Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling


The person's face is an interesting and quite complicated topic for laying from plasticine. But only before that you read this article. In it, you will learn how to blind or with children a phased flat or volumetric face.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_2

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_3

Useful advice

Before proceeding with the process of work, it will be useful to learn some aspects of the modeling of the human head from plasticine. First, the art of the portrait is considered the top of creativity both in painting and in sculpture. Therefore, the faceter of the face can cause some difficulties not only in children, but also in adults. It is important to support the child if he did not work from the first time. Ideally, if you sculpt the first time, it is better to start with something simple, more flattened and understandable, for example, applications. In this article we will analyze it too.

Children get acquainted with the main forms (let's call them forms, although it is more correct to say "figures") in childhood and if they help them, they can easily list them: Circle, Oval, Triangle, Square, Ball, Cube, and the like. Face modeling is based on the use of the same principles as the usual modeling. Highlighting and changing the main forms, you can easily cope with one task.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_4

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_5

The current plasticine, familiar to everyone since childhood, is produced in different quantities on one package, which significantly facilitates the task. However, if the child does not like this or that color or he considers it inappropriate, you can easily move your own. For example, to create skin color, you need to mix white with a small amount of orange, for the color of the Rumyanta - white with pink, and so on.

If a child with whom you do with a praise, nervous or not sure about your work, do not perceive it like something out of a series of outgoing . The face is a complex form consisting of a variety of smaller. To calm the baby, you can turn on soothing or gently funny music. She will not distract the child, but will make the whole process with a pleasant and memorable.

It is important in the course of work asking a child, what color in a person (for example, mom) eyes, which clothes she wears, where it is and so on. So the baby will be more interesting to engage.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_6

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_7

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_8

How to make an applique?

Let's start with a simpler option. Under the application in sculptural work implies a plane image. In plasticine, it can consist of several colors - in principle, for children of preschool and younger school age, this is enough to "read" an image.

It is also permissible to use treated plasticine creating an additional volume: for example, it is "sausages", their twisting, working with plasticine balls, work with a stack. Typically, the application is performed on cardboard or any other suitable solid basis. The advantage of cardboard is that he, being color, is already acting as a background. The child will work easier only over the shape of the head and face, and the study of the back plan can be left for later.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_9

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_10

We will analyze an interesting application of applications. We will need for this, in addition to conventional plasticine and stacks, an unnecessary disk. It can be replaced with a round or square cardboard. Before starting the modeling, it is recommended to wash your hands.

Flomaster or pencil draw egg. Turn over - it will be a person's face. You can also portray a person by drawing a regular oval. Take some white plasticine or interfere with the skin color. To put it in a smooth layer inside the area of ​​the area. Roll off a small ball of the same color, about 7-10 mm. Attach it to the plane of the face, just below the middle.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_11

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_12

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_13

Roll two identical balls of color, what would you like to make eyes. Slightly crush them between your fingers, give the form oval and place on the line of the middle of the face. Roll up two black and two white balls of even smaller size (4-5 mm). Unlock and create pupils and glare.

Roll and divide into two smooth small brown sausages (or pink) and black (or yellow, brown) colors. It is always better to roll the palm to work out exactly. Attach them as the upper eyelids and brings. According to the latter, you can slightly walk with a stack, inflicting a linear drawing of eyebrows.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_14

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_15

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_16

Create lips with pink or red colors. If necessary, add ears and a lot of chin.

Take the long sausage of the same thickness. Place it in a similar way, as shown in the photo. Add clothing and accessories. Portrait ready.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_17

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_18

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_19

How to make bulk faces?

The modeling of the volumetric faces of plasticine requires skills and patience. Reception that will be described in step by step, suitable for creating a female portrait, a portrait of a girl or child. To work on a man's head, we will need plasticine and toothpick. Phased method.

Create a beige color. Leaving a bit of the resulting mass so that it was enough for the nose, eyelids and ears, roll the ball and form an oval from it in size about 4 cm. Press the stack twice the level slightly above the middle of the oval - it will be an eyeball. Attach the nose. Skate two white identical balls, place them in the orphanages and with the help of sausages, attach over the eyelids. From the plane of the desired color, make pupils. They can be made of very small spacing balls.

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_20

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_21

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_22

Create black sausages and attach them to the place of eyelashes. From plasticine of the desired color (hair shade or other) similarly make eyebrows. Make lips from red or pink plasticine. To be comfortable, carefully suck your head on the toothpick. We attach two oval ear, you can with earrings.

Create a lot of sausages of one thickness. Twist them if you want to make curls. Attach curls. Move from the bottom up so that the new ones overlap the bottom strands. Volumetric portrait is ready.

If you want to make the face of a boy or man in the same way, you should not do too bright lips, and also shorten your hair. You can apply to them in a single volume (create a "cap" from, for example, brown plasticine, and walk on it with a stack, imitating the surface of the hair).

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_23

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_24

Face from plasticine: how to make a person's surround face in stages? How to make a female face and a child's face step by step? Impliqué modeling 26538_25

On how to make a face from plasticine, see the next video.

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