Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them?


Maple leaves and flowers can be made to collect them in a beautiful fall bouquet. You should know how to prepare the material and create crafts.

Preparation of material

Ideally, you need to collect leaves in the forest. City dwellers go for materials of the future park. It is advisable to go to distant places it: there will be more clean foliage and fragrant. Those trees that grow beside the road, absorbing the exhaust gases. Autumn bouquets often make children exhibitions, and more environmentally friendly than be creative, the better.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_2

If you can, you need to pluck the leaves, but not to pick up from the ground as the tree they are still alive. They even have an internal moisture, they are dense, have a glossy shine. Fallen leaf already deprived described properties.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_3

Diy usually suitable green, red and yellow leaves. If you're lucky to find instances of mixed colors, the better. They will give future flower charm and naturalness.

The leaves can be of different size, because due to the size you can also maximize the naturalness in the preparation of the bouquet.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_4

If the collected material does not process, limiting the viability of crafts 2-3 weeks. Sorry to part with the man-made beauty through this, in general, short term.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_5

If the material is a special way to prepare a bouquet will last much longer.

  • Smooth, whole, do not have holes leaves must be lightly wiped with a damp sponge to remove dust.
  • Dissolve in bowl 0.6 L water and 0.3 L of glycerol. The mixture was put on fire, boil, cool to room temperature.
  • All good stir, pour into a deep plastic container.
  • Treated leaves stems immersed in a solution down to 7-8 cm, cover tightly resealed.
  • Capacity is cleaned in a dark, pretty cool place, where not exposed to ultraviolet light. To fully processed leaves them at this point you need to keep about 10 days to 2 weeks. It should be borne in mind that the more "fleshy" list, the longer it needs to soak.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_6

Understand that glycerin impregnation success, we can be appeared on the broad surface dew dropwise. After glycerol laminated sheets become more flexible and soft, acquire increased elasticity, with them much easier to work with. Appearance only gain and increases resistance of the bouquet to several months.

The leaves, which were stored in glycerol, of course, require drying. Their surface can be wiped with a flannel or other delicate fabric, leave to dry for a couple of days.

You can hang them on the rope for cuttings. And can be ironed, but natural drying is preferable.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_7

If the handicap is needed soon, there is no time for glycerin baths, it is necessary to wash the leaves and give them a bit a little. Ready bouquet to sprinkle with a hairpiece. Or you can do this: take a brush with a long pile, cover the leaves with sunflower oil. After about a day, it is absorbed. Obviously, the second way implies temporary costs. But it is good, and what is important, the surface will not be fat.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_8

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_9

How to make original bouquets?

Making roses made of maple leaves will help the next master class. To make 3 maple roses, you need to take no less than 50 yellow-green copies of different sizes, as well as several twigs of the car and thread.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_10

Roses made of maple leaves do it yourself step by step.

  • Clean leaves first need to try the iron. This can be done only through the cloth, folded twice.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_11

  • From the first leaflet (it should not be the largest) forms a rose core. The front side of the sheet is twice the opposite part of it should be inside.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_12

  • The sharp angle is fused in the middle, tightly folded into the tight core.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_13

  • The second sheet also folds twice, sharp edges are cleaned inside, the core rinse them.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_14

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_15

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_16

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_17

  • Each next sheet, you need to position below the previous one. So continue until the product is reminding this bud.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_18

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_19

  • When the bud is formed, it's time to take threads and fasten the flower. The thread should be tightened with pleasure, making sure that the inner petals and core do not fall out.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_20

  • Other flowers are twisted in the same way. From those sheets that remained, you need to collect a cuff.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_21

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_22

  • Complete the autumn bouquet will be able to several twigs of the Tui: they are perfectly suitable in color.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_23

  • The lower cuttings are well rewound with thread. If it is possible, you can wind the cuttings of a rigid teip-ribbon in several layers. This will create the illusion of a solid stem, to keep such a bouquet will be more convenient.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_24

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_25

There is another option to make roses from the leaves, but the order of folding elements will be a little different. It will take:

  • 10 maple leaves of different sizes and colors;
  • rods (for stems);
  • scissors;
  • Green Teip-tape.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_26

A bouquet of maple leaves is manufactured in stages.

  • The smallest leaf need to turn the inside to yourself. He has the tops from him, roll into a roll. It turns out a floral middle.
  • On the second sheet, the middle top is also bent and applied to the bouton. Then the edges of the sheet bend and turn it around the bud.
  • Alone to the core join all the leaves. They must be imposed on the mustache in order to increase the size.
  • Ready bud is fixed by thread. It is necessary to connect the twig, wind from the base of the flower along the entire length of the Teip-ribbon.
  • Made flowers are connected to a bouquet.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_27

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_28

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_29

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_30

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_31

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_32

Next, the bouquet can be reappeted, make it brighter, interesting. Perfectly look next to the maple roses of the bunches of Ryabina. V The quality of the strapping will not find a jew rope.

Also, you can fix the glue pistol with a glue pistol on a wooden skeleton, they will look great in the maple bouquet.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_33

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_34

Useful recommendations

Interesting bouquets mixes, that is, such structures in which flowers made of maple leaves are connected to flowers from other materials. For example, roses can be formed from orange peel. A bouquet will be bright, and even fragrant.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_35

There are other useful tips from art masters.

  • Buds obtained from maple leaves can also be fixed on branches, it will suit hot glue. Fixation sites can be reeded by any convenient way. Flowers, which, instead of stems, branches will be more durable. They are easy to put in the vase, the bouquet of them will not fall apart.
  • If you spray on the finished bouquet of varnish with sparkles, it will especially look beautiful in the evening light. Only sequins should not be silver, but golden.
  • To make a bouquet turned out more fragrant, then carnation, cinnamon sticks can also be included in its composition. Diversify dried citrus samples, they can be placed on wooden spanks.
  • If the bouquet itself is bright, then just as bright packaging will become a brute force. Kraft paper for wrapping a bouquet of more than enough.
  • Roses made of maple leaves - the original bouquet of the bride. And if the image of the bride is also in Eityle, Bocho, it will be a very harmonious combination. A bouquet can be supplemented with long satin ribbons of colors of autumn palette, beautiful decorative braid.

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_36

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_37

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_38

Bouquets of maple leaves with your hands (39 photos) as a step by step to make flowers from the leaves of the master class? Beautiful autumn leaves of a rose in stages. How to collect a bunch of them? 26650_39

Detailed master class on creating a bouquet of maple leaves can be found in the following video.

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