Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does


The modern market of goods for children is full of various games and classes that are aimed at the development of the creative skills of the child. One of these is plasticine, in the process of modeling the shallow motorcy is developing, creativity and imagination are formed.

In order to make a work with a plasticine more convenient, special boards for modeling were created, in which the child performs all the work on creating his "masterpiece".

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_2

What is it and why are you needed?

The molding board allows you to create a work area for the baby, making it more comfortable. This fixture creates more convenient conditions for making various actions with plasticine (rolling, cutting, modeling, etc.). In addition, limited workspace teaches a child to engage in a favorite thing in a certain place, teach it to clean and order.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_3

Features of the modeling boards are as follows:

  • It is a limited working area that teaches the child to do business in one place;
  • Easily purified from plasticine residues, while the surface of the table remains clean (at least most of it);
  • Ideal for classes with plasticine, wax, dough and kinetic sand.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_4

This board is recommended to purchase in kindergartens and schools, as she teaches a child to keep the workplace clean.

Review of species

Modern modeling boards are represented by a large number of diverse models that differ in size, shapes, colors, as well as the presence of additional elements.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_5

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_6

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_7

We offer to familiarize yourself with the models of boards for modeling the most popular manufacturers.

  • Surface for modeling "Stamm" From hard plastic (Russia). Size - A3, thickness - 2 mm. A large white rectangular working surface for working with plasticine, test, clay. It has safe "soft" angles.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_8

  • Set for modeling No1 School Shustriki (Belarus). The kit includes a board and two stacks. Children's green model, a4 size and 3 mm thick. "Soft" angles, hard plastic - safe and durable.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_9

  • Relief stencilwork board (Russia). Size - A4. White mat made of plastic on one side is covered with a smooth surface on which there is no plasticine. From the reverse side looks like a bulk drawing.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_10

  • Silwerhof (Russia) . The product is white in size A5, the thickness is 1 mm. Plastic model with rounded edges is a safe option for a child by age up to 3 years. There are different colors and sizes.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_11

  • Board "Junland" (Russia). Blue workspace for classes with plasticine, clay, as4 test. Provides 7 compartments for plasticine, also in the set there are 2 stacks of different shapes.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_12

Criterias of choice

To model various features from plasticine or test brought a child joy, it is necessary to prepare a convenient workspace for it and choose the right board.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_13

Here are some recommendations that will help this.

  1. Boards produce two types: plastic and wooden . The first are the first, they are different design options and are presented in a wide color palette. Such products are cheaper of wood models, and much more practical in care and operation. However, if it is important for you that the child worked only with environmentally friendly material, you should give preference to a wooden board for modeling. It is not easy to find such a device. Some use as an ordinary cutting board from a tree, which we used to enjoy in the kitchen.
  2. The size of the boards are several species - A5, A4 and A3. It is better to choose the greatest all options for their homes. It is more convenient to work, and less likely that plasticine will fall beyond the board.
  3. When choosing a color, it is preferable to buy models of light tones . Baby's eyes when working on a bright color board, especially red, quickly get tired.
  4. There are plaques in monophonic and with a drawing . If it is important for you that the child is focused on the pushing of the figure, it is better to choose one-photon models so that it is not distracted. However, on the boards with a drawing, the baby will be more interesting to play with the finished handicraft.
  5. There are two-way products . One side of which is designed for the modeling, and on the other there is one or several small relief images. It is used to translate an image drawn by wax shallow, on a sheet of paper.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_14

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_15

How to clean after work?

After the baby finished the work on the creation of crafts from plasticine, moms will have a difficult task of cleaning the working space.

First you need to remove plasticine residues by a regular scraper. Fully clean the working surface will not work, but it will make it easier for its further cleaning.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_16

There are three main ways to help well wash the laying board.

  1. Hot water. Any plasticine under the action of high temperature water is easily cleaned. The disadvantage of the method is that not all plastic boards normally carry contact with boiling water, they can deform or crap.
  2. Vegetable oil. Wrapped in vegetable oil with a cotton disk or a cloth wipe the contaminated surface. After that, the clean board is woozy to wash the dishes to get rid of the bold trail.
  3. Toilet paper or paper handkerchiefs . From the napkin we form a lump and pass through the surface with the plasticine, which remains on the napkin. Such a cleaning will take the greatest time, but it has no consequences.

Plaques for modeling: mats for plasticine A3 and A4, models A5. How to clean them after work and what can be laundered? Children's large and other does 26622_17

On how to wash the board, look next.

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