Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard


Bizeboard is a modern developing toy. Almost every person can make such a handicraft. All that is needed is knowledge of the design features and a little fantasy.

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_2

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_3

Features of educational boards

The idea of ​​using the garbdom was proposed by Maria Montessori. The woman believed that the fastest the child was developing when he had the opportunity to freely study the world around. At the same time, the child should be trained in safe conditions. For this, both bisers are created.

Developing boards consist of a plurality of stationary and moving materials. They are fixed on a solid basis. It is very important that all selected details are firmly attached to the board. After all, the safety of the child depends on it.

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_4

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_5

Such boards help develop the following skills:

  • shallow motor
  • The ability to think logically;
  • attentiveness;
  • The ability to perform actions sequentially;
  • memory.

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_6

Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_7

    In addition, the child, playing, becomes patient and more accurate. There are garraders intended for babies and preschoolers.

    • For the smallest. Children from 6 to 12 months are much more pleasant to play with soft blatics made of fabric. They usually decorate the details from felt and foam rubber. Such designs are completely safe for the child.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_8

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_9

    • For one year old kids. Older children are suitable for wood designs or plywood. It is very important that they were smooth and well-processed. In this case, the child will not be able to accidentally scatter or hurt.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_10

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_11

    • For children from three years. Constructions for older guys should be more complex. They can be complemented with letters and numbers. Often blazes adorn puzzles. Preschoolers are suitable for folding structures or bizidomics. They usually placed more different elements.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_12

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_13

    It is also worth noting that the boards differ in size and form.

    • Classic. A simple developing board is very convenient to use. It can be fixed on the wall, put next to the crib or put on the floor. It will be very convenient to work with such a design.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_14

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_15

    • Foldable. Such compact models are convenient to transfer with them from place to place. Developing "books" can also be taken with you on the road, visit or to the cottage.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_16

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_17

    • Cubes. Lightweight and modern toys consist of six different faces. Each of them is located the desired number of details. Such cubes differ in compactness and easily placed on the shelf or in a box with toys.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_18

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_19

    • Houses. Such designs are most functional and practical. There are many different modifications of bizidomics. They can complement the backlight or a stilt board.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_20

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_21

    • Figured boards. Such models are performed in the form of various cartoon or fabulous characters. They can be both bulk and flat. Make such designs from boards, fabrics and felt.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_22

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_23

    You should choose the appropriate option, focusing on your capabilities and dimensions of the game room.

    What is needed for work?

    To make a bizeboard for a child with your own hands, you need to prepare everything in advance what will be used in the work. In this case, do not have to be constantly distracted by finding the necessary things.

    • Board. First of all, you need to choose a suitable board. It can be cut from wood or plywood. The board should be not too heavy and smooth.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_24

    • Materials for working with wood. High-quality knife and drill will be useful. Eat paper can also be useful for aligning the surface.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_25

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_26

    • Paints and varnish. They are used to cover the boards and creating beautiful patterns on their surface. Do not pick up too bright colors. After all, they will distract the child from parts fixed on the surface of the blade. Instead of paint to decorate the base, you can use self-keys. This material quickly glues to the surface and long retains attractiveness.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_27

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_28

    • Glue and screws. These materials will be required to attach all the necessary parts.

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_29

    Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_30

      It is also important to choose all the materials in advance that will be attached to the board. The list of things used depends on the age of the child and its hobbies.

      Usually, a variety of materials are used for the garment.

      • Industrial fittings. You can attach all sorts of handles, locks, junk and loops to the prepared chalkboard. You can use any items that are at hand. Details that are used to design crafts must be large and durable.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_31

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_32

      • Electrical products. The presence of such details also helps the child to know the world around. On the board, you can mount the door calls, switches, sockets and even small light bulbs.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_33

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_34

      • Materials for sewing. There is a place on the bizeboard for coils, lightning, pieces of fabrics with different textures, laces and buttons.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_35

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_36

      • Spare parts from electronics and different household items. Such components will help the child learn how to use things with which he often faces everyday life. On the panel can be attached to the dials from the clock, computer keyboard, consoles, gears, scores and reflective elements.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_37

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_38

      • Illumination. You can make a cradle more interesting for a child by attaching flashlights on batteries or diode tape.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_39

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_40

      Celebrately in work and broken children's toys. It can be xylophone, hourglass and various figures that can make pleasant sounds.

      The main criterion for the selection of all these elements is their complete safety for the kid. For attachment on the board it is worth choosing large and durable details. It is also important to ensure that they are securely attached to the board. In this case, a curious child will not be able to accidentally tear the bright figures from the blade.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_41

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_42

      Ideas of homemade educational boards

      Modern garbords like both boys and girls. Their filling is worth choosing, focusing on the hobbies of the baby.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_43

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_44

      For girls

      Educational toys for girls most often performed in light pink or purple color scheme. There are some interesting ideas for creating such crafts to pay attention to.

      • Toy kitchen. On this board it is worth consolidating several hooks of different shapes and size. They are hanging toy pans, cutlery and cutting boards. There you can also consolidate the bulk figures of all sorts of products and thematic pictures. Such a bizeboard is suitable for the smallest.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_45

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_46

      • Shop. Such a thematic board can be decorated with accounts, panels with buttons, pockets with money and other trifles. Play with her will be interested in a child for 2-3 years.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_47

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_48

      • Beauty saloon. On such a bizeboard it is worth consolidating a small mirror with a neat frame. Next to it there is a place for hooks with different rubber bands and hairpins. There you can also fix the shoelaces that the child will use to learn how to weave braids. This will complement these are all empty banks from under cosmetic agents. They can be replaced by ordinary baby cosmetics attached to the base of the crafts. Play with such a garbdom girl will be interesting and in 5-6 years.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_49

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_50

      • Lock. Such a cradle will accurately appreciate the child who loves all sorts of stories about the princesses. The design made in the form of the castle complements the many opening doors and windows. There may also be fixed ribbons, lightning and bows. Such a toy perfectly fit into the interior of the young princess bedroom.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_51

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_52

      • Laundry. Little hostess will like the design decorated with various household trifles. You can attach colored buttons on threads or rope with trays of different colors and sizes. Below, it is worth fixing a small pocket with trimming fabrics.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_53

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_54

      Little girl and music boards or electrical backlight designs.

      For boys

      I wonder and crafts for boys look. They are most often done in different shades of blue or green.

      • For a young wizard. On this board you can arrange toy tools, as well as real nuts and wrench. The main thing is that they are light and safe for the child. Such a gear design of different sizes will complement. It is important that it is not too heavy. In this case, it can be calmly hang on the wall.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_55

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_56

      • For a small traveler. Such thematic design also looks very interesting. An hourglass is attached on the board, compass, steering wheel from any unnecessary toy and other details that the baby could use on the road. This design may well be made in the form of a folding book. In this case, it will be more convenient to use it and more interesting.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_57

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_58

      • For a lover of space. It looks interesting and the blade stylized under the dashboard of the spacecraft. On the board the light bulbs of different shapes and sizes, gears and dumplings are attached. To look more interesting, it is worth paining into a dark blue color and draw a star on her surface and various planets.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_59

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_60

      • Bizimobil. Such a toy is complemented by neat small wheels. A child can calmly carry it from place to place. A similar deal will be an excellent gift for any kid.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_61

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_62

      • For a young chemist. The design for future researchers can be decorated with various columns, tripods and mins. Complement the basis of the figure of kinetic sand. Play with them nice to kids of any age.

      Like small children and boards, decorated with letters and numbers. Using them, kids can study reading and mathematics, not boring at the same time.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_63

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_64

      The main stages of manufacture

      Deciding in what topic is a bizeboard, you can proceed to its creation. Step-by-step instructions for a novice wizard consists of several stages.


      First you need to prepare a drawing of the future craft. It is necessary to decide on the perfect form of the blade and its size. The plan is worth drawing in advance on paper. In this case, it will be clearer how many materials need to work. It is very important that all the elements are not addressed to each other. In this case, the bizeboard will be convenient.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_65

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_66

      When the scheme is ready, you can proceed to the embodiment of your idea into reality.


      First of all, the board needs to be processed. It can easily be done. To do this, you will need only sandpaper. It needs to carefully polish the surface of the future blade. You also need to carefully round its corners. After that, the subject is to degrease and cover the paint layer. For coloring boards, only non-toxic products need to be used. It is best for the coating of children's products suitable acrylic paint and varnish.

      If there is no desire to mess around with the boards at home, the foundation for crafts can be bought in the store. This option is great for beginners.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_67


      The most exciting experience is the decoration of the board. This is completely the creative process, so there should be guided not by the existing workshops, and on his own imagination. The board can paint, paste over the beautiful photos or clippings. When selecting images is a start on the subject, which will be executed toy.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_68

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_69

      Fixing elements

      Basic elements biziborda fastened thereto by means of screws and the screwdriver. Every detail must be firmly fixed on the board. After the assembly will certainly need to check the reliability of each element attachment.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_70

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_71

      How to make different bizibordy?

      In addition to classical developmental boards have other options bizibordov, which can easily be made from scrap materials.

      House made of plywood

      This hack is perfect for older children a year. Bizidomiki good because they have a number of sides and a cavity inside. On their walls can be positioned much more different parts. Inside this drawer will easily store all sorts of toys. The roof of the house is also used. It can be attached to a marker or chalkboard. The kid will enjoy it with great pleasure.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_72

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_73

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_74

      The process of creating bizidomika plywood consists of several stages.

      1. To get started is to prepare the desired number of boards. They must be well sanded and varnished or painted.
      2. When they are ready, they should fasten together using screws and rods. Ready hack must have a cube shape.
      3. When the house is ready, from the remnants of wood using a jigsaw cut the shutters and doors. They are mounted on the board with the help of loops.
      4. Further, all the necessary parts can be mounted on the finished house: locks, latches, lacing.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_75

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_76

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_77

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_78

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_79

      When making a house should use all the available space. In this case, the artifact will functional and interesting.


      For children who are just learning their own to explore the world, the toy can be made of soft materials. For example, of felt and other tissue. This artifact may be made in the form of a bulk shape, a folding booklets, cube or rectangle. The choice of form depends only on crafts imagination of its creators.

      The process of creating this very simple crafts. First you need to pick up or make a product which will be used as a basis. This may be unnecessary pillow or blanket, sewed in patchwork technique.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_80

      For this based on all the main parts are sewn using threads. For its decoration, you can use the following details:

      • ribbons and bows;
      • beads and buttons;
      • rattle and suspension;
      • small stuffed toys;
      • felt applique.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_81

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_82

      It is very important that they are all securely attached. In some cases, instead of needles and threads for creating a soft craft, a glue gun is used.

      From a cardboard box

      An excellent version of the crafts from the girlfriend is a garble bladder. This developing board is done very simple. To begin with, the cardboard box needs to be blocked with colored paper. Simplify this process using self-adhesive paper.

      After placing the foundation, it can be attached to any additional items. To create a functional bizidomics, you can use plastic dishes, details from old toys, paper cuts and fabrics and other infrid materials.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_83

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_84

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_85

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_86

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_87

      How to use a bizeboard?

      The developing board must be installed in the right part of the room. The child must constantly be under the supervision of someone from adults. You can install the board in a nursery, living room or even in the kitchen. If the family lives in a private house, the blazeboard can be fixed on one of the outer walls.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_88

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_89

      Classic boards must be fixed in a stable position. It is best to screw the finished craft to the wall at a suitable height. If the blazeboard is simply leaning against the wall, the child can drop it on himself and accidentally hurt. Bilateral boards or models made in the form of small cubes and houses can be installed at the wall and, if necessary, move from place to place. The same applies to both bizimobli.

      They can be stored in any room apartment.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_90

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_91

      If the child enjoys a developing board for the first time, he should explain all the features of the device of this design. At the same time, it is not necessary to clarify it all too detailed. After all, the main essence of the use of educational boards is that the child teaches the world around himself. So, he must learn to use all the details attached to the design.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_92

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_93

      A high-quality board-blades really helps the child to know the world in a game form, and also develops his skills and prishability. So that the child is more interesting to study this design, it is worth thinking in advance the possibility of replacing elements on its surface. In this case, the baby will not get annoyed to play with this cradle.

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_94

      Bizeboard with your own hands (95 photos): how to make a developing board for children on step-by-step instructions? Components for homemade bizeboard 26525_95

      About how to make a bizeboard with your own hands, see the next video.

      Read more