"Puppy patrol" from plasticine: how to sculpt a rider? How to make a marshal step by step? Tips on laying


Miscellaneous lessons for children 3-6 years old combine pleasant with useful. On the one hand, the shallow motorcy and the fantasy of the child develops, on the other you can hurt or close your favorite cartoon. In this article we will give recommendations on the modeling of the heroes of the famous cartoon "puppy patrol".

How to make a rider?

The "puppy patrol" is one of the most favorite cartoons feeding, where cute dogs save the world every day. The main character of the animated film was the puppy Rider, presented in the blue form of a policeman. Consider a step-by-step example of the modeling of this character from plasticine, which will be interesting for children.

To create a rider's figurines, you will need a plasticine mass of blue, brown, light brown, white, black, yellow and blue colors.

  • First of all, you should work on the body. Take a cone with a flat end of blue plasticine and scab it on toothpick.
  • From brown material, roll 4 sausages, on the ends of which should be attached to the balls of the light brown shade. It turns out the legs, 2 of them need to be attached in front, and 2 others - from behind on the sides.
  • Decorate the torso round icon of blue plasticine with yellow stars.
  • Whether the facet of face. Form the face of light brown plasticine, with the help of the stack, cut out the notches for the eyes and mouth. Insert round places in the top holes, and on top of the black pupils and eyebrows. A brown track is leading to triangular black spout. In the mouth insert a pink tongue.
  • Cut the finished head on the toothpick, connecting with the torso.
  • It remains to make a cap and ears. On your head, install a blue headdress with a black visor. Decorate it with a yellow edging and triangular closet. Take the oblong ears with a pink core and attach them on the sides of the head.

How to sculpt Marshal?

The dog Marshal is another member of the "puppy patrol", which, together with the team of heroes, saves a small town. The judgmental marshal in a red firefighter costume is always alert and ready to rush into battle.

Consider a master class, which will help to statenly make the figure of the hero. To do this, you will need white, red, black, gray, yellow and blue tone.

  • To begin with, you should make a torso. From red plasticine, roll the ball and cylinder, connect the two figures together and graduate the joints. Insert the toothpick. Using the reverse side of the stack, do the holes with the front side of the ball and the sides of the cylinder. From the white mass roll the sausages and form the paws, then insert them into the round holes. On top of the body, put on the yellow circle, slightly pressing on it - the collar is obtained. Lightning Make a thin gray sausage and install it on the chest puppy.
  • From white plasticine to form a muzzle and make an opening holes on it. Attach the triangular nose of black and blue eyes.
  • Behind glue a thin white tail. Head Complete Long Ears.
  • Take accessories. Roll off the red shade round layer, gear a semicircle of similar tone on top. Decorate the helmet with a yellow edge and a gray brother in front. For a backpack, connect the red square with two circles and a small rectangle between them. Add gray parts and set a backpack on the back of the dog. It remains to make black spots on the ears and legs.


Lrack is a favorite occupation of many kids. If at first the baby will not be very interesting, attract it to work with your example. Looking at Mom, he will easily get into operation. To begin with, show the child the most simple actions: Teach the folding of small pieces and connect them with each other, roll balls and long sausages. An important action will be flattening the ball and the pointer to the details, it will help the baby to develop a small motorcy. So he will learn to sculpt the face, the ears of animals.

Be patient and apply the child an example for him to be interested in doing business.

Pay attention to plasticine blank technique on the plane. You can pre-draw a small drawing and form a picture on it. First, select something easier, for example, flower. Roll the long sausage and flatter it vertically. The same can be done with petals.

When you plan the model of modeling, focus on the age of the child. For children, just begin to master this process, it is recommended to buy soft plasticine that is easy to mive. Take care of the presence of a boards for modeling and stack for cutting plasticine. For greater involvement, you can buy sets with molds that will help cut different figures.

Be sure to praise the child after each work. You can even arrange the exhibitions of his work.

About how to make Skye from the cartoon "puppy patrol" from plasticine, see the next video.

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