready, you must move to the next step. Here you need to arm a hole punch, and with it to do in the harvested holes of the hole. Previously, each strip in the center must be folded in half. After folding from each edge you need to do one hole. As a result, two holes should turn out on each strip - one from each edge.

Important moment! When you do a hole on the central part of the strip, the hole punch must capture the paper only by half. That is, in the rolled state, the semicircle will be done, and when the strip will have to deploy, it should be a full-fledged hole. Vitely the result of the processing of the strips is presented in the figure.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_13

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_14

Strips must be accurately folded in a bundle, and through the central hole to turn the decorative wire. In order for it better to keep, it is recommended to fix its position with the help of a scotch.

Now you need to alternately stripes on a wire through the second hole. To fix the strips, you need to do something like a node on the wire. Next, you need to make two sheets from the paper of green and put them on a wire. The end of the wire must be turned on a pencil or handle so that it turns out the spring. This is how the final version of the crafts looks like.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_15

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_16

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_17


From paper you can make bulk mushrooms with round hats. For the manufacture of the composition you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • Colored paper of orange and green colors;
  • The maple leaf pattern (you can find the original sheet of small size or download the workpiece from the Internet and print).

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_18

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_19

Production of the crafts consists of several stages.

  • From white cardboard, it is necessary to cut a strip of a width of 7-10 cm, roll it into the tube and fix in that position using glue.
  • Orange color paper needs to cut a circle. Then cut the triangle from it as shown in the figure.
  • Now the workpiece must be folded so that it turns out to be a cone, and then fix with glue. In the same way to connect the leg with the leg.
  • Now to work it is necessary to take green paper. First cut a rectangle and make cuts on it - it will be grass.
  • In an arbitrary form cut a stand.
  • Discover the maple leaf, cut down the contour.

Next, parts need to be combined with each other. The feet of the mushroom is punctured grass and rounded cuts with scissors. Put the mushroom on the stand, and on the hat to attach a maple leaf. The final version of the work should be approximately so.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_20

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_21

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_22


In the autumn composition you can also add an apple of yellow. For the manufacture of crafts will be required:

  • paper yellow and green colors;
  • white cardboard;
  • Brown cardboard.

First you need to cut the workpiece. To do this, you need to draw an apple on white cardboard. According to this stencil of yellow paper, you need to make 9 copies. Eight of them need to be folded in half, and then glue with each other (four to one side, and four to another). An intermediate result of the work is visually reflected in the figure. From brown cardboard, it is necessary to cut the twig, and from the green - leaflet. The twig must be glued to the deferred ninth workpiece, and there is already a green leaf. On each side, blanks are glued to the main part. Here is the finished apple.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_23

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_24

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_25


Make a bulk birch of paper is very simple. Since the topics of the crafts are autumn, then it is necessary to pre-dial under the alive tree of birch sheets. The main condition is to be dry, clean and without damage. Next, you need to prepare the missing items:

  • white cardboard;
  • yellow paper;
  • Scissors and glue.

From the cardboard it is necessary to cut a rectangle, twist it into the cylinder and fix with glue. From yellow paper you need to make a cone - it will be a crown of a tree. Details must be combined with each other. Next to work you need to take prepared leaves. They should be glued to the crown of wood in chaotic order. Here is what the final version of the birch looks like.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_26

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_27


Since the skill in the manufacture of ordinary mushrooms has already been received, to make a bulk agarity will be very simple. The main thing is to prepare everything you need:

  • white cardboard;
  • paper of red and green colors;
  • Corrector (white liquid in a bottle).

From white cardboard you need to cut a rectangle and glue it into the shape of the cylinder. From red paper you need to cut a circle, cut a triangle from it, shape a hat and glued to the leg. From green paper, you also need to cut a rectangle, make cuts, rounded them with scissors and enclosed around the bottom of the trunk. Must get grass. With the help of the Corrector on the Hat, you must apply white points. As a result, the Amanita should look like this.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_28

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_29

How to make a heart?

In order to make a bulk heart from paper, a thin cardboard of red and white colors, scissors, pencil and glue takes. The manufacturing process is quite simple.

  • On white cardboard you need to draw a heart and cut it. It will be stencil.
  • Further on it need to outline the same figures on red cardboard. They should turn out 9 pieces. One of them is the foundation, and others for gluing.
  • Just like in the master class with an apple, you need to glue the parts between yourself, and then connect them with the basis. Heart ready.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_30

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_31

Making animals and birds

From paper you can make volumetric animals. If the craft is made for a kindergarten or elementary school, it is better not to take complex schemes. So, to make a paper peacock, you must prepare the following:

  • Colored paper set;
  • Flomaster black.

From paper of different colors, it is necessary to make harmonics of the same size. They need to be glued together to get fan. But in fact, this is not a fan, but the tail of the future peacock.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_32

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_33

Next you need to make blanks:

  • Blue paper two forms - a circle and oval;
  • from yellow - small triangle (beak) and crown;
  • Two white paper mug.

On the central part of the tail, it is necessary to glue the torso and head. Top to glue the crown, and on the face of the beak and white circles - eyes. They additionally need to draw black dots, and peacock is ready.

By the same scheme, you can make a goose, only from white paper, and the beak should be red. At the same time, the tail is better not to do so voluminous.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_34

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_35

From white cardboard you can make a polar bear. This will require:

  • white cardboard;
  • black marker;
  • glue;
  • Plastic eyes.

You can make a bear according to the scheme.

  • From white cardboard you need to glue a small diameter tube - it will be the axis. Next you need to cut two horseshoes: one is more, and the other is smaller. Additionally, you need to cut three circles: one big and two very small.
  • In the horseshoe, you need to cut a hole of the same diameter as a glued tube.
  • The horseshoes should be driven on the central axis.
  • On the end of the tube sticks the circle, from above ears and eyes.
  • The endings of the horseshoe should be taken a few millimeters.

With the help of a felter, you need to draw eyes and legs. The bear should work out.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_36

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_37

Flower ideas

From paper you can make bulk flowers. The easiest option is dahlia. To create such a craft, you need to prepare:

  • blue cardboard;
  • Stickers for reminders of yellow color;
  • glue.

First you need to make a sufficient amount of billets from stickers. For this paper, you must alternately tear off the total pack and twist into cones. Next to the cardboard they need to be laid out the nose to the nose. Fixed with glue row by side. As a result, it should be like this.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_38

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_39

And you can also make cornflowers or chamomile. To do this, you will need to prepare:

  • paper of two colors;
  • Drinks for drinks.

The beverage tube must be cut so that its length is 7-8 cm. Important moment! For better clutch it is better to choose not plastic, and cardboard tubes. From the colored paper you need to cut the circle - it will be the core of the flower. From the paper of another color, cut out a few long strips. Next, the core must be glued to one end of the tube. The circle from the back is lubricated with glue and glue the sliced ​​strips in the form of a kettop. Flowers are ready.

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_40

Volumetric crafts from paper: Autumn figures with their own hands. Pumpkin for children from colored paper, mushrooms and flowers. How to make an apple on the topic of autumn? Other ideas 26695_41

On how to make a bulk elephant from paper, see the next video.

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