Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts


Plasticine modeling is not only a creative occupation, developing small motility in children, but also a pleasant hobby for adults. A separate item in the list of facilities of the modeling is made of confectionery made of plasticine. Here and bright colors, and charming miniature sizes. Today we will talk about these cute and inedible crafts, and more specifically - about plasticine cakes.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_2

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_3

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_4

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_5

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_6

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_7

What will required?

Before you start work, we need to choose materials. And the main one, of course, plasticine.

The criteria to which it must correspond to the following.

  • Security. This item is important for children's creativity. The kids are drawn in the mouth of things and not so attractive as bright pieces of plasticine. Child clay should have a repulsive taste, it should not contain toxic components. Fortunately, most brands are responsible for this parameter. In any case, do not leave children up to 3 years old with plasticine one on one! Small details carry in themselves other hazards, in addition to toxicity, including the risk of entering the respiratory tract. To work with crumbs, you can replace plasticine on salty dough or special masses for children's creativity (there is a Hasbro assortment).
  • Plasticine should not require long and time-consuming kneading before starting work.
  • He should not stick off tightly to clothing and hands, leaving fat traces after himself.
  • Plasticine should not be too soft - reduced to a minimum benefit for motility. Soft options are suitable only or for applications, or for quite kids who are just starting to know the charms of modeling, creating the simplest forms and simply a lumpy material in the handles.
  • Details made of plasticine should well adapt among themselves. Problems with this arise if the top layer of plasticine is hardly hardening. To improve the fastening of parts, you can hold them in water or use the frame of the toothpicks, for example.
  • For adult creativity or major projects with older children, it is better to use sculptural plasticine. He is much tougher, you can work with him, cutting out the details with a knife, which allows you to create small, accurately worked parts. Minus is a narrow color gamut, usually such a plasticine brown or black. But it does not lose the shape in heat.
  • Plasticine should be stored in closed containers so that it does not fall. And in order to extend the life of the finished product, cover it with varnish.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_8

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_9

We will need tools to work with the material. The simplest plastic knives and stacks, safe for children, most often sold complete with plasticine. For adult creativity, the choice of tools is much wider. Such stacks are made of wood or metal, have a different form. Metal stacks can be heated, in addition, they are used to cut out plasticine surplus.

Even for children's creativity it is better to have several stacks and knives - it will help to avoid plasticine stains of the same color on the details of the other.

From the girlfriend in the work, a rolling pin to create flat "pancakes", plastic lids or unused baking molds - with their help you give the product the right shape, toothpicks - for fastening the items with each other. If you work with a child from 7 years old or leopate the TOR from plasticine yourself, there are also various beads - they will fit well as decorative elements.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_10

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_11

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_12

Simple option for the smallest

Let's start with the option for children 3-4 years. First, give the baby to remember how to explore the material. Show him how to make a plasticine one or another form. Talk about colors. After that, you can go to the modeling. Try to do everything with the child.

Start sculpt with basic forms.

  • The ball is a piece of plasticine is simply molded with palms.
  • Snake (worm, sausage) - roll a piece on the board. Let the baby look like, depending on the number of rentals, you can change the length and thickness of the element.
  • Pancake (pellet) - it turns out when squeezed with a piece of fingers.

Working with basic forms, try moving to more complex. Make an egg, drop or cylinder from a bowl. Take the simplest cube. When the material becomes more familiar - go to work.

Let the child blind several multicolored balls. Then they need to roll out, flatten: rolling, between palms or pressing to the table. Try all the options. Folded with cakes fold on each other. Make one more - from white plasticine. This cakes should have uneven edges - it will play the role of cream.

The top can be decorated with plasticine balls or sausages. Ready!

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_13

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_14

How to make a beautiful rainbow cake?

With a child, 5-6 years old can be taken for the modeling of things more complicated. A good idea will make a rainbow cake. Working with their own hands over this "dessert", the child can also repeat the colors. Here is a step-by-step instruction for the preparation of one of these cakes. Let's start with "Korzhi".

  • The foundation. From plasticine 7 colors rainbow rolling pancakes. Match the shape of the circle to detail. Let the kid put them on each other in the right order. Alternatively, you can pave these pancakes with thinner pellets of white color - cream layers.
  • Decoration. Now add details. Make a thin mass of a thin pancake. Cut it on the same stripes. Split strips among themselves, spread them on the cake.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_15

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_16

Other ideas of beautiful cakes

Next, we will give a few more phased instructions. With the help of them you can make the most different "treats".

Wedding multi-tiered cake

Make a few "plump" pancakes of different diameters from plasticine. With the help of the caps from the bottle and stack, correct their shape. Put the details on each other, from more to the smaller. White plasticine sausages wrap the edges of the tiers.

The top can decorate with a bead or elbow from plasticine flower.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_17

Pink sad

For this master class, purchase in advance beads in the form of roses. Make the basis. From her color will depend on the "taste" of the cake. Apply the form of the cylinder. The easiest way to do it pressing it from 2 sides.

You can make one database, and you can 2, and between them the pancake from plasticine contrasting color.

By the way! Another way to diversify the process is not to sculpt the database, but lay a small box or matchbox plasticine. Do not be afraid to experiment, try different options for working with the material.

From plasticine, which will play the role of cream, make a couple of worms. We glow from them braid or just a spiral. Place this item on the edge of the Korzh. Of very thin plasticine worms twist roses. Spread beads and plasticine roses on the top of the dessert. The nail of any doll tea drinking is ready!

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_18

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_19

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_20

Name Cake with Candles

One of the very simple variants suitable for modeling with children. Make the basis. It can be puff or ordinary - your taste. From the pair of plasticine sausages, pull the edging of your cake. In addition, from thin sausages can be put on its surface mesh.

Candles cut out of all the same sausages of different colors. You can simply cut them, you can intertwine white with color. Top to stick a small piece of orange plasticine - flame. Place the candles on the cake. Voila - Done!

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_21

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_22

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_23

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_24

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_25

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_26

Dessert on a plate

Without dishes on a soul dinner, dolls can not do. Take the monochrome database of any shape and any color. Find out the plasticine pancake suitable under your size cake, hang it with the edges with a stack, smoothly cutting in a circle. Put the cake on the plate. At the edges of the plate, perform small cuts. Decorate Cant Cake from Plasticine Worm.

You can add flowers from above, candles - everything you want. You can put in the course of beads, beads.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_27

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_28

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_29

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_30

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_31

Berry field

  • We will need brown, white, red, purple, green and blue plasticine. Some of them will go to the cakes, part - on cream and stuffing. From brown, white, red, green, purple plasticine, stick smooth, neat stalks-layers. They will play the role of biscuits, cream and fruit layers in our dessert. Align the shape of the "biscuit" pieces of the cake, make it the sides of the texture. This can be achieved by pressing a large sanding sheet to them.
  • Collect the basis, alternating white and brown pancakes. The number of layers is at your discretion. The main thing here is not to overdo it. White layers should be significantly thinner. Let them in some places go beyond the borders of brown, stretch them down the "biscuits", creating the feeling that the cream leaks.
  • The resulting design already looks "appetizing" But the main decoration process is still ahead. Of the red, blue and purple plasticine balls, tag berries. Do not limit yourself to simple balls - try to give them the outline of strawberries or raspberries.
  • From green mass cut out leaves. Stick to leaflets of berries. To attach these little details, cut the toothpicks, stick them to our "raspberry" and "blueberries". Place decorations on the cake. There is the case when the greater the better. Masterpiece of culinary art is ready!

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_32

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_33

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_34

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_35

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_36

If you want to diversify your plasticine table, add a cake to the cake, which will be a nail of the program, also bright cupcakes. You can make them as follows. Take a brown plasticine (it will be a "leg" of our cupcakes) and several bright colors. We will also use beads, rhinestones.

Tear away from the bars of small pieces. Adjusting with your fingers, form legs from brown plasticine. You can make them ribbed using a knife or stack by making notches. From the colored mass, make a lot of worms. Twist the shirts of pigtails, combining different colors. Play with combinations. Place the pigtails in the helix-caps. Secure the filling on the cupcake and add the decor, then decorate the cake.

Ready. The main thing is that you yourself see what appetizing plasticine sloy.

Watch carefully that the child does not swallow them. Explain the older guys, that it is inedible, dangerous. And, if possible, cook something delicious for the baby so that the bright dessert is not only in the dolls.

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_37

Plasticine cake (38 photos): How to make a cake for children 5-6 and 3-4 years old? Step-by-step description of modeling and beautiful examples of crafts 26561_38

The modeling is a pleasant and useful occupation, exciting not only children, but also adults. Just look at what miniature masterpieces can be created from a simple material that we all know well from childhood. If you or your child will truly drag this process, you can go to sculptural plasticine, polymer clay or even an ordinary clay.

The main thing is to start and, complying with the rules of security, discover this stunning world of creating tiny (and not very) things for themselves.

On how to make a plasticine cake, see the next video.

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