Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like?


Aerial snakes are romance, excitement and beauty in the "one bottle". Those who read the story of V. Krapivina as a child, probably remember how his heroes were enthusiastically to create air coils, as much in this business interesting details, as the first launch of the self-made snake. By the way, this topic is not obsolete. And even actively develops.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_2

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_3

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_4

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_5

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_6

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_7

What it is?

The air serpent is an aircraft that holds a person on Earth with the help of Leera, and raises it from the ground the power of the wind. Interestingly, today there is a whole sport dedicated to the launch of air figures, and it is called kaiting. The athlete must move on any device, such as a snowboard or surfboard and enjoy the power of a craving that serves snakes.

Also kites are actively used in panoramic surveys, healthy help professional advertising visualization. At the same time, structures can be both complex, highly professional and amateur.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_8

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_9

The main tool that will be required by the driving snake, the wind. You can, of course, imitate it, but it will take the task: all the time you have to maintain speed. The air serpent is comparable to a sail that has long remained "afloat, while the strength is affected. The wind itself raises the design, drives it.

Earth attraction acts on the design, but it still steak when air resistance. Of course, the process is long and beautiful, you need to properly construct the snake itself. It will not be an exaggeration of the phrase that such design is a whole art.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_10

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_11

It would seem that today the child is more interesting to receive as a gift "Dron", much more technological and modern. But snakes are actually the first aircraft created by the hands of a person. Therefore, it is logical that the child must pass the path of a person: from a simple paper flying rhombus to supercillary and ingenious technology. In addition, with respect to the air serpent, the manager of them is more feels creator. And if he sacrifsted the device itself, emotions are even more captured.

Understand how it flies, thanks to which it happens, very useful for children. These are the lessons of physics, and environmental education, and just an excellent design and emotional experience. Therefore, air snakes are designed not only for entertainment.

This experience can be a hobby and child, and for an adult.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_12

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_13

History of origin

When the first snake was created, it is impossible to say for sure. But it's completely exactly that in the second century before our era, he already existed. Tom evidence - Chinese documents found by archaeologists of the time. The material to create a snake became bamboo, and paper, and silk. And why it is "snakes", it is easy to assume. Anyone who at least knows something about China's culture, understand the significance of the Dragon Figures in it. They were made simply huge, incredibly impressive, mystical. Dragon Morda was bright, scattered. His tail was waving in the wind, the figure was decorated with feathers and ribbons, lanterns and even all sorts of sound effects.

If the dragon also sounded, he made an indelible impression. Flying dragons were regulators of folk holidays. And this tradition did not heal herself, dragons and are now extremely popular in China. Flying toys have become interesting and neighbors of the Chinese. The figures began to appear in Korea, Malaysia, Japan, and in each country the dragon was obtained in its own interesting, special. National cultural traits were guessed in his figure. And then the Flying Dragon began to gain new forms: butterflies, fish, birds, mystical warriors began to wave into the sky. In the early Middle Ages, such devices appeared in Europe.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_14

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_15

In the XVIII century, a new destination was invented for flying toys - they became meteorological tools. First, with their help, natural phenomena simply studied: the same "behavior" of the wind. By the end of the XIX century, a boxed air serpent was created, which was extremely helped by the development of aeronautics. It was he who became the prerequisite for the creation of the first airplanes. By the way, the same box model helped Marconi to establish the first radio communication through the Atlantic.

There are guesses and that in the ancient Rome and the ancient Greece snakes could also be. But still no convincing evidence, therefore, the flying figures have become a national heritage of China. In the city of Weifan, the air coil film festival is held annually. The admirers of this hobbies are collected there, and manufacturers of aircraft.

Views videos and photos from this festival (and other such) inspire many people around the world to create their own products.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_16

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_17

Description of species

A person far from kiting may seem that snakes is a small paper rhombus that children (mainly) are launched into the sky. This representation is erroneous, because products are very different: not necessarily paper, equipped with a chamber, inflatable, etc. But the main classification lies in the instructions in principle.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_18

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_19

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_20


Actually, the main plus of this design is guessed already in the title. This aircraft autonomy. It can be lifted in the air and bind Leer: Snake himself will shove up upstairs until the wind subsides. What is great, so the opportunity to launch a few figures at once. Unmanaged design allows you to play with different elevators, raise photo and video equipment. To surprise the child, it is such a device and need. He, for example, can raise his beloved bear and baby and give him the opportunity to fly, which will lead the owner of the toy delight.

Types of uncontrolled snakes:

  • Delta (triangles);
  • Roccacha (hexagons);
  • English Snake (Square);
  • Eddie (rhombus or daimond).

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_21

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_22

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_23

It is easiest for sale to find a delta snake, one-bar is also often found. But the devices without a frame find it harder. Make unmanaged structures more often from composite materials and synthetics, for example, from carbon fiber or carbon. They are low, but at the same time very durable. If a person decides to make a simple snake himself, then a paper or bamboo paper, plastic tubules can be in the set for its manufacture. And if it is properly assembled, it will fly no worse than the purchase.

If we talk about the size, then this is also important, especially for newcomers in the start of the serpents. The size affects the thrust and the complexity of the starts itself. A huge snake is much harder to pull on the ground, because he pulls stronger.

If the snakes are intended for a child, he is enough a meter copy. Professionals are ready to send flying and thirty-meter design.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_24


Again, the main advantage of such models is also in the title: they need to be managed, which in itself is interesting, technologically exciting. A man does not just hold a rope in his hand with a pattern and tissue design at the other end. He himself is a managing small, but perfect aircraft. He, the apparatus, will respond to the team of man on earth. It is a person who creates a snake turn, he saves him from falling.

True, distract from such control, alas, it will not work. Need complete concentration. And even convey the control of another is a problem. It should be a person who understands what falls into his hands. Again, run the controlled design with weak wind is extremely difficult. To run back and control the takeoff (and the task can be precisely such) not for everyone.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_25

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_26

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_27

The development of this aircraft, as a rule, begins with the use of a single-layer air serpent. Large lifting force he, of course, is no different, and stability is far from ideal, but they simply manage it. But the learning process looks like this: at first, the person must feel confidence in his hands, realize that they are controlled by the process.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_28

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_29

One-bed skipping serpent consists of a frame that is covered with cloth or other canvas, bridles-connector frame with lumber, tail. By the way, the tail is not only and not even so much decoration. It is the tail that sets the snake stability, helps to adjust the flight of the device. Well, of course, what a snake without a coil, on which Leer wound on.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_30

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_31

What are the designs:

  • curved - thanks to the bend, they acquire greater stability;
  • composite - suggest a whole group of serpents as a single flexible system;
  • non-fasteners - their form is created at the expense of air flow;
  • Frameless - there is no rigid frame as such.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_32

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_33

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_34

Controlled snakes are also called flight. It is such structures that participate in sports. As for the show and different spectacular events, the main type of snake used there is inflatable. Such designs are made of a large number of panels, they are always similar to some marine animal. They are inflated with the help of air intakes, which are in the front of the snake, but are completely invisible from the outside.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_35

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_36

Design options

The most popular designer variation is the dragon, but not he is alone. It is logical that often snakes give the form of flying beings: butterflies, insects, birds (eagles and crows), airplanes. But much more interesting look in the sky flying whales and dolphins. Designers, referring to the very word "snakes", construct incredible cobracks, covered with people from above.

People who make simple snakes themselves also think about the design. They can portray the coat of arms of their family on the snake, draw a favorite hero or character on it. You can simply create a fantasy image that will look very beautiful in the sky.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_37

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_38

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_39

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_40

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_41

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_42

Child Nuances

The benchmark goes immediately to several indicators: the size of the device, its flight characteristics, the type of structure of its domes, the complexity of the assembly. Well, of course, the age of the pilot (yes, the manager of the snake may officially call himself a pilot).

Specialists are advised to focus on the description of the following three levels.

  • First level. Snakes related to it are designed for small children and adults who are for the first time in their hands hold such an item. These models will feel that the power of the wind will help to evaluate how the weather affects the flight and so on. Assembly of the design of this level do not require, and if the wind reached the indicators of 6 km / h, the snake will fly. It rises into the sky on the same rope, and therefore all control is regulation of a set of height and descent. If it is a children's snake, and the kid of preschool age, the design of the design can be in the form of a frog, ladybugs, naps, with a fairly large and clear pattern.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_43

  • Second level. Suitable for children over 7 years old, as well as adult lovers. If they have already tried to launch the design easier, can go to the second level. There are already two ropes for such snakes, you can pull it over one, then for the other when managing the device. So snake will rotate, perform tricks. If the weather is flight, tear away from this classes is very difficult. When purchasing a box of the Snake (that is, the model is a box shape of the wings), you can buy the easiest to control the skeleton. Its surface is large, it is easily held in the sky.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_44

  • Third level. Suitable for children over 9 years old and adults. Maneuverability and speed in such models increased, and you can run them at any time if the wind speed reached at least 6, as a maximum of 40 km. The models are strictly calculated aerodynamics, they have a hard framework, and therefore can safely hope for acrobatic snake tricks in the sky. But the manager will require aerobatic skills, dexterity, etc.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_45

Sellers know how the level include snakes, the description of the model should be attended. If there is no big experience in the control, no matter how much you want to start immediately with a steep model, a hurry for nothing.

Reverse effect is possible: Instead of delight - complete misunderstanding, how to control this thing, and why it does not fly. And because the pilot is still very "green" and decided to jump over the first pilot lessons.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_46

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_47

How to tie a fishing line or rope?

To explain how it works, you can walk through the algorithm for the manufacture of a snake with your own hands. Then the question with a fishing line is usually closed. This can be done on an example of a design that will be finished in 40 minutes.

To make it, you need to prepare:

  • Two wooden racks of centimeters of 40 each (even branches are suitable or rigid wire);
  • The coil of the thread or a fishing line, 15 m long, no less;
  • black marker;
  • Scotch;
  • Cellofan or a large cut package.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_48

How to collect.

  • Rake centered marker. On the second to put another label on one fourth part.
  • The placed rails crosswise put on a sheet of cellophane. The first rail will fall on the mark of one fourth second rail. All the frames of the frame are marked with a marker, and then contourly connected. It turns out the outline of the sail. Or, if simpler, rhombus.
  • The rhombus is cut along the contour, gluits cellophane to the scotch tapes.
  • From other packages the tail is built, it should be long. Cellophane segments are also fixed with scotch among themselves. The finished tail is fixed to the rake on the top of the sharp corner of the rhombus.
  • In the crosspoint of wooden rails you need to make a puncture, there will be a line of the line. It can be glued to the slats with a scotch.

That's all, this is the most primitive design, the last step in the creation of which explains how to tie the line. If the serpent is bought (and they are often sold in fixed price stores), then it is just necessary to consider carefully. The fishing line is wound on a plastic coil having cuts for fixing the fishing line (they will not give it to open). In the canvas of the snake there is a special hole, as a rule, a metal hollow circle, there and the fishing line is tied.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_49

How to run?

Run is carried out only back to the wind, the snake hold in front of him. Instructions for launch.

  • Leer need to take directly near the bridle, turn the apparatus to the nose up and slightly pull over.
  • When the wind picks up the snake, you can unwind Leer.
  • For beginners, a simple advice is better to operate together. One person takes a snake in his hands, and the second unwinding Leer.
  • According to the team of the unloading first, the serpent produces, and if the wind power is sufficient, the second remains in place, and the snakes himself swears up.
  • If the land is small, then you need to make a few steps or even run, but only back.
  • And so as long as the air does not pick up the snake.

While snake in the sky, you need to follow the tension of the Leore. If necessary, it must be tightened (if the wind is weakening) and unwind, if it is strong enough. If the strength of the wind is normal, and the snake does not start in any way, you need to check the correctness of the assembly.

If the wind is weak, and snakes begins to drop, you need to go against the wind with Leer, and then the device will look up again.

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_50

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_51

There are other extremely important runtime rules.

  • Never run a flying figure under the power line, near airports and automotive, railways. If the street is scheduled for thunder, thunderstorm, you should also postpone the launch of the snake.
  • Heavy structures are not running over people and animals, also for security reasons. If the pilot does not cope with the control, all Mahina will fall on those under it.
  • If the launch takes place in sunny weather, it is necessary to use sunglasses.
  • Hands should also be protected - it's about gloves. Leer sweep on the hands is categorically forbidden. If a strong impulse of the wind happens, the snakes can quickly rise, and the thread that unwinds is rapidly burns his hands.

Optimal weather conditions, the choice of a snake in the level of preparation, safety - and the launch promises a lot of emotions!

Aerial snakes (52 photos): from paper and fabric. How to tie a fishing line? In the form of a crow and dragon, boxes and others. What does it look like? 26514_52

About how to make an air snake with your own hands, see the next video.

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