How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter?


Tradition to make paper products and run them in the air originated in ancient China. Today, this is a great pastime for the people of all countries, children are especially willingly engaged in this. From the article, learn how to launch an air serpent, how to manage and what kind of precautionary measures need to be observed.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_2

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_3

The best weather for running

Without wind, it will not be possible to move the paper structure from the spot, because it is not for nothing that in this case it is about the air construction. On the features of the movement of the air masses, the smoothness and flatness of the airliner of the glider depends on their strength and direction.

It is necessary to know that in the windless weather, it will not be possible to launch airship, and with strong impulses, the beginners cannot cope with the control.

It is best to ask the wind speed parameters and taking into account your skills and experience in this case to make decisions.

The beginners are recommended to train the snake when the wind is 3-6 meters per second. A better speed at which you can control the paper design in the air, is considered 6-8 meters per second. But if the gusts of the wind make up from 8 to 14 meters per second, it is already a lesson for specialists and professionals.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_4

Strong wind is able to break the glider, confused or break the fishing line. You can navigate on the branches of trees and driving grass. When the plants are slightly leaving, and a small ripple is formed on the river, then the device can be launched.

It is important and the direction of the air flow (it is easy to determine by how trees bent), as well as the position of worth it. Snakes during the flight should resist the wind, so the control structure must be back to the wind direction.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_5

With appropriate weather, you can start the air snake in winter. Only in this case you need to choose a not much snow-covered glade so that it is more convenient to move.

However, the choice of terrain for such a pastime should be considered with full responsibility at any time of the year.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_6

Choosing a place

The locality to start paper structures into the air is as important as the strength and direction of the wind. The following areas are usually chosen:

  • plains without grooves and other obstacles;
  • small hills in the form of hills or embankments;
  • Wide clearing, platforms where there are no buildings, trees and other barriers.

It is important that under your feet prevented anything, because when the air glider is started, the person will focus on the flight control, all the time will look up.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_7

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_8

Therefore, it is important to choose not only the right moment on weather conditions, but also the right area.

In the end, its own security depends on the choice. It will be hurt to stumble at the most inopportune moment when you just started enjoying the process. And to fly your "bird" was beautiful, you need to learn how to run and control the aircraft.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_9

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_10


Rightly start the air paper snake made by your own hands, or the Chinese finished design is quite simple if you follow the necessary instructions. It all depends on the complexity of the apparatus: it is made simply - with one coil or is a more complex mechanism.


In any case, it is more convenient to launch a glider with an assistant. Here's how to act in the case when you are together:

  1. One, holding the air snake, sends it to the noveline up.
  2. The other should be abused 20-25 meters of cable and move back, turning back to the wind direction.
  3. Running gives the assistant to the team quickly drop the glider, and he himself takes the control of the device through the adjustment of the length of the thread and its tension.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_11

If you have to enjoy this activity alone, then when you start, enter as follows:

  1. Select the position with your back to the wind stream.
  2. Keep the glider perpendicular to the surface of the land "face" to yourself.
  3. Make 8-10 steps back, wrathing lin, after which they dramatically pull the thread and start running against the wind stream.
  4. When the air construction takes the necessary height, go to steps and make it control.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_12

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_13

Do not forget before starting to start checking the product for integrity.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_14


The flight mainly depends on the strength of the air flow and the direction of the wind, but the uniformity of movements is from the actions of the manager from the Earth. You can watch the air snake at a distance from 30 to 60 meters upwards, let me release more Leer is not recommended.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_15

If you notice that the air glider "busty" in motion, release a little rope. We will tell about other points that newcomers should take into account when managing such a design in the air.

  • When the wind speed decreases, the design begins to fall. You need to dramatically pull the thread, having swept it either by lowering the hand back.
  • If the wind, on the contrary, gains momentum and enhances, the tension of the cable must be loosen, unwinding the thread or lifting the hand.
  • When the flight is simply unstable, try to understand the reason for this and restore the dynamics of the harvest. You can align the apparatus by placing the nose of the air snake towards the wind.

When managing the planning process is very important to take the desired positions.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_16

Body position

At the very beginning of the launch, a person is located face against the wind. When the air serpent is already in flight, the position of the body can be changed, while not overlooking the glider and follow its movements. Snakes should be ahead of the manager - it will be more convenient to plan planning, understand when you need to pull the lin, and when weakened.

Depending on the power and direction of the air masses, it is necessary to either run, or switch to step, as well as to take the necessary actions with your hands.

Do not forget about freedom of movement - nothing under your feet should disturb you.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_17

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_18


Air gliders are able to maneuver in the air, performing various tricks. But newcomers are recommended first to master the basic and even flight basics, and then try to make the eight, the spiral, to force the snake to perform various circles, loops and other outdoor shapes.

With maneuvers do not rush, if the weather is unstable. With strong gusts there is a chance to snatch lin, and with weak - you need to make more physical effort to maintain flight. In the direction of "nose" of the glider, the intentions of its flight are determined: down or up.

If the snake flies down and drop inevitably, loosen the lin, let the device fall freely. And if you can save the position, then maneuvering with ropes, straighten the flight. We first need to weaken the tension, after adjusting the direction of the nasal part up again add tension again.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_19

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_20


If someone thinks that planted air easily and simply, mistaken. It is not enough just to wind the thread so that the caretaker flew straight into the hands. Strong wind can break both threads and design itself. Observe the following rules to provide a soft landing of the air snake:

  1. Place the design against the wind, for this, together with the snake, take a position at 90 degrees in relation to air flow.
  2. Without sharpness, smooth movements cut the lin.
  3. Watch for the tension of the fishing line as the apparatus approaches the device.

If heins greatly, you need to look for a quieter zone for planting. In the course, moving, reduce the length of the thread. With a gusty wind, you can find the place of the clutch and put a glider there.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_21

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_22

Little children will need help both at start-up and when planting an air serpent.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_23

Precautionary measures

At first glance, this is a harmless occupation. Fun is suitable for both adults and children, but under certain conditions, entertainment can be dangerous. So, to avoid an accident, do not start the air "bird" near the electrical storage or electrolytes.

It is also forbidden to launch something at the time of thunderstorms. It is also forbidden to amused with air structures near the flight zone of aircraft.

In some countries, such a ban is registered at the legislative level or defined by other regulatory acts. For example, within a radius of 6-10 kilometers from airfields, the launch of air gliders in North America is officially prohibited.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_24

In sunny weather, at such a pastime, it is worth taking care of your own security and prevent skin burns. It is important to protect the eyes with dark glasses, and the open areas of the body better smeared with sunscreen.

Observe these simple recommendations and precautions and enjoy such an interesting fun as the launch of the air snake. And if this design is also collected by your own hands, you will get a double enjoyment.

How to start the air snake? How to properly run paper coils with one coil according to the instructions? Running without wind. Is it possible to run in winter? 26513_25

How to run an air serpent yourself, you will see in the next video.

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