Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind "Devourer" and easy train their own hands?


Very often taking a great interest in needlework wonder how blind train from plasticine. Many of them attracted by another, more specific question - how to sculpt "Eater" and easy train their own hands? It is worth, however, to find out how to make a military train, and what advice experts give molded case.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Simple option

    This hack is available, even for preschool children. No special skills are not required here. Carriages are made of plasticine by attaching white "windows" to the blue rectangle. But coaches can not do without a roof. To obtain a rectangular piece of blue clay, which will have to bend.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Next you need to dazzle black wheels, and attach them to the bottom of the wagon. Similarly, you can do, of course, and orange, and green, and white cars. As far enough imagination and colors of plasticine. Next you need to step through their own hands to make a locomotive:

    • molded green elongated rectangle;
    • cooked pink element;
    • attach the nose of the locomotive;
    • complement the windows;
    • black wheels set;
    • give yellow "tick" and crown locomotive roof pipe;
    • complement the train roof;
    • fasten together the entire composition - should be just like the picture.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    How to make the "Eater"?

    To work require a large amount of red clay.

    The technique is as follows:

    • rub cardboard plasticine to stay only a portion for bonding;

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • rolled into a cylinder preform previously using PVA adhesive;

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • when the adhesive strip is withered, it is necessary to slightly flatten the cylinder to the top of "Eater" has been narrowed;

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • sidewall randomly coated white blotches of different sizes (they symbolize the eyes);

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • denote surface coating muscle mass;

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • decorate wide red jaws with sharp teeth;

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • placed inside the figure of the "main passenger" resisting divorced in hand grips in the walls "Eater";

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    • finalizing the "eyes" to make them look more natural.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Modeling of the military train

    Stylized subjects like small children, and cartoon characters - their fans. But there is something that will appeal to those and others - production of their own hands "almost real army locomotives." For this you need a black, gray, blue and red clay.

    The cylindrical preform for the bow is usually black or dark gray color.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    The procedure is simple:

    • bar knead hands;
    • pressed to the board;
    • ride a lot of back and forth;
    • further prepared brusochek of dark blue clay, it should be more, to save on material is undesirable;
    • Connection with the previous block strictly perpendicular to the simple match;
    • The locomotive cabin will have to add glass, also need a long strip of bluish plasticine;
    • Then make red wheels;
    • framing them with black crate;
    • apply "drawing", which supports the rotation of the wheels;
    • add auxiliary parts;
    • put a safety lattice;
    • Enjoy the result.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Useful advice

    Recommendations in the process of working on the creation of trains are:

    • You can replace any colors at discretion - geometric authenticity is more important than exactly desposed coloring;
    • Wheels must be attached to the bottom of the design without slurnds;
    • Thin cardboard is almost useless - sheets are required.
    • When working it is useful to keep a fabric soft napkin to bring hands in order;
    • It is possible to roll out plasticine with a conventional kitchen rolling pin;
    • To increase the strength of the craft (for example, with public demonstrations), wire frames are used.

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    Train from clay: how to make kriegslokomotive? How blind

    About how to make a train from plasticine, see the next video.

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