Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children?


Lovers of crafts are very interesting to know how to step by step to blind an ordinary knight of plasticine. It is also worth understanding how to blind the French knight in stages for children. It is still necessary to take into account some recommendations of the experts.

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_2

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_3

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_4

Classic option

The romantic image of the knights is not too consistent with reality, and they were mostly robbers in spirit, but this is not particularly important when modeling. The traditional figure of the equestrian warrior of the Middle Ages is created using plasticine:

  • yellow;
  • dark gray;
  • brown.

Additionally, you need familiar to all fans of the stack of stack. You still need a small stick or a tube. The phased process passes so. Heat the plasticine mass (optionally in hand, it can be done on the radiator). Roll to the body.

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_5

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_6

Prepare elements for the feet of the future knight. Form patterns and imitate a flat sole, on which the figure will be able to stand. Collect the body and legs into one. Make up arms from several parts (they should be immediately installed on the place).

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_7

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_8

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_9

Make a ball and plasticine pancake. By connecting them, drawn the line on the pancake so that it corresponds exactly to the image of the helmet. They collect a figure finally, complementing the helmet with a symbolic pen and handing the knight of the spear (by the way, it was with the spears they mostly fought).

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_10

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_11

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_12

How to make a French knight?

But common stylized features from plasticine are preferably small children. Later, when the experience of the modeling is gaining and knowledge of the world around the world and about history in particular, a desire to make a more specific character appears. And if the French knight of the heyday of this class is taken as the basis, then one plasticine can not do. Before it is made step by step, it is important to prepare a wire frame in the form of a little man. On this frame gradually pose pieces of material.

First form legs. Next comes a torso queue. When it is ready, you can form the bottom of the body of the Terrible Warrior. The figure is detailed from two sides, carefully aligning the sides: very ugly will be released if at least small clearances will remain in them.

Handles should not be sculpt no brown, but from blue plasticine.

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_13

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_14

But then they will be covered with the same dark layer as the main part of the body. Only for a small part of the hands make an exception. With the help of stacks form a recess in the cervical plate. Further:

  • modify hands and legs;
  • put a bodily color head;
  • surround the head of the helmet of a darker color;
  • form an armored collar;
  • we are finalized to compliance with historical sobrase;
  • Prepare blue kirass and shield with fitting symbols;
  • give the armor the required relief;
  • Two-layer brown-yellow stand prepare (all this will not always be obtained from the first time, sometimes they need numerous alterations);
  • Give a knight in hand a banner on ancient.

On how to make a French knight from plasticine, see the next video.

Useful advice

There is no particular attention to the clothing or study of the parts of the knightly body. All the same, the figure should be charged in the armor, because lovers of modeling can simplify their lives. If there are no special personal wishes or desire to reproduce some particular prototype, it is enough to designate the armor with gray. If there is no desire to mess around with the wire, then the legs and hands can be collected on the toothpicks: it turns out almost just as tight.

Empty rod from a ballpoint pen will help to smooth the surface. If possible, it is necessary to buy plasticine only known, proven manufacturers, which has a deliberately safe composition. In some cases, it is more correct to change the order of work and form a figure from top to bottom.

And one more nuance: when modeling, it is necessary to carefully check the stability of the knight, to observe the balance so that no part tolerate and everything stood smoothly.

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_15

Plasticine Knight: how to make a step-by-step instruction. How to make a French knight in stages for children? 26581_16

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