Bouquets for mom do it yourself: how to make them for a birthday and school on a master class? Simple homemade gifts


Make your own hands a bouquet as a gift for mom for a holiday is easy. Below will present several master classes to create bouquets from different materials: from paper, napkins and fruits.

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How to make paper?

A homemade bouquet of paper is quite easy to manufacture. Such a cradle will later be given to mom as a birthday gift or attribute to the school to the exhibition.

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In order to make a bouquet of paper roses, you will need the following materials:

  • Color double-sided paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • hot glue;
  • wire.

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Prepare everything you need can be started.

  • Initially, you need to make a template: on a paper sheet, we draw a pencil spiral flower with wavy lines as it looks like in the image. Next, take the scissors and cut out the basis for the flower from the edge to the center, getting something similar to the spring according to the result. Next you need to circle this item on colored paper and cut out again.
  • Now we take a small piece of thin wire - it will be a stem rose. We apply hot glue to the edge of the wire, kpripim the blank for a flower and begin to wind up, forming a rose. Having finished gluing, straighten the petals to the fingers so that the flower looks more lush.
  • The flower stem can be left as it is, and you can make it green by wrapped it with Moulin threads and fixing them with the help of glue. This process is quite long, it is necessary to act neatly, as one embarrassing movement you can spoil the beauty of the crafts.

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Flower ready! We make several such floweries to create a full bouquet of them.

How to collect fruit?

Do it yourself such a bouquet is not so difficult, as it may seem. To create a gift you will need:

  • Fruits themselves;
  • Food film;
  • long wooden spanks;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • wrapping.

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By collecting all the necessary materials, you can proceed to work.

  • First of all, citrus fruits must be cut in half. It is not necessary to cut everything, some of the fruits can be left integer. Place the fruits on the ships, having them somewhere in the center to hold equilibrium. The cut fruits are wrapped with a food film and fix it with a scotch - all this will help preserve the appearance of the cut fruits and prevent their darkening.
  • Next remains only to collect a bouquet. Try to locate its elements symmetrically: two apples, two oranges and so on. If desired, such a bouquet can be diversified with herbs and flowers, but it is only at your discretion.
  • Having completed with the assembly of a bouquet, tightly connect the skewers with the help of a tape. Cool firmly, otherwise a bouquet can simply fall apart. Too long pieces of speakers doine scissors.
  • It remains to complete the bouquet in the wrapper paper. It is necessary to do it so that the spanks are not sticking out. We bind the finished bouquet with a ribbon and tie a bow. Ready!

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Please note that a long time to store such a bouquet is unlikely to succeed, as it flies fast enough.

A gift from the napkin

Make a napkin composition is also easy. To do this, you will need napkins, simple pencils, threads and scissors.

  • Fold the napkin into the square and cut down the "Waves" by its edge, similar to the fringe. To facilitate yourself tasks, just notice the contours of these "waves" by a simple pencil, and then use cutout scissors.
  • Expand the napkin and roll it into a roll, then disappear as it is shown in the figure, getting something similar to the butterfly. Secure the workpiece in this position using the thread in the middle.
  • Now your fingers neatly straighten the petals to fluff out the flower. Separately, you can make a floral skeleton from the speakers so that the flower gains stability.

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Make a few more pieces of flowers to form a full bouquet of them.

Bouquet for mom from paper in the video below.

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